
Shadow Slave Self Insert || A different way to die

I don't own Shadow Slave . it's just a fanfic

iambipro · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

A Foreign Will

Sunny waked up at some point in the midnight. Well he isn't sure if it's midnight but that's not the point.

Instead of being in his bed like he is supposed to be, he is standing in a pitch black surface. Everything around him is covered in black.

Just like true darkness.

' What the hell?? This wasn't supposed to happen.'

Preparing for any danger, Sunny willed his Shadow to warp around his body.

Then he noticed it.

He didn't have a body, not even his Shadow.

' Crap. Did a gate opened or something?'

In the corner of his eyes something moved.

Somehow , he knew what was it. Deep in his consciousness, the knowledge was buried.

It's Sunny , the former owner of this body.

SUNNY'S consciousness is ready to destroy him.....or ready to destroy his consciousness.


The battle between two conscience raged on.

One wanted to survive in this damned world.

The other wanted a happy ending after his first life.

One could kill someone to protect his freedom.

One could let the world burn to reach his goal.

Alex didn't know what was exactly happening. However he understood one thing he couldn't let Sunny gain control of this body.

Sure meeting Sunny maybe be something that could be added in a bucket list, but not when he's trying to kill you.

No he can't give up control on this body, it's his 2nd chance at life.

As a reader he may have never thought about killing Sunny, but when it's a matter of life and death.....

He will kill Sunny gladly.

He continued to resist the onslaught of the former owner of body.

It was strange he wasn't fighting physically, maybe not even mentally.

It is a clash of their will, emotions and ideology.

Slowly, he noticed something his desires, thoughts ands hopes were disappearing. Those words seemed to have lost their meanings. They become unfathomable and meaningless.

He vaguely remember having those after he came to this world.

With each passing moments his own sense of self continued to dissolve. Soon it would be completely gone.

It will replaced by the original owner of the body.

Why is he even fighting. He is not the original owner of this body. Infact he is an outsider.

Someone who didn't belong to this world.

He should surrender right?

' No..No, I will not give up. I got my second chance. Rightfull owner or not, I won't give up this body.'

' I am Lost from Light. Get lost Sunny.'

He remembered his true name, his identity. Surely it would help him win the fight?


It would have helped him if he was fighting a mental attack from a nightmare creature.

But the situation they are currently facing, is a anomaly. It existed outside of the domain of the Spell.

Soon exhaustion and emptieness started to surround him.

He could swear that he saw Sunny smile.

A smile full of revenge and contempt.

' It can't happen. I won't let it happen. Yes I am Lost from Light but before that I am Alex.'

' I won't die again.'

Alex was his name, his identity.

And it was his key to defeat him.

He could feel the boundless alien presence encroaching upon his thoughts. It's progress was slow and labored ....

But inevitable.

He tried to fight the Sunny , by throwing all of his willpower into a fierce assault. But it simply shattered into pieces of glass.

But he understood something, the presence before is old .... perhaps ancient, it was experienced, already expecting all his moves.

Under no circumstance, it could be Sunny's will.

It is the will of the Sunny which has already went through all the ordeals.

The will of the future Sunny, which has somehow traveled all the way from the future to this moment, to start his life once again, already devoured the present Sunny and now ready to devour him.

' Oh Gods.. This crazy lunatic.'

He didn't know how to win against this monster. He he choosed the simplest way, stubbornly resisting it.

Slowly but surely Alex was approaching the gates of death..



Somewhere out in the void , faraway  from a  mortal's limit to perceive the world.

{ Well it wasn't what I planned but, something went wrong with the process of transferring his soul.}

{ I should help this kid. It would be no fun if he died this early. Where will I get my entertainment then , after all I worked so hard for.}

The mysterious presence snapped his fingers.

Was it fingers or something else?

We will never know, maybe it's good for us to never know.

After all knowledge is both a curse and a blessing.


I will post what happened to Alex  and Sunny in next chap.

Chap 4 will most probably be posted tommorow.

Thnx for reading.