
Shadow Sealer

[On Break!] [Preparing for the next Volume] [Volume 1: The Clourfuss]=[Complete] [Volume 2: ...]=[On Writing] Zach's life takes a spine-chilling turn when an ancient malevolent shadow creature resurfaces after eons of concealment. Confronted with a harrowing dilemma – should he fight relentlessly for survival or surrender to the embrace of death? Caught in an endless loop of mortality, Zach desperately strives to shield his precious family, enduring the torment of life's perpetual repetition. Yet, amid countless cycles of life and death, a mysterious and ancient symbol known as the "Clourfuss" is activated, altering the course of his existence. This symbol's discovery unveils Zach's newfound power to seal the malevolent shadow creatures, altering his fate forever. Empowered by the enigmatic "Clourfuss" symbol, Zach is poised to become a legend in the impending Dark Age. However, the future remains shrouded in uncertainty. Is the unending cycle of death an advantage, or does it cast an everlasting curse of immortality? Who Knows... _________________ Support This Book By Giving Power Stones :) _________________ MC's progress may be a bit slow at the beginning of the story, so make sure to follow MC's journey at least until chapter 60, then you can judge whether this is for you or not. _________________ First Novel By Author Herfst _________________

Herfst · Fantasy
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92 Chs

No Clue

After stabilizing his breathing, Zach hurriedly stood up. The tight feeling disappeared, he walked slowly towards the sheet of paper. At a closer distance, the sheet of paper seemed to be blown by the wind and flew up. Sparks rose from the engraving of Clourfuss' symbol on the paper, burning the paper to ashes.

Zach couldn't help but be surprised, nothing he saw made any sense. Blown by the wind in a closed room? burning without a lighter? Zach could only remain silent.

Then his gaze returned to the book on the table. Wide open as if begging to be read. The Clourfuss symbol that was previously engraved in black ink turned dark red.

"What is this? Does the ritual really work?" Zach was confused.

After a few seconds, Zach wanted to turn the page of the book when a mysterious wind blew and hit Zach's palms.

The feeling of shivering made Zach reflexively withdraw his hand. At the same time, the pages of the book turned over, and one by one the engraved letters just disappeared.

After a while, the book that previously contained many things, now became paper without writing. Zach who still couldn't believe it sat down on a chair and took a deep breath.

"Heh, this feels like a dream" Zach massaged his forehead.

After calming down, he returned to the heart of the matter. What he did before was a ritual to create a sealing medium, which was said to only be created by a Clourfuss. "What does this mean? But there is no evidence that this ritual works. It could be a failed reaction from the ritual" Zach muttered.

Then Zach remembered the familiar connection he felt. He looked down at the table, right above the big black suitcase was another smaller suitcase.

The suitcase was made of wood with a metal handle. It had the Clourfuss symbol engraved on it in dark red. Zach repeatedly rubbed the symbol, thinking it could be removed. But the result is no!.

The symbol couldn't be separated, as if it had been there since the revolver case was made.

"This symbol does not react on a piece of paper, only when the paper falls and sticks to the top of this suitcase, then there is a reaction"

"That is in accordance with the description of the book, the medium used is a closed object that can be opened or closed again"

However, Zach is confused about what will happen next. What will happen to him after this. Remembering the contents of the brown book just disappeared.

Besides that, what he had read earlier stuck in Zach's mind. "Obviously the book says only Clourfuss' pure blood can activate the symbol effect.. Well, again, this might just be a failed reaction. Though that doesn't explain why the writing on the book disappeared"

"This is a centuries-old history book, though there aren't many fans. There must be one or two people who have tried this stupid thing..." Zach put his revolver case back down.

He stood up and went back to checking the contents of the book. He turned it over three times to be sure, and there was no writing at all. Apart from a few torn pages.

After a while, Zach stuffed the blank book into a black briefcase along with his revolver case. He glanced down at the bed and back at his wife who was fast asleep.

He sat on a chair facing out the window. The darkness of the night and the silence ensured that the Gate Keeper and the assigned police officer had not returned.

"Well, it can't be solved quickly" Zach could only guess.

"Somehow I feel guilty about this, it might be resolved. But I was too cowardly, I fought hard after all. Even the Captain and the others couldn't stop it, let alone just me..." Zach lowered the corners of his lips as he remembered the people around him. the city of Obsidia.

Zach didn't sleep at all until morning, this wasn't because of a strange phenomenon anymore but because he chose to be awake.

Zach sat quietly in the wooden chair staring outside, when a faint light from the direction of the city street came into view. "Are they back yet?" Zach thought as he watched the faint light move slowly. From this inn, the view of the city can be seen clearly. Apart from the relatively high location, the strategic location also makes it one of the reasons.

Slowly the sun began to appear, indicating a new day had begun. Emma awakens from her sleep not knowing what happened.

It took quite a long time for the quarantine to be cancelled.

two days later at midday, And finally though not completely, the activities of the people in the city started to return to normal.

The explanation for the quarantine is migratory poisonous insects. That might be an absurd explanation, but it had to be believed.

There is no leaked information regarding the astral in the city of Obsidia. Zach put on his round hat, took his revolver which he put under the pillow and hid it under his black jacket.

When they were ready, He and Emma left the inn. Intended to meet with Leonard and Diana. It didn't take long for them to meet on the edge of Rose Street.

It was the city's main street that stretched from the gate to the end of the city. Of course with many branches that connect with other roads.

"Really, a poisonous insect? I'm sure it's just an alibi to start a war" Leonard shook his head while puffing on a cigar.

Zach just smiled.

They sat at Pillow Bakery, a bakery that provides dine-in service and is very popular among the middle class. Even in the city of Obsidia there are several bakeries that take the same concept.

They ate lunch without much conversation. After the meal, Diana had to return because Violet was not feeling well. Meanwhile Leonard, Zach and Emma relax in the flower garden.

"Hmm, enjoy your time I have important business" Leonard stood up to adjust his hat and faced Zach and Emma.

"Why?" he asked.

"Business matters, while I'm here. I'll at least get some things done, enjoy your time" Leonard said goodbye and left the two of them.

Bluemoon Garden is one of the three largest parks in the city of Amethyst. As a city called the city of flowers, the flower gardens in this city are much more beautiful and comfortable for tourists.

Zach just sighed when he saw Leonard starting to move away. He knew that it was just an excuse. "Even though Mrs. Diana said that He was not working" Zach chuckled.

Around them were many young couples who were also enjoying their time. In contrast to them, Zach looked more serious as if he had a lot on his mind.

"I feel like I could stay here forever" Emma smiled contentedly.

Hearing that, Zach thought again, "What about Obsidia City now?"

There is no information related to the City of Obsidia, this makes Zach confused about what happened there. even seeing the police officers and Gate keepers who had returned, indicated that they had resolved the astral problem.

But Zach couldn't calm down before knowing what happened.

After a long pause, Zach sighed as he said to Emma "If you want, we can rent a house here. Well, that is if I have enough money" Zach said with a bit of a joke.