Follow the journey of Aldric. A Lost Soul. Fighting to see if Fate has any consideration for his tumultuous Destiny. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A Shadow Slave Fanfic. Choices. Decisions. Consequences.
Saint Cor was silent for a few minutes.
In his hand were a few pages. The man was focused. Scrutinising each page with all his attention, making sure that he did not miss a single detail.
His expression did not change for a single moment.
In this time, Aldric stood beside the secondary ring of the round table. Leaving a sizeable gap between him and one of the leaders of the world government.
Placing the stack of papers onto the table, he released a breath and locked his eyes onto Aldric.
"Is it true that you defeated Fallen-ranked creatures as a sleeper?"
The man asked in a nonsensical voice.
'I guess they asked the other survivors about me.'
He thought, knowing that he didn't speak about defeating Fallen creatures in his interview.
Aldric put an emphasis on focusing on his speech. Making sure that he did not speak so fast that he would be perceived as juvenile or nervous.
"Yes, I believe that it was between seven and nine."
Aldric responded.
The Saint did not seem to react any differently. However, this confirmed something to the Saint.
"I will not beat around the bush. The government is willing to offer you a contract to support your development as an awakened and moving forward into the future."
He spoke as he placed a piece of paper on the table.
Even with the three metre gap between the negotiating parties, the battle-hardened Saint did not offer to extend the paper after placing it on the table.
Noticing the minor power play, Aldric's pride noticed the impasse. Keeping the urge of getting up and reaching for the contract to himself. It wouldn't be a good look for Aldric to be overly eager for whatever they offered.
With no one moving for a brief moment of time, the woman beside him walked over to the table and facilitated the exchange. Handing him the contract to view.
Aldric read over the singular piece of paper in his own time. Slowly reading each paragraph to fully understand what he was being offered and what was being asked of him. It seemed that this was more of a preliminary contract. One that would be used as a drawing board to understand the desires of both parties.
And the government had clear desires.
Basic stuff, such as being in the full employment of the government. Meaning that he would be working under the government in full capacity. From holding back any gates that opened in the waking world to working in the vested interest of the government in the dream realm.
It was also written that they wanted a large control over his public image. Given just how much they could bolster public opinion, especially with his ordinary background, made it known as to why they made this request.
After all, propaganda was a powerful weapon.
All while offering him a much more valuable package than most. Instant promotion to Lieutenant. Training as well as a healthy amount of free shards and memories for development. Priority access to all additional government memories and shards with a 30% discount. Paid for lodging and meals as well as other amenities such as healthcare and paid holidays.
He took a moment to think about what a future would look like as they wanted it.
'No way.'
The thought echoed in his mind.
With that thought, all the voices in the back of his mind that spoke of the benefits that he would surely miss out on did not speak again.
'To even consider it, it needs a major rehaul.'
This was not something that came out of momentary greed but something that he had considered back in the Forgotten Shore. In the long days of solitude where outside of battles, there was nothing to occupy his mind. Aldric thoughts went to the future.
And this contract of servitude was not what he wanted. He would always have to answer to someone, no question about it. No matter how strong he was, he would have to follow orders that were not in line with his own ideals. Even if he were to be the strongest person within the government, he would have to answer to a council that had major financial and political power within the government. A council that would be much weaker than him.
'I would probably have to ask for permission to challenge a nightmare.'
Aldric thought with a chuckle.
However, that did not make the decision of refusal any easier. His other options were not great either.
Joining a legacy clan would follow a similar structure, albeit a bit different.
If anything, it would be worse.
This was why Aldric did not wait for any offers from any of the great clans.
Sure, the benefits might be much better in terms of the memories, shards, and training given; however, the level of servitude that accompanied it was too much to consider. You would be a blade of the clan, a weapon to be cultivated and discarded. Without the leverage that perhaps an ascended Aldric could have, it was not a good choice to consider.
There were other things like a marriage contract or adoption on the table.
Ironically, the more that they offered a prospect, the more that it would tie that person to the clan. Making it impossible to leave their clutches in the future.
From fighting their battles to asking for permission to become a Saint. Which would mean eternal servitude until you died. To fighting in their wars. This was more in line with someone who did not have ambitions that went beyond the present and near future.
He remembered the life of servitude that was shown from Saint Tyris.
He remembered the way in which the two major clans threw Awakened humans at each other during the chain of nightmares in Antartica.
With a mindset of abundance, Aldric did not care for whatever the legacy clans offered. Nothing would be worth his autonomy.
Saint Cor POV
The Saint kept his eyes locked onto the young man, looking for any change in expression as he read the contract.
The art of negotiation was not new to Cor at all. He had spent a lifetime negotiating. From overzealous legacy clans to mundane humans that thought they still had a modicum of power.
'It is all a game of wants and compromises.'
He could deduce that Singularity was not content with what was being offered. Most of those that were enlisted in the government often salivated at the promise of shards and memories.
It was clear that the young prospect had other desires.
While it was not typical for a Saint to personally enlist a newly awakened into the government forces, this was not a typical enlistment. Saint Cor had been told of the future potential that the survivors of the Forgotten Shore had.
While not much now other than some awakened with an extra year or two of experience in the dream realm, it was their mindset.
A majority of those that return from the dream realm within the first week after the winter solstice do not challenge their second nightmare.
In their first short stay in the dream realm, most sleepers would run and hide until they came across a human citadel. Some would be lucky enough to be found by hunting parties from that given citadel.
It was common practice for citadels to send out a search party for any sleepers after the winter solstice.
This extremely short experience of fear and death within the dream realm, without the power or ability to challenge it, causes many sleepers to dissociate from their experience. Liking it to a nightmare.
This would mean that most of the returned awakened would find some role to fill in the two major citadels without ever leaving the city walls.
This was why legacy clans were so strong. They are able to instill a mindset of honour, glory, and battle in their children. All to supersede their fear of the dream realm.
However, the survivors of the Forgotten Shore had already acclimated to a mindset of strength and survival. The government had predicted that the majority of new masters in the coming years and perhaps even a handful of Saints would originate from this group of survivors.
A group that, for the majority, lacked any affiliation with legacy clans.
'So of course we would aim for the strongest one.'
The opportunistic Saint thought.
The young man's profile spoke of a typical life. The child of two brave awakened soldiers that fell in duty. Raised in an orphanage and schooled at the G-14 Academy.
His profile was perfect for a new recruit.
This was the reason as to why the Academies even existed. Beyond helping civilians survive their first nightmare, it acted as a funnel for the government to gain new recruits.
This was their method to compete against the legacy clans. While they often missed out on the most talented, the average newly awakened that were offered basic contracts from average legacy clans and the government would choose the government seven out of ten times. This was due to many factors; however, the main one was the comfortability of being somewhere that you know compared to the unknown that was the legacy clans.
This funnel is intended for those that are willing to use their powers for some purpose against the nightmare spell. Which was not everyone.
Many awakened from these academies would go on to work jobs in the waking world, using their abilities for a large pay check. Doing work such as security or teaching.
The Saint focused his eyes on the survivor.
It was time to see what this young man wanted.
Saint Cor POV end
Placing the paper on the table, Aldric looked at the Saint.
Without mincing any words, he spoke.
"Thank you for the offer, but I will have to refuse."
This did not surprise the Saint, however, the lack of finality in his words spoke of his willingness to negotiate.
Unfortunately, the Saint was in a disadvantaged position. With the young man's refusal, it seemed that they were in the dark of his wants and desires while he knew them all.
The Saint took a seat on one of the chairs in the innermost table where he previously stood. With Aldric mirroring his action on the outer table closest to the Saint.
He did not want to sit as the Saint stood or stand as the Saint sat. Mirroring the person you are speaking to is a good method of building a better rapport.
Aldric kept quiet.
While he knew that he could begin to state his demands, he wanted to hear what they were willing to offer to reel him in.
"We are willing to stretch the rigidity of your enlistment should you choose to join us."
The Saint offered. Clasping his hands together.
This was something that was considered beforehand.
With how autonomous living in the dream realm would be for over a year, Aldric surely would be averse to a strict hierarchy and chain of command. However, how relaxed they would be on his enlistment was yet to be seen.
Aldric was glad that they foresaw his needs.
Being worked to the ground as a dog like Jet was not in his plans.
Taking a small pause to think over his next words, Aldric leaned in slightly and clasped his hands together in a familiar shape.
"How does the word 'Consultant' sound?"
The negotiations had truly begun.
Thank you for reading.
This is a moment of milestones. Hit both 500k views and past the 100k words mark. Much love. Much love.
Just wanna say that 100k words was a big goal of mine. With a similar length to a whole book, this fanfic really is something that I take pride in. So thanks again to you all, especially those that supported the story from the beginning.
Celebrating with my first chapter over 2k words. A bit longer than usual.
I don't plan to stop so hopefully there will be many other milestones to come.
Till the next one.