
Shadow of the knight

In the mystical realm of Eranillis, a young hero named Ash is thrust into an epic journey of discovery and survival. Abandoned as an infant at the doorstep of the Silver Oak Monastery, his origins are cloaked in mystery. Raised by the enigmatic Elder Garret, Ash grows amidst whispers of ancient prophecies and hidden secrets. Eighteen years later, the peaceful life at the monastery is shattered when a brutal demon attack sets Ash on a path to uncover his true heritage. Joined by a brave and loyal group of friends. The companions face monstrous demons, ancient curses, and the treachery of former allies. The demonic forces, led by the fearsome Demon King Badurad, wage war across the continent, pushing Ash and his friends into a series of harrowing battles and heart-wrenching losses. In this thrilling saga of courage, sacrifice, and resilience, Ash must embrace his role as the prophesied savior. With the fate of Eranillis hanging by a thread, Ash's journey leads to an epic confrontation with the forces of darkness. Sok weaves a rich tapestry of adventure, exploring the depths of friendship, the pain of loss, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. As Ash rises from the ashes of devastation, he forges a new legacy, inspiring a new generation to protect the fragile peace of Eranillis.

TheTerminus · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Lessons and Lapses

Seventeen years had passed since the night Ash was left at the Silver Oak Monastery, and the child who had once been swaddled in sorrow and hope had grown into a boy of seventeen summers. His dark hair, tousled and unkempt, framed a face that was a mix of innocence and emerging determination. The pendant given to him by his parents still hung around his neck, an ever-present reminder of the destiny he had yet to understand.

On this particular day, Ash sat in the monastery's grand hall, its stone walls adorned with ancient tapestries depicting the heroic deeds of past knights. The hall was filled with the murmur of young voices and the faint scratching of quills on parchment. The students, a mix of young knights-in-training and aspirants of the arcane, were gathered for their daily history lesson.

Brother Oswin, a portly man with a booming voice and a love for the dramatic, stood at the front of the hall. His robes swished as he gestured expansively, his face animated with the passion of a storyteller. "And so," he proclaimed, "the great continent of Eranillis was plunged into darkness. The demon king Badurad and his infernal horde emerged from the Abyssal Rift, spreading chaos and destruction in their wake. The land was ravaged, and the people despaired—"

Ash's mind wandered as Brother Oswin's voice droned on. He stared out the window, his eyes following the path of a drifting cloud. His thoughts were far from the history lesson, drifting to the edges of the forest where he often trained in secret, honing skills that felt both instinctual and strange. The stories of demons and heroes felt distant and unreal, like tales from a dream he could barely recall.

"Ash!" Brother Oswin's voice cut through his reverie like a blade, startling him back to the present. The other students snickered, and Ash felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Perhaps you would like to enlighten us on the significance of the Battle of Ashenfields?" Brother Oswin's eyes glinted with a mix of irritation and expectation.

Ash stammered, struggling to recall any details from the lesson. "Um, the Battle of Ashenfields... it was... important because... the knights, they fought... bravely?"

Brother Oswin sighed, his broad shoulders sagging. "Indeed, they did. But if you had been paying attention, you would know that the Battle of Ashenfields was a turning point in our history. It was where the first great alliance was formed, uniting humans, elves, and dwarves against Badurad's forces. A lesson not just in bravery, but in the power of unity." He fixed Ash with a stern look. "Do try to focus, young man. History is not merely about the past; it shapes our future."

The lesson continued, Brother Oswin's voice rising and falling with the ebb and flow of the tale. Ash tried to pay attention, but his thoughts kept slipping away, pulled by a restlessness he couldn't quite name.

The Silver Oak Monastery was a place of learning and discipline, but also of hidden wonders. Its library, a labyrinth of ancient tomes and scrolls, held secrets of magic and lore. The training grounds, where young knights sparred and honed their skills, echoed with the clash of steel and the shouts of instructors. And the Silver Oak itself, a tree of immense age and power, stood at the heart of it all, its branches whispering ancient wisdom to those who would listen.

Ash's thoughts drifted again, this time to the pendant around his neck. He often wondered about its significance, the strange light that seemed to pulse within it, and the connection it had to his past. He had asked Elder Garret once, but the elder had only smiled and said, "In time, you will understand."

The class ended, and the students filed out of the hall, their chatter filling the air. Ash lingered behind, gathering his things slowly. Brother Oswin approached him, his expression softer now. "Ash, I know you find it difficult to focus, but you must try. The knowledge we impart here is not just for the sake of learning, but for preparing you for the challenges you will face."

Ash nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, Brother Oswin. I'll do better."

Brother Oswin placed a hand on his shoulder. "I believe you will. Remember, history is a tapestry, and each of us has a thread to weave into it. Yours may be more significant than you realize."

Outside, the training grounds were alive with activity. Young knights sparred with wooden swords, their instructors correcting stances and techniques with sharp words and practiced movements. Ash watched them for a moment, feeling a longing to join them, to lose himself in the rhythm of combat.

He made his way to the edge of the forest, where he often sought solitude. The woods were a place of refuge, a world apart from the structured life of the monastery. He found his usual spot, a clearing surrounded by tall oaks and carpeted with soft moss. The sounds of the forest—**the rustle of leaves, the distant calls of birds**—soothed his restless spirit.

Ash drew his wooden practice sword, a simple yet well-crafted weapon, and began to go through the drills he had learned. **Thwack, thwack**—the sword struck an imaginary foe, each movement precise and controlled. As he trained, he let his thoughts wander, imagining himself in the tales Brother Oswin told. He was a knight, standing against the tide of demons, his sword a beacon of hope.

The pendant around his neck grew warm, a subtle yet noticeable change. Ash paused, looking down at it. The gem pulsed with a soft, rhythmic light, almost as if it were alive. He had felt this before, in moments of deep concentration or heightened emotion. It was a mystery he had yet to unravel.

A rustling in the bushes nearby caught his attention. He turned, sword ready, and saw a figure step into the clearing. It was Elder Garret, his expression calm but curious. "Training alone again, Ash?"

Ash lowered his sword, feeling a bit sheepish. "Yes, Elder. I find it helps me think."

Elder Garret nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "It's good to practice, but remember, you are not alone. The monastery is here to guide you, to help you grow. Do not shut yourself off from that."

Ash looked down, feeling a mix of emotions. "I just... I want to be ready. For whatever comes."

Elder Garret stepped closer, their eyes gentle. "You have a great destiny, Ash. But do not rush to meet it. Let it unfold in its own time. Trust in the training, and trust in yourself."

They walked back to the monastery together, the setting sun casting long shadows across the grounds. The Silver Oak stood tall, its branches swaying gently in the evening breeze. Ash glanced up at it, feeling a strange connection to the ancient tree. It was as if it were watching over him, a silent guardian of his journey.

As they reached the monastery, Elder Garret turned to him. "There is more to being a knight than skill with a sword. There is wisdom, patience, and the strength to face not just your enemies, but yourself. Remember that."

Ash nodded, taking the elder's words to heart. He knew he had much to learn, and the path ahead was uncertain. But with the guidance of the monastery and the promise of the pendant around his neck, he felt a spark of hope.

The night descended upon the monastery, the stars twinkling like distant fires in the sky. Ash lay in his bed, the pendant warm against his chest, and dreamt of a future where he stood against the darkness, a light in the shadows. And as he slept, the Silver Oak hummed softly, a lullaby of ancient power and promise.