
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

First Training: How to activate mage power

Under the dominating blue sky, the sun shamelessly revealed itself, while a gentle breeze swept through the leaves, enlivening the bustling city of Fiora.

In the spacious yard, Alphonso de Brown gazed at his twin children. His sharp eyes caught Katarina's enthusiasm and glimpsed the curiosity behind Adam's stoic demeanor.

"This time, I will show you how to harness your powers. This is crucial, especially for you, Katarina. Don't think you can be lazy just because you have an S-level talent. Remember, talent is potential; it's wasted if not utilized."

"Alright, Daddy. I promise I won't be lazy," replied Katarina eagerly.

"Adam, you also need to seriously train your powers. Even though an F-level talent won't be accepted in any Academy, with an F-level talent, at least you can stand out among ordinary people."

"I understand, Daddy."

Alphonso nodded happily at his children's attitudes. "The mage talent is undoubtedly inherent in everyone. Therefore, to activate it, focus your mind on a single point and visualize your ability."

He extended both hands forward, closed his eyes, and after a moment, blue lightning illuminated and covered his hands. Alphonso opened his eyes and manipulated the lightning.

"What you need to do now is keep practicing to activate your mage powers until you can do it smoothly. This training will take some time, but don't worry; I believe you can do it," Alphonso explained to his children.

After hearing their Father's explanation, the siblings started trying. However, Adam's mage talent, Bond, required a target to test its strength. Fortunately, the Mage Association explained that his Bond ability could affect animals, so Adam prepared two small mice as his experiment targets.

A while later, the two siblings concentrated and tried to activate their mage powers. But it turned out to be not easy. The first, second, and third attempts ended in failure.

"Daddy, do we really have mage powers?" Adam asked, starting to doubt whether the examiner from the Vollen Academy made a mistake.

"I already said this isn't easy. Be patient and keep trying," Alphonso replied.

As they conversed, a sudden red-colored spark appeared on Katarina's palm as she continued trying to activate her mage power. This spark surprised Adam and Alphonso. Alphonso himself didn't expect his daughter to activate her mage power in just a few moments. He needed a full week himself before he could activate a small portion of his mage power for the first time.

It's worth noting that Katarina's S-class talent only indicated her potential and a clear path to becoming a strong mage. However, it didn't mean she could wield her power very smoothly.

A smile adorned Katarina's face as she looked at her father with excitement.

"Daddy, look! I managed to activate my mage power!"

"Excellent! Just as I imagine from my child, you really could activate your mage power in an instant. But you shouldn't be content just yet; you need to keep training until you could activate and deactivate your mage power at will," praised Alphonso, guiding Katarina to avoid becoming complacent too soon.

Adam, observing this again, wondered if his sister was the true protagonist?

They then continued their training. Slowly, Katarina made progress step by step. However, this contrasted with Adam, who hadn't made any progress at all.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed. After those three days, Katarina could finally activate and deactivate her power at will. She played around with her mage power, laughing at Adam, who still couldn't activate his. Adam could only contain his emotions as he watched his twin sister.

After the third day of training, Adam started to think.

"I need to change my way of practicing. If this continues, I might not make any progress," muttered Adam.

He decided to use Alpha to assist in his training. After all, Alpha was his only advantage over Katarina.

Adam sat in a chair in his room. He directed his hand toward a mouse confined in a cage and then placed it on the table in front of him. He began to close his eyes and concentrate.

Adam then created a program named "focus" in his additional brain. The program prevented other thoughts from disturbing him while he concentrated. He also visualized his bond power, drawing it as signal waves emanating from his hands.

After doing all this, he began to practice.

"Alpha, activate the focus program and display a 3D model visualization of the bond mage talent."

Adam felt a change in his mind. Now, his focus had increased, with all his thoughts directed solely toward activating his mage talent. Additionally, he saw signal waves emanating from both of his palms.

Then, he felt something emitting from his hands. His bond power spread like waves and touched the mouse confined in the cage in front of him. Adam sensed a slight resistance that he could soon crush.

[Ding! Initiating connection with low consciousness]



Adam furrowed his brow; he hadn't expected Alpha to connect with the subconsciousness of the mouse through his bond power. Nevertheless, Adam remained pleased; this meant the potential of the bond might have been higher than he imagined.

"Alpha, summarize all the previous experiences and create a mage power activation program. Then, terminate the connection with the lower-level consciousness."

[Processing command 10% ... 21% ... 34% ... 47% ... 60% ... 77% ... 93% ... 100%]

[Command executed. Mage power activation program has been created, connection with lower-level consciousness has been terminated.]

Adam then repeated the process of activating his bond power. However, with Alpha's help, he could now do it much more easily. This made him both happy and annoyed.

"I should have used Alpha from the beginning," Adam sighed, feeling like he had wasted three precious days.

After successfully activating and deactivating the bond at will, Adam began to explore the bond's power itself.

Adam then tested his bond power. He continued to test it on the mice, drawing several initial conclusions.

Firstly, his bond power weakened as more connections were established. It was similar to Wi-Fi, where more devices connected meant a decrease in internet speed. Ten targets were an ideal limit where Adam could still send commands, suggestions, and others without feeling hindered.

Secondly, in principle, Adam could send 'files' to the target and also receive 'files' from the target. The larger the file sent, the longer the process, and there was a possibility of failure. Moreover, the mouse's brain capacity was limited, so the sent files couldn't be too large.

Certainly, these 'files' referred to commands, memories, and more. In other words, Adam could use this mouse as a recording camera by copying its memories and sending them to Alpha's database.

Thirdly, the farther the distance between Adam and the target, the weaker the signal.

In other words, if Adam's bond power had a signal strength of 10, then 1 signal was the normal range where he could send commands normally. However, when the distance between Adam and the target exceeded 1 km, Adam's signal strength decreased by 2 points. Then, when the distance exceeded 10 km, the signal strength decreased by 8 points.

Therefore, for now, the maximum range of his bond was less than 10 km. Meanwhile, a 1 km radius was the ideal distance.

The final conclusion was about permanent suggestions. Permanent suggestions were suggestions to the target's subconscious that would remain active even if Adam disconnected the signal between himself and the target. These suggestions would continue until the target became aware and resisted these suggestions.

The only weakness of permanent suggestions was the time required to implant them, which was 3 hours. It meant Adam needed to connect with the target using the bond for 3 hours without the person realizing or resisting his actions.

"The more signals divided, the weaker. File transmissions. The farther the distance, the weaker. Then, permanent suggestions. These four aspects explain some aspects of the bond's power. I'm sure there are some other principles, but for those, I'll explore them slowly."