
Waking up....

I am still feeling like I was robbed of my death but I was also greatful as this a second chance I am getting I don't know what will come now I was thinking about the waking world where will I wake up my own bed or some place in a different universe I was hoping it was not that cursed bed or I will probably truly kill myself now let's see what is the Boon is.

I looked at it and I felt like the weight I will have to carry will be heavy.

{you have been bestowed upon a true name : The last will}

{your aspect grace knight is ready to evolve.

Evolve aspect? }

I looked at it and I did not realize that I have not even checked my aspect even once because of the Darksouls system and I was to busy I forget about the spell and from the look of It grace knight was already secrad so I was just climbing one step higher and accepted it.

{new aspect acquired}

{Aspect rank : Divine}

I looked at it will Dull eyes now great I will have to do some bullshit but from what I know getting to supreme rank will be better I was a little surprised but not to much as what I have done is not something that could have been done even the spell says it.

{Aspect name : bleeding knight }

Aspect description :{a very long time ago there was an powerful Divine knight who had an Bleeding heart for anyone forsaken or anyone who was left alone and lost he did anything in his power and above to save people and for a unforgivable mistake of a child he was ordered to kill her but his bleeding heart could not so he fought against his own people and died and saved the girl was it a huge mistake in saving her or not but he Died with honor and his bleeding hearth grew into a tree from his corps which bared divine fruits who ever ate them will be clenched of corruption}

Innate ability : {clenched blood}

Ability Discription: { the blood from the divine tree now flows in your heart so, no corrupting can corrupt you no evil can taint it and the blood from your heart can cleanse the corruption upon drinking it But some are to far gone there is nothing left so your blood will burn them}

As I looked at my aspect I was now surprised as this was great as last I remember only the changing star has something like this where she won't be corrupted it was honestly the best power I could have ever asked for and I can save someone from corruption from the blood inside my heart is this not just how the Divine fruits worked after he was killed so it was great and I can truly get more powerful if I tried.

{the first seal is broken}

{Awakening Dorment powers..}

And just like that I felt something walking up inside me it felt new but familiar it was as if it was always there but now I can feel it's walking up inside me I held my chest as the feeling was like something was about to come from inside of me it was not painful I felt something was there and I could feel it but it was not physical.

It was coming from my soul I was never an believer in such things in my last life as I had no proof but what a funny thing now believing in a god is a foolish thing here as they are Dead so I will never be some religious fruitcake I felt a power was coming from my soul like it has been asleep for far longer than me.

This energy started to change every fiber of his being it seeped in to every part of his soul and his mind felt sharper almost new his body was changing to he was now in his original body but from what he could tell he was younger and now his fat that he had tried many time to get rid of was finally going away he felt light but strong he grew muscles in all the right places that a Divine knight should have his hight from 6" grew to 7" and his shoulder which where weak and slopped turned into stong and reliable ones he was undergoing a complete change in his facial features his hair turned a little grey and his eyes a Dull red that looked black.

When his eyes changed finally he can now see his soul core it was like an sun but it was red and it looked like it was bleeding into the void it felt like something vast he could not believe it was his own soul it was very warm and pleasant but he could tell anything under that suns light which was corrupted will burn away it felt so pure and around the sun like little planets revolved around my memories.

He just looked at one of them he got from a corrupted tyrant it was an charm type memory in the form of an ring with an eyeball on it

From the description it's called the eye of abyss it was not to interesting but it told me some info like the tyrant had looked into the Deep Dark abyss of the mountain and has his mind broken and twisted it was an tire 3 corrupted memory and it provide mind protection to self and people the eye ball can see it was a powerful and useful charm so wore it and the eye ball Is hard like glass.

There was other memory some where tools and some armor but they did not seem that important so I just went past them maybe they might come handy or I can sell them later.

{awakning aspect ability...}

let's see what will it be I have high hopes for it to be powerful as my aspect is divine so I just waited.

{aspect ability acquired }

{Aspect ability name: Divine empowerment}

I looked at the ability and sighed and finally I had to summon my runes and give an overall view of it

Name : Asmon

True name : The last will

Rank : Dreamer

divine core : Dorment

Divine fragment : {400/1000}

Memory :{eye of the abyss} { thrown shield} {..


Attributes : {twisted fate } {spark of Divinity}

{bleeding heart}

Aspect :{Bleeding knight }

Aspect rank : divine

Aspect ability { Divine empowerment }

Aspect ability description : { You are an Divine knight with an Bleeding heart you inspire and empower not only yourself but all who are under you and fight together just looking at you can inspire an fire of hope and truth}

Well looking at the Discripton I can tell I will work great In groups it's like I was effie but on ultra crack and it's sounds like longing from nep to as it can burn an fire of hope and truth it looks perfect for me as no one can survive in nightmare alone and having people who will rely on me sounds like an hard job sigh its like I will be the second coming of changing star

And it can be worst for me but finally the price for this power also came

{All power have a price.}

{You have received a flaw.}

Flaw: { Bleeding soul}

Flaw Description : {you have a bleeding soul that's can't help but look out and help those who you can help if you ignore it your soul will grow heavier and its will become more unbearable as more time passes}

Looking at the flaw it was understandable and it might be helpful or deadly who know but it says I can ignore it for sometime and it will only trigger for people who I can help as I have Dark soul system I am way more powerful than the spell knows so it won't be much of a problem

As this was finally was over I think I was waking up I was now once again a little nervous as I can brave through death but I was still not comfortable with talking to people

Shit what I am gonna do.