
The Signal

Looking over at the fissure in the earth, I gulped. I had not, in fact, expected such a display of destruction.

Although I anticipated some amount of damage, I hadn't intended to put a crack in the very earth itself.

I only wanted to maybe cut a scavenger and test if it could cut through awakened Nightmare Creatures, but I only did the whole ritual because I remembered Nephis' condemnation ritual when she was fighting that cursed tyrant with Sunny's avatar.

'So this is the power of names. Damn, I just used some random words.'

Sunny remained silent, even after a few minutes of the scene of destruction.

I looked over at Gloomy and saw him looking on. He then locked gazes with me and turned his head slowly.

Even though he was usually cold and constantly showed discomfort when Sunny looked at him or did something stupid—mostly on purpose—now, he was seemingly scared. Not that he didn't have a reason to be.

'I only used [Cutting Dominion] and infused it with [Hachi]. I used the new abilities I made back at the academy to also strengthen it, so why was it still so potent? I didn't intend it to be.'

The new ability I made was one of three new ones. I made them while Sunny was getting taught my teacher julius.

Ability Name: Energizer 

Description: Strengthens any of the user's attacks by two times. It lasts for 10 seconds, and the closer the time is to running out, the more strengthened the attacks are.


Ability Name: Sternritter 

Description: The user possesses the ability to instill absolute horror in anyone, regardless of their power or abilities. Even those who are transcendent or possess traits like Apathy, Indomitable Courage, Indomitable Will, or Tranquil Fear are susceptible to this overwhelming sense of terror induced by the user.


Ability Name: Greater Stasis 

Description: The user is able to upgrade both entities and objects by significantly increasing their traits and capabilities in a permanent way, be it their physical, mental, or spiritual properties, their supernatural abilities both in raw power and mastery, any skill they may already possess, or all of the above either immediately via the unlocking of superior forms or gradually through the enhancement of their latent potential. The Ability is stackable and can be used on the same object or being an unlimited amount of time.

'Might've gone overboard, but that's just fine. I am slightly stumped, though. Names are powerful, aren't they? Although I thought that since my [Absolute Ability Creation] was made outside this universe, the abilities it creates would be equally so, it would seem that this world's universe does have influence over me.'

Sunny finally broke the silence.

(What exactly was that?)

Uncomfortably giggling to myself, I scratched the back of my head and awkwardly laughed. It came out a little too forced for my liking.

"Nothing… just underestimated the power of names."

I admitted and then paused for a moment before continuing.

"This was just gonna be a test. I was gonna try and see how effective it would work against awakened Nightmare Creatures, but it seems to have gotten out of hand."

He waited for a moment before saying in a raspy voice, (Out of hand? You split the earth below us in two. It's like a chasm rather than a cut!)

Clearing my throat, I turned away from the scene and sat on the floor, shifting slightly. I then looked through the raven's eyes and saw the scene from higher up. … and it truly was awe-inspiring.

The fissure in the earth went on into the distance,many kilometers away. It had the same look though,no matter how far it went: a deep gash in the very world, revealing nothing but the deep darkness below.

Shuddering slightly, I stopped looking through the raven's eyes and looked around with a blank expression.

'I don't even wanna do anything now; that was way too much for the second day.'

"Hey, Sunny, I'm gonna go rest."

(Alright, sure.)

He silently took back control and went to look on.

There I looked with him and saw the same scene, although he looked around and saw that there were no Nightmare creatures there anymore.

"Should we go now? The path is free because of your test."

[No, we stay here and wait for the signal.]

Sighing, Sunny looked to the right and then the left before eventually going for the middle. Stopping a little, he looked back and gave one more glance behind him.

He went and sat down. I could feel that he was contemplating something, but whatever it was, I didn't know.

Laying down and looking up at the sky, Sunny just zoned out.

And I didn't have anything better to do, so I just sang, just so that he could hear, of course.

[Ah yes, now let me hear what you wanna do—]

As my first musical finished, Sunny closed his eyes.

(Why are you singing?)

[Just because. Nothing better to do.]

He hesitated for a moment before posing a question. "Would you teach me sorcery?"

[You already asked that. But did you think about the power of names, especially after what happened?]

Sunny stood up and sat. I felt a sense of determination coming from Sunny.

"I did, and now I wanna learn more than ever."

[Well, alright. I'll bite. You should first wait until you become an Awakened, though. You still don't have access to soul essence, so better wait until then. And since your aspect revolves around shadows, I suggest you think of befitting incantations and gestures.]

"Why gestures? The only thing you did was point your fingers, so are they really that important?"

I prepared myself to spin as much plausible-sounding nonsense as I could.

[Gestures are crucial because they help focus your intent and channel your essence more effectively. Sure, sometimes a simple pointing finger works, but for more complex spells, gestures act as a physical manifestation of your will.

They create a bridge between your thoughts and the physical world, making the sorcery more potent. Think of them as a way to draw the magic out of your soul and into reality.]

Sunny nodded, considering my words. "So, I should start thinking about what kind of gestures would suit my shadow aspect?"

[Exactly. Shadows are fluid and adaptable, so your gestures should reflect that. Maybe something smooth and flowing, like water, or something sharp and precise, like a blade.

Experiment and see what feels right. Once you're an Awakened, you'll have the soul essence to back it up, and then the real fun begins.]

Sunny's determination seemed to solidify further. "Alright, I'll start working on it. Thanks for the advice. Oh, and how exactly are you able to use sorcery? You're a sleeper, right?"

Although his question was not meant to be mean or anything, he seemed to be actually curious—not at all like the paranoid questions he asked before.

[I use the soul essence that is present in my soul core. Even though no sleeper is able to do so, I have an attribute that helps me in this. Although I still have only one soul core and haven't absorbed any soul essence yet, just using this was already taxing.]

Sunny nodded and suddenly grew alert. It was currently nighttime, and just in the distance, a line of smoke broke the darkness.

[Well, that was quick.]

I smiled to myself.

It was time to plan for the cohort to assemble.