
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Battle for air supremacy.

A Falcon Bloodwings flapped its wings, flying past tall trees. The blood-red color on its wings was useful in instilling fear in its prey. The feathers on the Falcon's body could harden, providing good defense. Additionally, Falcon Bloodwings had the ability to sharpen the tips of their wings, giving them not only good defense but also strong attacking capabilities.

On the battlefield, one Falcon Bloodwings dove toward a group of human warriors from the Otheni forces. The bird spread its wings and sharpened them. On its back, Arkmenom held a tightly gripped iron spear.

"Watch out, there's an attack!"

"Raise your shields!"

Some warriors who didn't manage to raise their shields were immediately cut down. Meanwhile, those who did were knocked back.

"Whoa! Let's hunt for more prey!" exclaimed Arkmenom, joyfully seeking other human warriors to target.

On the second day of the confrontation between the Falcon Bloodwings unit and the combined Otheni forces, Jeanne's mage unit seriously attempted to deal with Arkmenom's aerial forces.

However, Arkmenom wasn't foolish. Unlike yesterday, attacking humans in groups, they now dispersed their forces, making it difficult for Jeanne's mage unit to handle the Falcon Bloodwings unit at once.

As a result, Aylox's Otheni forces once again suffered. In the vast battlefield, lacking integrated command systems, the Otheni forces eventually became somewhat chaotic. This benefited the Falcon unit because the more chaotic the Otheni forces became, the more freely they could hunt their prey.

After continuously killing Otheni warriors, the Falcon unit's confidence drastically increased. They no longer paid attention to their surroundings, solely focused on slaughtering and hunting down the chaotic humans trying to save themselves.

One Arkmenom led the Falcon Bloodwings as he rode past a large tree ahead. After the big bird circled the tree, someone suddenly leaped onto the Falcon Bloodwings. 

The person stabbed Arkmenom with a dagger and kicked his body until he fell from the Falcon Bloodwings.

Realizing its rider had fallen, the bird tried to shake off the person on its back by flying and spinning around.

However, the Falcon efforts were in vain; the human held onto the Falcon Bloodwings' neck tightly, even though both of his hands started bleeding from the bird's sharp feathers.

The person then pulled out a red stone from his pocket and placed it on the Falcon Bloodwings' head. After a while, the bird suddenly changed its behavior. Now, it didn't fight the person riding it. Instead, it allowed to happen.

"Finally succeeded, Master Adam's enchanted gems truly can tame this creature."

The person who seized Falcon Bloodwings from Arkmenom was Orkan. He had discussed with Gerald and Halford, all agreeing to use the permanent suggestion Adam implanted in the enchanted gem to take some Falcon Bloodwings from Arkmenom's grasp.

This enabled them to counter the aerial unit. Unfortunately, the enchanted gem empowered by Adam was limited. Many enchanted gems obtained from Arkmenom's corpses were empty gem.

Most of the enchanted gems acquired on the battlefield were also taken by Jeanne's mage forces.

Orkan and Adam's forces needed to make use of the limited enchanted gems to seize Falcon Bloodwings from Arkmenom's control.

Now, besides Orkan, several warriors from Adam's forces also began to ambush Arkmenom, who was caught off guard, and seized Falcons using enchanted gems.

Orkan led his bird toward the mage unit. He then glanced at the mages, trying to locate Jeanne. After finding her, he immediately had Falcon Bloodwings dive down and halted right in front of Jeanne.

"How did you manage to get that bird?" Jeanne asked, surprised to see Orkan approaching her while riding Falcon Bloodwings.

"The mage power embedded in the enchanted gem. It's not that important. Just get on, you can use your power more freely. We need to target Arkmenom, their general, to suppress this aerial unit."

Jeanne didn't refuse; she quickly got onto Falcon Bloodwings and sat behind Orkan.

"By the way, if you're thinking of using this opportunity to get closer to me, then give up," Jeanne joked.

Orkan was rolling his eyes and didn't respond to Jeanne's joke. He immediately signaled his Falcon to take off.

The Falcon Bloodwings spread its wings and flapped them strongly, shooting up from the surface. The large bird flew higher and higher, surpassing the tall trees.

Once above the Oziloth forest, it stabilized its speed.

"Do you know where General Arkmenom is?" asked Orkan.

"To the south, I've instructed some mages to lure him away from regular warriors. Fighting against a General will undoubtedly cause significant damage to the environment. If not handled properly, it could unintentionally injure the warriors," Jeanne explained.

Orkan nodded, acknowledging Jeanne's explanation. He knew how destructive battles between high-level mages could be. It was difficult to fight freely without worrying about collateral damage if there were ordinary soldiers around.

"How strong is his Beast Throne ability?" inquired Orkan.

"He controls over 1000 Bloodwings Falcons by himself. The Falcon Bloodwings he possesses seem stronger than other Falcon Bloodwings.

The Bloodwings he controls work together exceptionally well, forming formations, also quite good at executing strategy, and targeting dangerous mages.

Moreover, this particular General Arkmenom can transform into a Crowned Falcon Bloodwings. After transforming, he can regenerate the bird's feathers at will and easily shoot feathers. His defense is also very strong.

Basically, he's quite challenging to defeat."

Orkan listened to Jeanne's lengthy explanation. He then asked again, "So, can you defeat him?"

"Of course, but you mustn't let him escape too far! As long as you can keep a close enough distance, I believe I can defeat him," Jeanne bragged, displaying confidence in herself.

"There he is."

Orkan stared at a Falcon Bloodwings with feathers forming a crown on its head. The Falcon Bloodwings looked different, slightly larger than other Falcons. It was positioned within the formation of Falcon Bloodwings.

Many mages attacked the Falcon Bloodwings formation, but the strong defense of the large birds rendered the mages' attacks futile.

"He's protected by those Falcon Bloodwings. How do we approach him?" muttered Orkan, furrowing his brow.

"If i gathered all the mage who could flying, maybe we can penetrate the Falcon Formation," said Jeanne.

"Nope, he could fly so fast, there is no way we could stop him if he try to escape," Orkan rejected Jeanne's idea.