
Shadow slave: Souls Of Mystery

The soul of a 17-year-old teenager is mysteriously sent to his favorite novel 'Shadow Slave.' Without knowing why or who sent him, he will try to maintain the original timeline, but characters that were not in the original novel appear, and he will try to ensure everything goes according to the canon until he can discover the reason for his transmigration. This fanfic will include some elements from another very famous novel. P.S.: I am completely a novice and will do my best to make the fic enjoyable for everyone who reads it.

Gyuko · Book&Literature
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56 Chs

15: avances

There were only three days left before the solstice. I had learned a lot these past weeks and had already mastered more dagger fights. However, the sword was another matter; I simply couldn't fully master its use. So, I decided to spend more time improving my dagger skills and reduce the time I spent on the sword.

In Professor Julius's class, I learned about hundreds of nightmare creatures and many of their weaknesses. I also learned about human domains in the realm of dreams, which monsters could be eaten, and how to cook them.

Meanwhile, over the past few weeks, I managed to become friends with Sasha, the girl who sits in front of me every day during breakfast and lunch.

After that interaction, we started talking every day. Although at first she was somewhat... closed off about being friends, I managed to break the ice and we became friends.

I must say that, strangely, having a friend at the academy did wonders for my mental state. Being beaten up every day and not being able to touch Bibian made me feel somewhat powerless.

But that's where Sasha came in. We talked about our classes, how difficult some things were, and also about mundane things like our likes and hobbies. This relieved a lot of my stress and really helped me.

Regarding my personal improvements:


Name: Jonathan

True Name: Soul Appropriator

Rank: Sleeper

Core: Inactive

Soul Fragments: [84/1000]

Memories: [Armor of the Fallen Legion] [Traitor's Tooth] [Second Skin]

Aspect: [Puppeteer]

Aspect Rank: Divine

Yep, I obtained many soul fragments from the sleeping beasts, as I was constantly facing those deformed things every day. I got three fragments every day; it's been 27 days since I entered the academy and I've grown a lot in just this month.

Also, the day before the solstice, I requested to be allowed to gain control of an awakened beast or monster, which they agreed to, and they told me they would prepare a suitable puppet for the 29th of this month. I'm excited because I will get a very strong puppet to start in the realm of dreams.

By the way, the biggest discovery this month was that I could store or keep my puppet in my soul. I still didn't know how the whole process happened inside my soul, but I can store the puppet when I touch it and have the intention to "store/keep" it. This was very useful as it would allow me to bring my puppet to the realm of dreams.

That was the reason I requested a more powerful creature, and they accepted because they are investing in me, seeing me as someone with great potential who could be a valuable asset for the future of the government.

Another noteworthy event this month was that Ludwel, that damn idiot, was expelled from the combat class for leaving many sleepers in critical condition and not respecting the class rules. Apparently, he also harbors a lot of resentment towards me for having defeated him.

During the month, we almost haven't encountered each other, but I really don't care. If I meet him in the Dream Realm, I might turn him into my puppet if he's very annoying.

Well, aside from all that, now I'm fighting for my life against Ms. Bibian. Although I'm still not an opponent who can keep up with her, I've definitely improved a lot in my dagger-handling technique. Now I can also react better to her attacks and have become more competent with danger premonition.

Not only can I sense when she's about to attack, but now I can also fight back-to-back with my puppet quite effectively. I've gotten used to controlling this creature and feel it more natural.

I can now also sense that my premonition works from the beast's body, as I've improved the way I control my puppet and feel it more a part of me than before. My consciousness is now equal with the puppet and my real body, allowing me to sense everything equally.

As I think about this as if someone were reading my thoughts, perhaps because I believe that higher divinity is watching me, I duck to dodge Ms. Bibian's sword attack and use the beast to strike with three clawed arms that she easily blocks before disappearing again.

My sense warns me she'll appear in front of me, and before I can react properly, she hits me on the forehead with the hilt of her sword, sending me flying backward. I use the creature to strike her, and surprisingly, I manage to connect a blade from the beast's arm to her thigh, making her disappear to cut off the arm.

Although I don't feel pain while in the beast, it still feels awful to lose a limb. So, I make it retreat when she stays in her position.

Regrouping with my puppet, we go on guard as she disappears. I roll to the left to avoid a vertical slash from her sword and attack with two of the beast's claws. She blocks them and kicks the beast, sending it flying to the combat room wall, then disappears, and I sense she'll come out behind me.

I make a full turn with the inverted dagger to try to block or strike her, but I take a second too long. Before the dagger reaches behind my body, she hits me with a fist on the back, making me stagger and fall to the ground.

"Well done, you've improved a lot this month. I got an awakened one for you; I'll give it to you in two days. I'll end the class here. Go wash up and rest. Tomorrow I'll make you fight an awakened beast, so be prepared."

"Alright, thank you for your teaching, oh great benevolent demon."

She approaches with heavy steps towards me and I feel a hit in my stomach.

Without another word, she leaves without looking back.

"Ugh, doesn't she see that I'm very injured? She's truly a demon."


After showering in my room, I walked to the cafeteria to have dinner and go to sleep.

Before sitting in my usual place, a few weeks ago, I started doing something else.

"Good afternoon, Sasha. Guess what, I finally managed to hit that damn devil who's been beating me up all month."

Sasha turns to me and smiles.

"Good morning, Jony. That's surprising; very few sleepers can endure fighting an ascended one, and even fewer can land a hit. It seems that even though she hits you all the time, you're learning well."

I return her gaze and smile.

"Yeah, I'm the best sleeper, didn't I tell you? In my nightmare, I killed an ascended one and a sleeping tyrant with one blow each."

I chuckled, and she looked at me with doubt.

"Yes, you told me, but I still doubt you did that when you barely managed to land a hit on the ascended one training you."

"Oh well, if you don't trust my words, someday you'll see me take down titans. Just wait and see."

She went blank-faced and proceeded to continue eating.

So, I took the opportunity to tell her something.

"By the way, do you have any armor or clothing for when you enter the nightmare?"

She finished chewing and after swallowing, she looked at me with suspicion.

"Why do you want to know that exactly?"

Why is she looking at me like that? Oh, damn.

"It's nothing weird, don't get carried away. I'm just asking, do you have any or not?"

"No, I don't, but don't worry. I'll take care of it when the time comes."

Fine, I stand up and approach her, putting a hand on her shoulder, and she looks at me suspiciously.

Then, her face turns into one of confusion.

"It's a small gift. You've made this month at the academy more enjoyable, and I really needed that since it's not good for the mind to be beaten every day until completely exhausted."

She stared into nothing for a moment, and then her lovely green eyes turned in my direction.

"But I can't accept this; you should keep this armor. I can get one when I enter the nightmare by killing some monsters or making clothes from the things I find there."

I return her gaze to her eyes and respond:

"Don't worry, I already have much more powerful armor. Besides, it's just of the latent rank; it won't be very useful for defense, but it's better than nothing. And I don't want my only friend at the academy wandering around like a pervert in the Dream Realm."

Her brow furrowed, and a moment later, her eyes looked at me intensely.

"Hey! I'm not a pervert."

"Ha ha ha, yeah, yeah, I was just kidding. Well, I need to practice something in my room. See you tomorrow, and I don't want you to return that armor; it's a gift."

After saying goodbye to Sasha, I went back to my room and sat down to meditate. A week ago, I managed to feel something strange inside my body. It was something weird but elusive. Every time I felt that familiarity, it slipped away in an instant. I'm almost sure that's my soul, and when I can maintain a stable connection, I'll finally be able to enter my soul sea.

Oh, and that sleeper rank armor, I got it from one of the beasts I fight every day. It was given to me after cutting one of them in half. Since it was of no use to me, I planned to give it as a gift to Sasha, who became my friend after that occasion when she asked what had happened to me since I was all beaten up.

In any case, I must meditate.

Sure, here is the translation starting from the last three paragraphs to the end:


After about 30 minutes, I felt that familiarity again, but this time it didn't slip away immediately. I was able to maintain a weak connection for about five seconds before it escaped again as usual.

Upon coming out of the meditation, I felt a big smile spread across my face due to this progress. Soon, I might finally be able to enter my soul sea.

Satisfied, I lay down and fell asleep.