
Shadow Slave: Survival and Domination

Rake was a normal kid. His life was boring and meaningless. But there were some things that he was very passionate about and that was web novels. And the one among them that was his favourite was the webnovel called 'Shadow Slave'. he was caught up to the latest chapter when one day suddenly he woke up in a jungle in an island. "Woah, that was a great nap. Why are there trees around me? Am I still dreaming? Hmm, might be. Meh, this looks interesting at least. haven't had a good dream in a long while. Let's see here...." And before he knew it, a tiger jumped at him from the bush near him and instantly ended his life. everything went black for Rake and the next thing he heard was, [Aspirant! Welcome to the nightmare spell, prepare for your First Trial...] AN: Here's the thing. I love Shadow Slave. I have been reading it for quite a while. So, I have forgotten many things. Frankly, it's both good and bad. Good because I can introduce new concepts or storylines. Bad because there will be mistakes. And I would love it if they were pointed out quickly. So, if there are mistakes, (and trust me, there will be) please point them out. Unless they were intended, I will gladly fix them. Lastly, I am a very bad writer. I am trying but there will be rookie mistakes, feel free to dunk on them as you want. Also, please don't be mean. My motivation for this comes from readers and my love for the novel. Both are important. So, even harsh criticism is very much welcome. Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoy the story.

LazyReaderAlways · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: Memories. 

Sunny has been quite perturbed by this entire set of circumstances. He has been curious about this person for a while. 

He had seen the man using an ability in the morning when returning home from the debacle and hassle caused by the return of Nephis. 

Hence when the new Master asked him to come to his house, he decided to get some answers. He expected them to be simple answers like someone else had referred to Sunny as Sunny and so he did as well. 

But all this secrecy and 'explanation' was beginning to worry him. Not to mention the many tails that this man seemed to have stuck on him, observing his every move. 

He finally came to the conclusion that this man either had some secret that he only wanted to tell him, or wanted something from Sunny. Which makes sense when you consider that he was a highly reputed Master. 

This man might be sent by one of the great legacy clans, House of Night. After all, Sunny didn't have that much connection with them. And simply approaching him would be weird. So, they orchestrated this convoluted weird situation to make Sunny more susceptible or something similar. He wasn't sure what this man might want from him, but he was sure to investigate. 

But all that planning and thinking broke down after hearing the first line from the man's so-called 'explanation.'

"What do you think would happen when someone loses their first nightmare, and then instead of being corrupted and turning into a monster, a random soul is instead inserted into that person? Should the trial continue for that new 'soul'? Or has he passed the trial and should now become a sleeper?"

A question that came from absolutely nowhere. What could that mean?

That's a scenario that's almost impossible to happen. 

"I do not think that to be possible and I don't know." He had to answer both questions. Wretched flaw. 


Rake looked back at Sunny as he said that to be impossible. 

"I believe that is exactly what happened to me. I've been plucked from a completely different world or time and thrown into this place. 

The only one I trust in this new world is you."

Rake decided to be frank with the most honest person in the world.

Rake has simply been thrown into this world with only the knowledge from the web novel. 

A novel that is more than 1400 chapters long and most of which's details, he had already forgotten. Sunny is the only person in this entire world he can wholeheartedly trust. A kindred soul. Someone who has also been suffering for the last 4 years. 

"Explain," Sunny demanded this time with caution in his eyes. If what he said was true, then the person in front of him was most likely a mimic Fallen Titan. With seven cores. 

Even if he had to kill, Sunny wasn't sure whether he would be able to beat the monster.

This explains why he had that many cores. He wasn't a human with divine aspect, he was a fallen titan. 

"Wait. Let me explain. Calm down."

After saying that, he started to explain how he was from a completely different universe. 

"When I eventually ascended after my trial ended, I received some memories or revelations as you might call it. They were about you."

After getting over the part that the man in front of him might genuinely be a person from a different universe, he was hit with another bombshell. 


"Yes, you. Tell me, does anyone know about your connection with Nephis? I know your aspect and flaw. I also know about some of your abilities. 

You are Sunny, Lost from light. Your aspect is something like 'shadow slave' and your flaw makes you unable to tell lies. Am I wrong?"

Rake had decided to lay it down. He and Sunny needed full transparency. There was no need to make each other enemies. He needed many things that only Sunny could provide. 

"No, you aren't wrong. Wha..how…"

"I don't know man. I was just a random guy from my world. I woke up one day and was just here. After passing my trial, I received some knowledge about this world and you were heavily featured there. It was practically from your POV."

"How much do you know?" Sunny managed to say with a shake in his voice that he couldn't control. 

"I know most. I know about the events from your first nightmare. Not everything, but some things. I know enough to trust you. I hope you can trust me in return. I wish to help you and get helped out in return."

Rake had to give it to Sunny, he was taking it quite well. 

Rake didn't tell Sunny about this world being potentially something made from a web novel. That would serve no useful purpose. But revealing these managed to at least make Sunny less suspicious of him. 

However, telling him everything would only make Sunny more hostile and would not be useful for him. Rake wants Sunny's full trust and potential assistance. Hence he refrained from telling him anything about future events. 

He also clarified further his relationship with the government. What their arrangement was. Also, how he came to be near Sunny's house. 

He also mentioned that he knew that Rain was Sunny's sister. 

And after all these revelations, Rake simply stated that he wanted a relationship of give and take. There were things that Sunny needed that he would provide and there were some things that Rake needed that only Sunny could provide. 

"So, what do you want from me and what can you give me?" Sunny asked finally.

"Well, you need as many memories as possible. I can provide that. I have a lot of trash memories that are serving me in no way by just staying in my soul-sea. I can also provide you with a ton of blood-frenzy pills. Those will be helpful. 

And what I need from you is to be taught how to make Memories."

"What? How can I teach you how to make memories? I can barely make them myself."

"Well, my aspect has a relevant innate skill that I got from ascending. And I wish to make full use of it. And you are the only one I know with a similar ability."

"Well, what is that innate ability? In fact, what is your aspect?" Sunny asked finally. 

"It is…"


'Well, that went smoothly.' Rake thought to himself while humming as he walked randomly. 

The 'negotiation went smoothly after that. Sunny told him to keep quiet about the things he knew about Sunny. Rake also agreed with that sentiment. 

He found no benefit in ratting out Sunny. The less people knew about Sunny the better. 

'Hmm, I can even take credit for some of his battles and achievements and help him a bit. He would certainly appreciate that.' Rake 

Rake walked through the city with no clear goal. He found it cathartic. It had been so long since he last walked in a city. 

He had completely forgotten how cramped they could be. There were people everywhere he went. The dust, the dirt, the people. Everything felt both weird and yet nostalgic. 

He felt he had returned to his home. 

'Sigh, so nice.'

He thought he reminisced about all the horrible things he had to go through. All the crazy stuff he had to do the last 4 years. 

And for the first time in a long while, he felt it was alright that he had survived. And he felt gratitude that he had that immortality inside the first nightmare. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to see the world again. 

Or he could've given up and become a vegetable. Who knows?

'Ah, life could be a dream….'



4 years ago, 

Rake was being torn into tiny pieces and devoured for the second time by the piranhas. 

'Damn it! I'm gonna have to do that! Aren't I? Damn it!' Rake declared to himself that he was going to have to implement an idea as his consciousness faded away. 



Alright, Looks like I've backed myself into another corner. Now I'm going to have to reveal his aspect and innate ability before progressing further. 

So, The flashback is going to take a bit of a limelight for a while. 

Small reminder, and explanation of the area before I progress any further. For you guys and myself. Feel free to skip. 

The nightmare arena is divided into three regions. 

The Jungle region: Filled with spiders, centipedes and lot of other nightmare animals/creatures. 

The Beach area: Filled with poisonous crabs, sand worms and mostly sand and amphibious creatures. Hmm, might include more interesting creatures. 

Ocean Coral area:  Filled with fishes. An ocean expanse with shallow rocklike footholds. Like the forgotten shore area where Sunny first was dropped into. But with permanent water. 

I'll be doing one area at a time. Showing how Rake adjusts to each area. Maybe 5-10 chapters? Not sure. Probably going to be much longer. 


Yeah, Rake and I sigh a lot. Bite me. 

Anyways, thanks a lot for reading. Hope you guys didn't get too bored. I wonder what you think about that small bombshell. Why do you guys think he's so desperate to learn how to make memories? 

Feel free to comment. I read them all. Love you guys. Byeeee.