
Shadow Slave: Aizen Reincarnated as Sunny': The Epic Tale of a Villain

This a fanfic that takes place in a new world with a different power system than the one Aizen knew. Aizen is reincarnated as a boy named Sunny and is determined to use his cunning and strategic mind to conquer this new world. He must navigate the unfamiliar power system while also uncovering the secrets and mysteries of this new world. Aizen is still the same ruthless and power-hungry villain that fans of the Bleach series know, and he has a plan to take over this new world and rule it with an iron fist. Follow Aizen's journey as he seeks to fulfill his ambition and establish his dominance in this new world. Fanfic of Shadow Slave and Bleach Upload when I can.

Damon_Gray · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 New World

A weak-looking young man with a pallid complexion and deep shadows beneath his eyes was seated on a corroded bench opposite the police station. He held a mug of coffee delicately in his grasp - not the usual cheap synthetic variety that was accessible to people like him who lived in the slums, but the authentic kind. This particular cup of coffee, made from plants, was usually reserved for higher-ranking citizens, and it had cost him a significant portion of his savings. However, Sunny had decided to indulge himself on this particular day since his life was about to end. Enjoying the warmth and richness of the luxurious drink, he lifted the cup to his lips and savored its aroma. Then, hesitantly, he took a small sip... and immediately made a face. He accidentally choked on the coffee and died.

As Aizen opened his eyes, he surveyed his surroundings, trying to discern his location. He scoffed as he realized that he had been defeated by someone like Ichigo Kurosaki. The thought of it made him chuckle; how ridiculous it was to be defeated by someone so insignificant. Aizen quickly understood that he had been reborn into a new world and found himself inhabiting a new body. Despite the discomfort and pain that his new body was experiencing, he relished the new opportunity that this rebirth had presented him.

Aizen's mind was racing as he began to recall the boy's memories and life that had flashed before his eyes. He was fascinated by the experiences of this young man named Sunny and the world that he lived in. Although he had started his new life with a sense of disdain for the boy's pitiful existence, Aizen quickly realized the value of the information he had gained from the boy's memories.

As he tried to clear his throat of the coffee that was still lodged within it, Aizen decided to adopt the identity of Sunny for the time being. He knew that his spiritual pressure was almost intangible in this new world, and he would have to be careful not to draw unwanted attention to himself. As he looked around at this new world, Aizen felt a sense of excitement and anticipation at the possibilities that lay before him.

"I need to keep a low profile," Aizen thought to himself as he walked through the bustling part of the city where wealthy individuals hurried past him on their way to work. He knew that he looked out of place in his shabby clothes and gaunt appearance, which were a result of his lack of sleep. As he watched the tall, well-dressed people with envy, he did not care for their judgment.

Aizen eventually found his way to a police station, a tired-looking officer gave him a quick glance and scowled with obvious disdain. Aizen surveyed his surroundings with curiosity, taking note of the reinforced armor plates on the walls and the poorly hidden turret nests in the ceiling. The officer looked scruffy and menacing, but Aizen was unfazed.

As the officer demanded his attention, Aizen remained calm and collected. He knew that he had to be careful not to draw any unwanted attention to himself, so he responded with a cool demeanor.

"No, I'm not lost," he replied evenly.

Aizen cleared his throat, a subtle but deliberate gesture that immediately caught the attention of the officer before him. He then casually scratched the back of his head before speaking with a measured tone:

"As per the Third Special Directive, I have come to surrender myself as a carrier of the Nightmare Spell."

The officer's expression shifted from irritation to wariness, and he scrutinized Aizen with a piercing gaze.

"Are you certain you are infected? When did you begin to show symptoms?"

Aizen shrugged indifferently.

"Perhaps a week ago."

The officer's complexion visibly paled at Aizen's response.

"Damn it," he muttered, then quickly pressed a button on his terminal and called out urgently:

"Attention! Code Black in the lobby! I repeat, CODE BLACK!"

Despite the commotion caused by the officer's call, Aizen remained calm and composed, as if this was all according to his plan. He watched the chaos unfold with detached interest, waiting patiently for his next move.


This world that has been ravaged by the Nightmare Spell presents a fascinating opportunity for those who are willing to seize it. The emergence of a new disease that transforms people into monsters and the subsequent chaos that ensued, is a testament to the fragility of human civilization. The fact that no one knew what the Spell was, what powers it possessed, and how to fight it, highlights the limitations of human knowledge and expertise.

However, the emergence of the Awakened, those who survived the first trials of the Spell and came back alive, represents a glimmer of hope. Armed with miraculous abilities earned in their Nightmares, they were able to restore peace and create a semblance of a new order. The fact that the richer your family was, the better your chances of surviving and becoming an Awakened were, speaks to the importance of wealth and privilege in this world.

For someone like Sunny, who had no family or resources, being chosen by the Spell presented no opportunity. However, for someone like myself, who is curious and ambitious, the Nightmare Spell presents a way to gain knowledge and power. By learning the mysteries of this world and unlocking the secrets of the Awakened, one could potentially become a formidable force in this new order.


Aizen sat in the chair, his eyes closed in apparent boredom as the policemen struggled to restrain him. The bulky chair did not faze him; he had endured far worse in his past. The room, with its thick walls and heavy vault door, was no match for his power. He knew that he could break free at any moment if he chose to.

As the gray-haired policeman entered the room, Aizen opened his eyes, sizing up the man with a glance. He could see that the policeman was experienced and had a strong will, but he was no match for Aizen's own power and intelligence.

"What's your name, kid?" the policeman asked.

Aizen smirked inwardly at being called a kid. He was far older and more powerful than this man could ever imagine.

"Sunny," he replied, using the name he had adopted for this world.

The policeman raised an eyebrow at the strange name.

"That's a strange name."

Aizen simply shrugged, not caring what this mortal thought of his name.

"It's because I was born during a solar eclipse. My mom had a poetic soul, you see," he added, his tone bored.

The policeman grunted and asked, "Do you want me to contact your family?"

Aizen shook his head dismissively.

"There's no one. Don't bother."

The policeman's expression turned serious.

"Alright, Sunny. How long can you stay awake?"

"Uh… not long," Aizen replied casually.

The officer started talking about what he needs to know and some important things that Aizen didn't find in Sunny's memory.

Aizen listened intently as the exchange unfolded, taking in every detail with a keen mind. He could already see the pieces starting to fall into place, the potential opportunities and dangers this new world presented. As Sunny spoke about the process of becoming an Awakened, Aizen couldn't help but interject with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Interesting. So, the process of becoming an Awakened involves entering the Dream Realm and overcoming the First Nightmare? And these Awakened individuals, they possess magical powers?"

The policeman glanced at Aizen, taking note of his sudden interest.

"That's right. The First Nightmare is a test of strength and endurance, where one must overcome their deepest fears and desires. Those who pass are granted access to powerful legacies and abilities. But be warned, not all who enter the Dream Realm come back the same."

Aizen nodded, a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Fascinating. It seems this Nightmare Spell holds great potential for those who are strong enough to wield it."

"Listen carefully," Aizen said in a calm, collected voice. "I understand that once I fall asleep, I will be transported inside my First Nightmare, which will consist of trials created by the Spell. I am aware that I will encounter monsters and illusions, but I am curious about their reality. How do we know that they are not real beings, but merely conjured up illusions to test us?"

The police officer's stare did not faze Aizen, who continued to calmly question him. "As you mentioned, no one understands the true nature of the Spell and how it operates. Therefore, how can we be certain that these illusions are not tangible entities that is actually alive?"

The officer's response was less than reassuring. "You might have to kill them, kid. So do yourself a favor and just think about them as illusions."

Aizen nodded, but his mind was still racing with questions. "I understand that luck plays a role in the First Nightmare, but what are the chances of success? How challenging will the trials be, and what resources will be available?"

The officer's answer was encouraging. "The Spell sets up trials, not executions. The creatures and challenges you face should be within the range of your abilities. You may be disadvantaged due to your circumstances, but don't give up on yourself just yet."

As Aizen's fatigue began to take hold, the officer shared one last piece of advice. "Remember to check your Attributes and Aspect once inside the Nightmare. If you receive a combat-oriented Aspect, things will be easier. But even if you don't, every Aspect has its use. Just do what you can to survive, and don't die. If you do, my colleagues and I will have to deal with the Nightmare Creature that will appear in the real world. And we would really appreciate it if you don't make us fight it ourselves."

With that, Aizen succumbed to his slumber, already thinking about the challenges that awaited him in the First Nightmare.

Everything became black.

And then, in the darkness, a faintly familiar voice rang:

[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your First Trial…]

Sunny soul and Aizen has fused. But Aizen soul is many time older and so Sunny is now but a memory to him.

Note this story will follow the orginal, with some twist.


Damon_Graycreators' thoughts