
Dangerous Questions

Sunny took a moment to fathom the astonishing truth that Eurys had revealed to him so matter-of-factly. 

It was a hell of a thing to process. 

...No, really.

'I am inside Shadow God's corpse.'

The Shadow Realm… the entirety of it… was the sacred body of a god. 

Which meant that all the other Divine Realms, like Godgrave and Stormsea, were as well.

…And the waking world, too. 

Gods were vast, after all. Vast enough to encompass entire worlds within them, it seemed. 

But gods were also dead. 

The Dream Realm, the realm of the Forgotten God, was slowly consuming all the rest. So did it mean that Forgotten God was feasting on the corpses of his siblings? 

'How morbid.'

What the hell did all of it mean?

'Well… it's not like I did not suspect something like that, already.'