
Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny

When a girl meets a mysterious end, her soul enters the body of another. But she refuses to accept the comfortable life granted to her, knowing that there is no rest coming Yet, who finds herself trapped between the darkness of her past and the light of her future. After being forced to make a tragic choice, she must make sense of a mysterious series of events and a forbidden love that seems to draw her further down into the shadows. Along her journey, she discovers the secret to her own identity, the meaning of forgiveness, and the true nature of the darkness that surrounds her. her search for the truth behind her death leads her on a journey through strange and unfamiliar lands, where she meets new faces who expose her to the meaning of love, life, sacrifice, hope, hate, and separation. As she crosses kingdoms and countries with her friend. she begins to unravel the secrets and mystique surrounding these mysterious lands, their inhabitants, and their deepest desires. With each step she takes, she takes us deeper into a mystical and captivating world, where mystery, magic, and passion mingle in perfect harmony. She faces challenges, trials, and heartbreak, yet her courage and determination never falter, as she is pulled along by an irresistible force that leads her to her destiny.

Tianmeng_ · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Find me, Shadow Witch.

When Shushin opens her eyes, she finds that her hands are tied, and there is a veil covering her face, preventing her from seeing anything

Suddenly someone pulls the covering from her eye, when she looks up she finds a familiar person

"Nana? You're definitely not the culprit, so why are you helping?"

Nana got up, "Don't talk like you know me well."

Zen Zen said, and her voice seemed sad : "You know you'll regret it all right?"

Nana looked at Zen Zen, did not answer her, and went and pulled the blanket over the head of the person next to Shushin

"What are you doing here? Jianguo!"

"I don't really remember huh..."

"You have time until dawn to remember your memories"

Then she sat down in front of Shushin, :"If you had not lit the fire, nothing would have happened, you would not have ended up here, give me the shade and I will set you free."

Shushin said in exclamation: "What shade? I do not know what you are talking about."

Nana grabbed Shushin's face with her hands and brought Shushin close to her, "Don't play your damn games with me, just tell me."

"His name is Tianyang." Shushin said sarcastically, "Also, you'd better go on your way before you lose a limb."

Nana got up, then put a cover on her face, and wore a very fluffy black dress, then she turned around until she disappeared

Before disappearing completely, she looked at Shushin and said, "Find me. Shushin, Shadow Witch."

Minghao, who was tied to the other wall, said: "What Shadow are you talking about?"

Shushin replied: "My soul mate, my savior, my friend, and finally, I am his savior."

"hey shadow, don't you think of untangling my hand? I started to feel pain and blood was almost standing in my hand."

"I was planning on ignoring you, didn't I tell you not to call me by that nickname?"

Jianguo looked around in astonishment and fear: "What is this? Where does the sound come from?"

Suddenly, the shadow came out holding something shiny, it turned out to be a knife, with which he untied the ties around her hands

He said: "You can do this yourself, why are you bothering me, didn't you say that I am useless?"

She smiled at him: "You can see me trying to fill my feeling of being inhuman, someone who needs help, now I'm resting a bit, looks like I have more work to do. Also, I used a lot of my strength so I'm tired."

Then Shushin got up and helped Jian Guo's hand, he kept looking at her face, he didn't miss a single look, she finished and smiled at him: "Are you okay?"

Lingjie said: "Excuse me for interfering, but there are some people here as well"

Jianguo smiled while Shushin helped him stand up, replied: "I'm coming, you're complaining too much today"

Continued, "He has always been annoying since the first day we met."

Then she closed her eyes and in a flash pulled out nails from her hands like a cat and cut the ropes wrapped around their hands.

"Oh, my God, that's really interesting"

Minghao said, "Shadow Witch, how many things can you do?'

"I guess you don't know, but I often heard this title as an insult.

Anyway, I can show more things than you can expect. The main reason I am a Shadow Witch is that I am a very charming person in fact."

"I can't believe you are my friend."

" Of course, because I'm not. You're a trickster. You got me into trouble. Also, I'm your savior. Don't forget that favor, although I don't think I'll need it."

"You never know what might happen, miracles do exist, just like you."

She looked at him with exclamation marks on her face: "A miracle? Where is the miracle?"

He approached and whispered in her ear: "Some people, their existence is a miracle, fate is also sometimes a miracle"


They all left the room, and after searching, they found that there are stairs leading to the roof and stairs leading down, and four doors, including the room they were in as well.

" there are five of us, and there are four rooms, what do we do?"

"Go with Shushin to room number 4, there is blood on the door so you might discover something, I will go to room 1, it seems very cold and I can handle the cold."

Jianguo :" So since I can't go with Shushin. I'm going to room 3, it just looks normal."

"Then I'll go with Zen Zen"

As everyone entered the rooms, Minghao and Shushin stood up and looked at each other before opening the door where they found pictures of them all over the years, literally everyone and there is a bloody statement saying: "I have to play dirty, if I want to win and get revenge."

"Does this mean that Nana wants revenge? Who then?.."

" It shouldn't be her "

" Why do you keep saying that there is another criminal? Who else could it be? "

Shushin She looked at him, : "The great wizard who is rumored to have built the magic kingdom, his curiosity got the better of him and led him to his death, great skills, bad choice and meddling in something he shouldn't have known, made him die" she said as she kept moving about the room and looking around, and then continued, "I don't know if it was his very good heart or his curiosity and self-satisfaction more than he really is, with what He thought he had more rights than he had, but he died, He left behind daughter and son , grandchildren, and most importantly, his daughter"

Minghao interrupted her words angrily and said: "Shushin, please stop, why are you saying this to me?"

Shushin didn't care about his words and continued: "His daughter was not very different in some characteristics, she was unwanted and unloved, all she possessed was her beauty and her body, she was engaged to a man but later discovered that she did not really love him, she kept dating a man she loved in secret until she gave birth to a child from him, until that She got married despite her attempt to end the marriage, lived with him for a short time, then ran away, leaving her daughter in a house far from her real home. But it didn't take long until she discovered that she only lived in hiding like drowned rats, that she hid from everyone but her killer, her enemy. Because he definitely wanted her to die, he loved the throne more, and had more wives and children than you can imagine"

Minghao sat on the floor, hiding his face in his hands that he placed above his feet, while he kept looking at the floor, knowing that he would hear her talk whether he wanted it or not.

" But for some reason he has a lot of selfish things inside him, he pulled the child from her, and refused to give it to her, But when the child grew up a little, he still visited her every once in a while. Everyone suffered in one way or another, under the word family, that family that destroys your soul and robs you of your love. But it turns out that there is another child in the story. I recently learned that another man was in love with this beautiful girl He was a nice guy, he was her best friend, but she never fell in love with him. He married another, but she remained in his memory and heart , so his wife committed suicide out of grief. And the father lost his mind, Knowing that he destroyed his family, he destroyed himself before he destroyed anyone else"

Everyone here is related to the king in one way or another, everyone is connected, so does the criminal want us to help him take revenge? Or catch him?