
Shadow Phoenix: Rise of the Dark Empress

Once a prodigy in the art of cultivation, Huang Ruilin's life ended in betrayal and tragedy. Reincarnated with the knowledge of her past life, she vows to exact revenge on those who wronged her.

Amira_M_6197 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Death and Rebirth

The last moments of her life as Huang Ruilin... she would never forget!

Her hands clutched at her stomach, the very essence she had painstakingly developed over a millennium now irreparably lost. It was not the searing physical pain or the venom flowing through her veins that had reduced her to her knees, but the overwhelming burden of betrayal that had shattered her.

She felt the weight of her emotions suspended in mid-air, a heavy mist that refused to clear. A whispered "Why?" escaped her lips, the word strained and hoarse with the effort of containing her anguish. As she begged for answers, her voice seemed to reverberate through the damp, cold cell, each syllable a bitter reminder of the betrayal that had shattered her world.

Bai Tianzun's hand reached out, his fingers grazed her hair, sending a shiver down her spine. Then, with a sudden, calculated movement, his hand came to rest on her chest. The touch was like a jolt of electricity, sending a wave of shock and pain coursing through her body. His fingers, cold and unyielding, felt like a branding iron, searing into her skin as if to brand her forever.

"Don't resist," he whispered, his voice devoid of emotion. "You can't escape."

Huang Ruilin's eyes widened in horror as she realized his true intention: to take her life. Despair washed over her like a cold wave, crashing down upon her fragile heart. She had been so trusting, so blinded by her loyalty and admiration, that she had failed to see the truth. Now, it was too late. Her gaze drifted, becoming dull and lifeless, as if the spark within her had been extinguished. She struggled to form a coherent thought, her mind reeling.

"Bai Tianzun," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "explain to me... how you could do this. How could you betray me, after all we've shared?" Anger and resentment seeped from her words, but beneath the surface, a deep sadness lingered.

Bai Tianzun had turned away, his thoughts veiled in a shroud of indifference, "My destiny is greatness. The heavens have chosen me. But they don't have a place for you."

Huang Ruilin's heart, once overflowing with love, now hardened into a formidable stone. How could she have been so blinded by passion? Bai Tianzun was a master of deception, a manipulator who had woven a web of lies to ensnare her. And now, he stood before her, intending to kill her.

With a steadiness that belied the turmoil within, Huang Ruilin spoke her vows. Her eyes glimmered with an unprecedented determination. "You are wrong, Bai Tianzun. You have defied the heavens, and I swear to make you pay. I will not rest until I have claimed everything that is yours. I will not cease my pursuit until the heavens themselves are sated with your downfall."

The words hung in the air, a challenge and a promise, as Huang Ruilin's eyes burned with a resolve that would not be swayed. 

With a cold, mirthless laugh, Bai Tianzun's words cut deep: "You are nothing without your core, Ruilin. Weak as you are, now you are cursed to destruction."

Her response was a whispered promise: "I will rise again."

But Bai Tianzun's expression was unforgiving.

"A futile endeavor, I assure you," he sneered, his eyes glinting with malevolence. "Your fleeting life will be extinguished, Huang Ruilin. I will personally ensure that your rage is quenched in the depths of the underworld."


And Huang Ruilin would die.

Not immediately, no.

After that final conversation, much suffering awaited her.

The extent of her torture... she did not wish for it to be recorded, nor remembered.

As the life gradually drained from her, Huang Ruilin's screams became screams of despair. The initial determination to keep silent had long since given way to a futile struggle against the agony that consumed her. Her lower lip, already bruised and battered, was her only consolation, a small source of comfort as she bit down on it hard, earning a trickle of crimson tears down the corners of her mouth.

As the pain reached a critical point, Huang Ruilin's grip on reality began to falter. She felt as though she was staring at a canvas of her life, and every brushstroke seemed to lead back to this one, haunting moment. She whispered her final words to herself, a mantra of defiance and longing: "I will have my revenge."

Her words were laced with desperation, and yet she knew deep down it was just a futile attempt to cling to life. "Why did no one come to save me?" she thought, her mind racing with frustration. "Why did the heavens not show me mercy?" 

Her own fate had been sealed, and yet she couldn't help but curse her own foolishness. Her final plea to the heavens was for just one last merciful smile, for a foolish soul like hers to be spared. But it was too late; the venom was already spreading, claiming her life. 

As the strength ebbed from her, Huang Ruilin's eyes grew heavier, her vision blurring like a watercolor painting left out in the rain. Her thoughts grew cloudy, her memories fragmented and distant. She felt herself slipping away, leaving behind the fragments of her life like discarded puzzle pieces. And then, there was nothing. Silence. Stillness. The gentle fade of consciousness, like a candle flame whimpering out in the darkness.

Huang Ruilin — that name would not be spoken again for a long time.


In a lush, ornate chamber, a young woman stirred. The fifth daughter of the Wang family, Huang Ruilin, slowly came to, her gaze flicking towards the ceiling adorned with painted dragons and auspicious clouds. As her vision cleared, she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The soft glow of an oil lamp illuminated embroidered silk panels, depicting serene landscapes through silk-covered windows. The subtle scent of sandalwood and peonies wafted through the air, filling the room with an atmosphere of tranquility. Huang Ruilin's mind felt foggy, as if she was awakening from a deep slumber. She tried to remember the events that had led her here, but her memories were shrouded in a thick, impenetrable mist. As she sat up, the maidservants rushed to her side, their faces creased with concern. They helped her adjust her clothing and pushed a small, ornate cup towards her. Huang Ruilin's eyes lit upon the delicate, intricate design on the cup, and a faint glimmer of recognition sparked within her. "Water," she whispered, her voice hoarse from disuse. The maidservants poured a small amount of the liquid into the cup, and Huang Ruilin took a tentative sip. The cool liquid soothed her parched throat, and she closed her eyes, savoring the simple pleasure. As she sat there, sipping the water and regaining her composure, Huang Ruilin couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

The faint hum of a spiritual energy, a reminder of her previous life, seemed to linger within her core. Huang Ruilin's fingers instinctively reached for her belly, her mind racing to recall the events that had led her to this moment.

Where was she? How did she get here? And what had happened to her? Huang Ruilin's thoughts swirled in a maddening storm of confusion, but one question stood out from the rest: what was the price she had paid for her "liberation" from that prison cell? A painful numbness had replaced the ache of her battering, but the memory of Bai Tianzun's cruel handiwork still lingered, a gruesome thread tying her to the dark past. Huang Ruilin's fingers trembled as she felt for her core.

"Young Miss!" one of the maid's shriek interrupted her thoughts.

Huang Ruilin's mind, ever adaptable and quick to adjust, began to stir from its tranquility. As her thoughts cleared, she banished her initial assumptions and dove headfirst into analyzing the curious situation. 

First, Huang Ruilin tried to rise to her feat.

However, as she did, she became acutely aware of the significant limitations of her current body. Despite her efforts, she realized that her physical strength and cultivation were woefully below par. In fact, her body was struggling to reach the Mortal Core Realm, with only a few, weak sparks defining its dormant energy. The bleakness of this assessment was tempered only by the fact that this body was roughly sixteen years old, a characteristic that initially seemed to be its most redeeming quality. However, even for a noble family, was it not unusual for a sixteen-year-old to possess such meager cultivation abilities, particularly in a dynasty that emphasized martial prowess and cultivation as the foundation of its aristocracy? Huang Ruilin's thoughts stalled as she struggled to reconcile the disparity between this body's limitations and her own Golden Core Realm strength.

Secondly, Huang Ruilin approached the mirror by the dresser, ignoring the maidservant on her trail.

Huang Ruilin let out a sigh of discontent. It was clear that she was not pleased with what she saw.

As she gazed into the mirror, she was met with a youthful and attractive countenance. Her skin was smooth and porcelain-like, her almond-shaped eyes sparkling with an air of elegance. A slender nose complemented the gentle curve of her lips, which seemed both inviting and enigmatic. Her long, dark hair cascaded around her face like silk, adding to its allure. Every feature seemed meticulously crafted, achieving a harmonious balance that was both pleasing and unsettling. Yet, amidst this flawless beauty, a stark contrast emerged: a gruesome scar stretched from her chin to the bottom of her right eye, its dark purple hue and bumpy texture a jarring reminder of its severity. The scar was a stark contrast to the rest of her unmarred appearance, its very presence seeming to disrupt the otherwise flawless symmetry of her face.

While remedying low cultivation would require time and effort, the scars on her face presented a more pressing issue.

The maidservant had arrived at her side at this point. She spoke softly, her concern evident. "We were all quite worried about you, young miss. Please, do try to go slowly. You're not yet fully recovered, I'm sure." Huang Ruilin's gaze fell upon her, and she couldn't help but notice the maidservant's adorably pouty expression. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she layered a gentle smile onto her words.

"And... who are you?" she asked, injecting a touch of innocence into her voice. The maidservant's mouth dropped open in surprise, her shock swiftly transitioning to concern.

"H-how could you not know who I am?" she stuttered. "I'm Mei Ying, your maidservant. I've been serving you for fifteen years." Mei Ying's eyes searched Huang Ruilin's face, a hint of confusion mingling with her worry. She took a step closer to Huang Ruilin, her voice taking on a soothing tone. "Miss, you must not have recovered from your illness yet. You're normally so sharp and aware. Could you really not remember?"

Huang Ruilin's smile faltered, and she felt a creeping sense of unease. She glanced at Mei Ying's face, searching for any signs of deception, but the maidservant's features remained open and genuine. A faint glimmer of doubt began to take hold in her mind.

Huang Ruilin feigned confusion, saying, "You must be right."

Inside, she was thinking about how to proceed. If Mei Ying were smart, Huang Ruilin, unfortunately, could not let her stay by her side. She couldn't afford suspicion when she had not yet figured out her enemies and allies.

For now, she decided to test and observe.

Huang Ruilin's face contorted into a delicate mask of distress, her hand pressing lightly against her forehead as she swayed slightly on her feet. Mei Ying's eyes widened in concern, and she hurried forward. "Miss, are you feeling unwell?" she asked anxiously, gently guiding Huang Ruilin towards the bed. "Let me help you to lie down." Huang Ruilin allowed herself to be led, her movements weak and unsteady.

As she reclined onto the soft cushions, Huang Ruilin let out a feigned sigh of discomfort, her voice frail and faint. "I... I don't feel right," she murmured, her eyes fluttering as if struggling to focus. "Where... where am I?"

Mei Ying's brow furrowed with worry. "Miss, it's me, Mei Ying, your loyal maidservant," she replied softly, brushing a cool hand against Huang Ruilin's brow. "You've had a fever recently. Please rest." Huang Ruilin blinked slowly, attempting to project confusion and weakness in her gaze. "My name... who am I?" she muttered, her voice tinged with desperation as she gazed around the room. "This room appears so nice..."

Mei Ying's concern deepened, and she seemed on the verge of leaving or calling for help, but Huang Ruilin grasped her sleeve, making it clear she had no intention of letting go. Mei Ying eventually relented, beginning to answer Huang Ruilin's questions in an effort to ease mistress's muddled mind. Huang Ruilin listened intently, her mind racing behind her feigned illness, carefully calculating her next moves.


This body's name was Wang Ruilin. She was the sixth daughter of the Wang family.

The Wangs were an influential clan, with Wang Chengming, Wang Ruilin's uncle and the head of the family, serving as the county governor of Zhaohua City. The city's strategic location near the lucrative Great Mount Lua made it a hub of wealth and power.

The Wang family consisted of three branches, with Wang Ruilin belonging to the second branch. She had a young half-brother, Wang Shouzhi, from her father's concubine, but their relationship was distant due to his age. Wang Ruilin's parents, Wang Jiahao and Wang Yanlin, seemed to hold limited influence within the family, and it was her grandmother, Mo Suyin, who appeared to be her sole supporter.

Wang Ruilin herself seemed an unassuming individual. Her mild personality and unremarkable physical appearance made her an easily overlooked figure, enabling her to maintain a degree of freedom that might not have been possible for someone more prominent. Wang Ruilin considered herself plain and often felt overshadowed by her accomplished cousin, Wang Ruiqing, the first daughter of the main branch of the family. Her lack of ambition and unassuming nature had fostered a sense of inferiority.

She did not strike an impressive figure, neither in presence nor background, but it was not an impossible situation for Huang Ruilin to navigate.

The only thing that Huang Ruilin was concerned with was getting her revenge. She was unable to find it within herself to complain about the situation so long as she had the opportunity to exact it. At the end of the day, she had already evaded death, which was her greatest challenge. All of the other issues could be regarded as relatively minor in comparison to that.