
Shadow slave: Souls Of Mystery

The soul of a 17-year-old teenager is mysteriously sent to his favorite novel 'Shadow Slave.' Without knowing why or who sent him, he will try to maintain the original timeline, but characters that were not in the original novel appear, and he will try to ensure everything goes according to the canon until he can discover the reason for his transmigration. This fanfic will include some elements from another very famous novel. P.S.: I am completely a novice and will do my best to make the fic enjoyable for everyone who reads it.

Gyuko · Book&Literature
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56 Chs

11: Innate ability

It was time for Caster, with 21 points, and Ludwin, with 25 points, to fight.

Caster exuded an aura of seriousness, apparently treating Ludwin as a genuine threat, while Ludwin finally took a fighting stance. He crouched slightly, bending his knees and placing his right leg back, his right arm following suit, while his left arm pointed forward alongside his leg.

Meanwhile, Caster slightly bent his legs and twisted his waist to the side, positioning his left leg behind and his right leg in front. He had his left arm bent with his fist near his face, and his right arm slightly raised with his hand near his abdomen.

Instructor Ethan announced the start of the fight, and both blinked out of their spots to reappear in the center of the ring.

From the beginning, their fight was fierce and full of blows. They dodged some hits while others landed on both sides. However, Caster had the technical advantage, while Ludwin had the strength advantage.

They kept disappearing and reappearing in different spots in a constant blur.

Heh, their fight reminds me of Dragon Ball battle animations.

After exchanging blows for three minutes, each punch creating airwaves around them, Caster seemed momentarily distracted, appearing to notice something in a corner of the room. This gave Ludwin the moment he needed to land a full punch to Caster's liver.

Caster fell, unable to withstand the pain of such a powerful and unprotected blow, collapsing on his back, almost foaming at the mouth.

Unfortunately, the only one left to fight... was me. Yes, I was angry and resentful toward Ludwin for hitting Neph like that, but I knew in my current state I had no chance of beating him, unless...


When I stood in front of Ludwin, he remained still, doing nothing. Twenty seconds passed with neither of us moving after the instructor announced the start of the match.

At the thirty-second mark, I noticed a slight change in Ludwin's muscles and limbs, so subtle it could have been overlooked. Instinctively, I felt a scream in my head urging me to duck, and I did, almost falling from the surprise.

There, where my head had been a moment ago, was Ludwin's leg.

Thirty-five seconds since the fight started.

Before I realized it, I knew he was about to spin and hit me with his remaining leg, so I rolled as fast as I could, and yes, his leg arrived a moment later, creating another crater in the ring where my body had been.

That could have broken some good bones.

Immediately after finishing my move, I felt that instinct of danger again, the same one from Ludwin's first attack.

This time, it wasn't just to dodge. Somehow, I knew I had to move my head ten centimeters to the side and throw a punch with my right arm where my head had been.

Something strange happened. Where there should have been air, my fist found Ludwin's passing face. My punch connected with all my strength on Ludwin's jaw, and he staggered.

Forty seconds since the fight started.


**Ludwin's Perspective**

What a joke. This kid doesn't even know how to stand properly for combat and wants to fight me.

I'll let him take the first hit. Come on, attack me, I'll give you a chance.


Why are you just standing there like an idiot?

That's enough, I'll finish this quickly with a kick to your head and throw you out of the ring.


What? What just happened? Why can't my leg feel his head?

Did he dodge? This little bastard dodged my kick?

Damn idiot, I wanted to make it easy for you out of pity. Now you'll see what happens when you abuse your luck and my kindness.

I'm going to hit you harder than that silver-haired girl.





He's dodging like a slippery cockroach!


Why do I feel something's terribly wrong? Why does this kid seem to get faster, why does it seem like he can see me now when I move...

Nah, it must be because I'm holding back. I'll finish this in the next few seconds, just wait until I can catch you and I'll crush you.


Fifty seconds since the fight started.


No, no, no, no, no.

Why can't I touch him, why can't I hit him?


Why do I feel weak, damn it.

Fine, I won't hold back anymore, I'll use all my strength to finish this with one blow.

Eh? Why does he have that disgusting smile on his face?

Wait! Why, why... Can't I... Move.

My... ... Thoughts... Are... Slow.

Ah... I see... Why... Someone.... Of his.... Level... Could... See me.

It's what... I would have... Asked myself... Before... Finishing him... With one blow.


**Jonathan's Perspective**

Ha.. ha.. ha.

Damn monster, how the hell can you move so damn fast despite gaining initial control of your soul, it's incredibly strong.

I won't make him my puppet right now since it could cause a lot of trouble if he dies, and I still don't fully understand how my ability works, but I'm glad I can stop the process of taking the threads of his soul whenever I want while keeping the ones already grabbed.

It was a dangerous bet since if Ludwin died, I don't know how it would be perceived by others.

But I'll think about that later. Now comes the fun part; I can finally return the blows, damn bastard.

Running with all my speed and strength, I reached Ludwin in a second and punched his jaw with a full right hook.

... Did I overdo it?

Nah, the damn son of a bitch brutally hit Nephis, this is the least he deserves. Oh, sure, I broke his jaw, and now his face looks terrible, his jaw dislocated and his teeth broke or came out.

That definitely happened because he couldn't move or defend himself and couldn't brace his face for such an impact.

When he flew through the air like a ragdoll and landed on his back outside the ring, the instructor ended the fight.

It seems my control thread range is still very limited.

The other awakened with a healing aspect ran to Ludwin and they took him to the medical wing as well.


After class ended and spending a good amount of time with praises from Caster and many others asking what I did to make him stay still, it was time to talk to the instructor.

"Excuse me, Instructor Ethan, I'd like to discuss something with you."


After entering Ethan's office, he invited me to sit in front of a desk with a guest chair and a host chair.

"Well, I must say I'm impressed, sleeper Jonathan. I didn't expect anyone to beat Ludwin. I also admit he might have gotten carried away sometimes, but he's a kid with a lot of potential."

"Well, thank you for the compliment, but I didn't seek you out to talk about what happened today." I tried to keep my voice serious to show I wasn't here to play.

"Then tell me, what could you want to discuss with me?" His firm voice made me understand that he grasped the matter wouldn't be ordinary.

"I want to make a deal with the government."

Immediately, his face changed from relaxed and friendly to serious and authoritative.

"You know what you're saying, don't you? If you want to make a deal with the government, you must have something up your sleeve, kid. Tell me, what do you want?"

His harsh tone almost made me doubt, but I couldn't falter here.

"I want the government to provide me with soul cores and assign a private combat instructor to teach me the use of swords and daggers within a month. I want them to teach me the best they can."

He seemed doubtful of my words and demands, but still took them seriously.

"And tell me, what do you offer in exchange? Soul cores aren't something that can be given out just like that."

Ugh, the moment of truth and something that could potentially change the course of history as I know it, but first is my survival.

"I am someone with a special aspect rank. As I said in the interview, it's higher than Transcendent, but now I must tell you that it's actually even stronger than an ordinary Supreme rank." I still didn't want to reveal the exact rank of my aspect, so I used a lie; my attribute helps a lot when it comes to that.

I noticed the aura in the room change, and it felt different.

His face now was more serious than ever, but I saw a spark of doubt in his eyes.

"Well, you say you're someone with an aspect better than the ordinary Supreme rank, maybe even superior to that rank. But tell me, how can I believe that a kid from the outskirts, with no training or backing, can have such a high aspect?"

I had to appear confident here. If this didn't work, my chances of survival would significantly decrease.

"I can know many things, Mr. Ethan. I can confidently tell you I can evaluate the chances of all the sleepers this month who have opportunities to survive. I also knew there was a bearer of a Sacred rank here present, so it wouldn't be unheard of to know my rank."

The intimidating aura increased when he spoke;

"You know you could get into a lot of trouble if you lie from here on out, don't you?"

Ha, this is so exhausting.

"I understand that lying to the government is a stupid mistake, but don't worry, I'm not lying to you. Let's say that with me, it would be like the government investing in someone with potential."

He looked at me for a few seconds with the same pressure that made me feel I could be crushed by it. Then he spoke again, and all the oppressive aura I felt at that moment disappeared.

"Alright, we'll end the discussion here. Come back tomorrow morning, and you'll speak with someone more qualified for this."

I nodded, got up, bowed, and returned to my room.

Ha, that was exhausting. I really felt nauseous from Mr. Ethan's pressure.

As I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, I went over what happened in the battle.

'I had suspicions from the first time I felt it, but it seems this kind of 'danger premonition' is part of my innate ability. It really is a sort of danger sense, very useful.'

Really a good ability, it allowed me to face a monster like Ludwin, worthy of a divine aspect. I wonder what rank Ludwin's aspect is.

Oh, of course...

I'm exhausted, ha ha ha.


pido disculpas porque parece ser que la IA que tradujo en cap omitió algunas partes y fue confuso, así que eliminé el capítulo entero y lo reescribí con la traducción de otra IA

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