
Shadow Sealer

[On Break!] [Preparing for the next Volume] [Volume 1: The Clourfuss]=[Complete] [Volume 2: ...]=[On Writing] Zach's life takes a spine-chilling turn when an ancient malevolent shadow creature resurfaces after eons of concealment. Confronted with a harrowing dilemma – should he fight relentlessly for survival or surrender to the embrace of death? Caught in an endless loop of mortality, Zach desperately strives to shield his precious family, enduring the torment of life's perpetual repetition. Yet, amid countless cycles of life and death, a mysterious and ancient symbol known as the "Clourfuss" is activated, altering the course of his existence. This symbol's discovery unveils Zach's newfound power to seal the malevolent shadow creatures, altering his fate forever. Empowered by the enigmatic "Clourfuss" symbol, Zach is poised to become a legend in the impending Dark Age. However, the future remains shrouded in uncertainty. Is the unending cycle of death an advantage, or does it cast an everlasting curse of immortality? Who Knows... _________________ Support This Book By Giving Power Stones :) _________________ MC's progress may be a bit slow at the beginning of the story, so make sure to follow MC's journey at least until chapter 60, then you can judge whether this is for you or not. _________________ First Novel By Author Herfst _________________

Herfst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs


After calming himself down, Zach stood up with difficulty. His back still hurt from the impact on the wall.

He glanced at the street and slowly approached the middle-aged man lying in the middle of the road.

After checking the vitals, Zach found that the man was lifeless. That again made Zach confused "He's dead... now what? reporting to Mr Vanders? Yes, that is the most reasonable course of action. He will find a solution to this"

"First of all, I have to get rid of this corpse... Afraid that the other neighbors will notice this. After all, the sound of gunshots must still be heard even though they were muffled. Besides, the voices calling for help from the previous woman..." Zach couldn't think of any further action. for this.

For a moment the Sealing Medium showed a reaction. It spat out a deep red liquid from the Clourfuss symbol above it. At the same time, the middle-aged man in front of him trembled before slowly melting away.

His skin shriveled up and turned to dust while flesh and blood became a red liquid that pooled halfway. Leaving white bones and a pungent stench.

After a few seconds, the bone also collapsed and seemed to have simply become ashes.

When the Clourfuss Symbol in the Sealing Medium begins to normal. It also happened to the corpse in front of him. "What's this!?" Zach couldn't help but be surprised.

There is no information regarding this from the head of the clan. The sight was so disgusting that Zach vomited on the spot. While his thoughts were frozen, Zach backed away quickly as his body went numb.

He stopped moving like an engine running out of oil. Hot and cold sensations appeared again and this time spread throughout his body. Keep changing until it makes Zach feel great mental torture.

Zach almost lost consciousness when he noticed the shift of hot and cold was starting to weaken. Leaving a throbbing in Zach's head and whole body.

Zach didn't wait as he quickly ran back into the house. Slightly staggering, he sat down on a living room chair, placed the Sealing Medium on the table and was deep in thought.

At that moment the place where he was sitting turned into darkness with an ankle-deep sea of blood. Up in the sky, Clourfuss' symbol seemed to hang gradually closer to him.

From the shadows, a male silhouette that was slowly becoming clear walked towards her. It was a middle-aged man, wearing a dark blue collared shirt. Black pants and black shoes.

He looked down as he dragged his feet in the sea of blood to get closer to Zach.

Then as their gazes met, the middle-aged man uttered a single sentence "Free me!" before melting into a pool of blood. Increases the intensity of the pool of blood in the darkness.

After that the blood-red symbol in the sky spun a few times, causing a male figure to slowly appear and descend. The man landed but unlike Zach, the man seemed to be standing on a pool of blood.

Like floating and only making a little vibration on the viscous liquid below.

The man's figure had a firm posture. Broad shoulders, unidentifiable face. Darkness seemed to devour his face. As the man reached the bottom He hummed bringing the eerie atmosphere with him.

"Let's... see.... who is this." His voice broke several times like a glitch happened. He would stop humming as he spoke and would resume when he was done.

Zach with his confused face didn't lower the corners of his eyes as his gaze landed on the mysterious figure in front of him.

"Who are you?" he asked. Zach knew this was some kind of dream. It was because he had been in this pool of blood before.

However he never saw the mysterious figure in front of him.

"You... captured two... souls"

"That's not... enough"

"Catch more... more!"

His voice would stop and continue to hum and continue speaking again.

"It's been a long time... Clourfuss didn't offer him... a soul"

"The debt... has piled up!"

"Catch more!"

At this moment the figure put its index finger to its lips then stopped humming as a screeching sound was heard.

At the same time Zach's body explodes and wakes him up!

Zach opened his eyes and the figure of Ilya with long hair and black eyes was the first figure he saw.

Ilya looked confused looking at Zach with a wrinkled face. "Mr Clourfuss, why are you sleeping here?"

Zach who broke into a cold sweat looked around. The morning sun had filtered through the window and illumined the corner of the room. "Ilya..." Zach calmed down, he touched his forehead and rubbed it a few times.

At this moment Ilya has several guesses. The reason why Zach fell asleep in the living room was because he wasn't comfortable sleeping in the room? That made Ilya unable to bring this matter up too far. "Is it because I ignored his questions?" Ilya began to feel sorry.

"No, I was just... getting some fresh air... but I didn't expect to fall asleep here..." Zach chuckled.

A flustered Zach exhibits an abnormal vibrational reaction.

"Nightmare?" Ilya rushed into the kitchen and brought a glass of water.

After taking a sip, Zach straightened his mind.

"What is it? Capturing two souls? Offering one soul to him? who does he mean? Clourfuss' debt? I don't understand!"

"It's clearly related to Clourfuss. I had a similar dream in Amethyst City after activating the symbol. But this time it felt more real and gripping"

"But, one thing I know is... It's a warning!"

Zach tries to reconstruct the dream. Trying to understand every detail. Then he had a certain guess, "Two Souls... Did he mean the astral sealed in the sealing medium?"

"If counting the sealed astral during the wedding ritual, then the previous astral comes second"

"Then what happens if there are no offerings at all?" When he feels that he has an answer, a new question will appear in his mind.

Zach sighed, there would be no end to this if we continued to dig deeper, those were the thoughts that popped into his head.

Then he looked at Ilya as he opened his mouth to speak, "Ilya, did you know about the offering-" His words stopped as blood dripped from his nose.

the craziness went straight into his brain as if stirring the contents of his head. Zach was silent for a moment before showing a shocked reaction.

The shaking didn't last long but already made Zach almost kill himself from the pain. But that was only in his mind. His body didn't even move. His eyes that became vacant made Ilya quite surprised.

"Mr. Clourfuss?"

Zach woke up when he realized that Ilya was wiping the nosebleed on his nose. "..." Zach was silent for a while, looking at Ilya who was confused.

"Ilya, help me to my room..." Zach spoke, his tone serious but calm. It was as if great confidence rose in his heart.

Ilya didn't think long before helping Zach to his room and resting. "Tell Mr Vanders I can't see the team captain today"

"Tomorrow I will start work, so I leave it to him. Tell him I'm not feeling well" Zach's calm voice gave Ilya goosebumps.

This strange change made her dazed, "I'm sure he was fine..." Ilya thought.

"Do you need medicine? Or we can go to the hospital"

Zach shook his head "Just resting is enough"

"How about your breakfast?"

Zach was silent for a while "Just bring it here"

"And you're asking too many questions, That's driving me awry, act like a normal wife, don't act like a maid" Zach turned his eyes the other way.

Ilya lowered the corners of his lips upon hearing that.