
Shadow of the Abyss

The Old Gods are gone. Lost and Forgotten, their honor shattered and their kingdoms broken by treachery. The Peace of the Myriad Heavens has been severed. And from the ashes of war and chaos, the Twin Towers of Babel have been created as a beacon of hope. Can Altair, a child born of the Old Gods whose name has long since been forgotten, survive, or will he be cast into the Nine Hells? *** "So..." Arsene continued, enjoying his child's flush expression. "I've got a few things to teach you. What I'm about to give you is some peak wisdom. Think of it as my Ten Commandments: One, never trust a bitch with red hair. Trust me on this. Two, the pull-out game is not a real thing. She will get pregnant. Three—" "F-Father…" " —Never get yourself more than one wife. It sounds fun. It is fun. But it's truly a nightmare. You better be writing this stuff down. This is some grade-A wisdom right here. Four. "...Please stop talking…" The Prince pleaded. "Shhhhh. Just let this happen. Four…Bro's before hoes isn't a thing. The hoes come first. Remember, Booty is more important than Wa— " "STOP!!!!!"

Lord_Damocles · Fantasy
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433 Chs

Viscountess Maylar Aros

Warning: Dark Chapter

"What a useless child you are." Viscountess Maylar growled, brushing a slap over the ungraceful swine she'd dare to call her son. "Pathetic! How dare you lose to a mere commoner? A boy, not even an awakened!" Another popping sting whipped over Laros, staining his uniform. "Answer me! How does the fifth son of a brigadier general lose? To a God Damn Unawakened!"

"Mother…" Laros started.

Blood whipped over the curtains within his room as Maylar lashed out with another slap peeling flesh from his cheek. " You have the nerve to call me Mother?" Her palm reached down, taking hold of her spawn by the throat. Her fingers sank through flesh, drawing blood. "Answer me, you useless filth."

Laros shuddered, enthralled by a sudden dread and the source of it before him. " Mommy… Mommy, I'm sorry! I…"

"Call me Mommy again, and I'll carve your fucking tongue out." Maylar snapped, inching her face closer, her once sublime features contorting into a feral rage. "Had I known you'd be so useless, I'd have taken the Duke's offer to fuck me: Perhaps his spawn would have been useful." She said, releasing Laros to his knees, sneering as he gasped for bitter air.

And she thought: How is this Gado's son? I thought him talented. He'd awakened days earlier than most. Possessed above-average skill with a blade. And yet he lost to a goddamn outsider. A commoner! One not even adept in our sword art. Pathetic. But it was bound to happen. Five sons, its only natural one is useless. News has already spread of this Altair. I need to—'

"I'll do better… Mother… I'll do better. Just please don't tell Father. Please. I'll train every day. I'll do anything. Please… Please for-for-forgive me. " Laros whimpered, tears cascading over the swelling of his cheeks. He cried. Trembling uncontrollably. He dared not look up. Dared not meet his Mother's furious eye lest he be blinded like so many others.

He'd seen it before: His Mother's rage that was akin to a demon. The venom she carried. It didn't matter who opposed her, be it those of higher rank or, god forbid, those of lower rank. Viscountess Maylar Aros's ruthlessness was said to be legendary.

"What are you? Ten? You ought to be old enough to be sent to the Black Scourge." She added, finding amusement in her worlds.

"Mother! You can't! I'm… I'm still… The viscount, son!" Laros shouted, finding courage at the mention of the Black Scourge. "Mother, I can't go—"

"His Son!!" Maylar howled, striking her useless son across the room with a ruthless kick to the abdomen, imprinting his small body into the wall. Mana flared off her being like a wild storm. As if a whirlwind had gathered around her, uprooting the various decor and bedding, she approached Laros, coughing up a mouthful of blood. "I'd let all four thousand men of the Black Scourge fuck you like a rabid dog should you prove useless. That's how much you are worth to me right now. Nothing more than a common hole to be used for someone else's gain. Tomorrow, you will challenge Altair. And if you fail…."She stopped herself, sucking in a large breath, as the ice within her violet eyes shimmered. " You are my son… that is clear. But… should you fail me, should you disgrace House Aros. Your future will lie in the Black Scourge."

Storming out as blood pooled around Laros, Viscountess Maylar's cold voice echoed to the guard's station near the doorway, "Take Laros to the infirmary. Give him everything he needs. I want him at one hundred by morning." she ordered, making her way towards the Duke.

She knocked on his door, taking a few seconds to compose herself, and invited herself in to see him reviewing a few documents. "You wanted to see me, sire?"

The Duke frowned, shooting her a hard glance, noticing the blood over her palm. "He's merely ten, Maylar." He whispered.

"You called me in here to talk about Laros?" Maylar asked, pulling out a handkerchief, and calmly cleansed herself of her wretched spawn.

"No," he muttered through a dark chuckle, putting aside any thoughts of Laros. "It's a go. We've ten years to get the Emperor to open Earth's Borders. More specifically, we have ten years to ensure the GCA can acquire land."

Viscountess Maylar's brows sunk. "That's not a lot of time."

"I know. That's why I'm appointing you to head this endeavor." The Duke said. "I don't know a more ruthless woman. One who knows how to get results. You play the game better than me."

She smirked. "Don't toy with me, Duke."

"But it's true. And it's better to have you on the inside than the outside." The Duke replied. " You and the Master of Swords. I need both of you. A sword and a shield."

A delightful grin arose and caught the Duke's eye. She approached him, taking a seat on his desk. "Ten years…huh." she looked at him. "The consequences of failure?"


The coldness in the Duke's words did not escape, Maylars ears. Nor did the meaning behind it need to be explained. The Reverend Mother was preparing to end the House of Aros.

She grinned. "And the reward?"

"Exclusive access and rights within GCA. They've already granted temporary access to their cloning facilities. We've total control for the next ten years." He explained, inhaling the sweet perfume of jasmine and rose, Maylar wore. He grinned, tracing his gaze over her enticing figure, which seemed to curve like that of a dragon. He eyed her skin-tight black dress, revealing her shoulders and back.

"There being generous." Maylar continued, aware of his luscious stare. She said nothing of it. "How hard do you want me to lobby the nobles? If I'm to start, I might need the support of a few barons." she stared into his fathomless blue eyes, carrying a growing frustration.

Her smile deepened, and her legs parted over the table.

"Barons are those of the… lowest… level." He muttered, eyeing the dark-colored undergarments beneath Maylars dress, inching closer up her waist.

Her legs opened wider, just enough to give the Duke a better view… of the lingerie she'd prepared for him.

'Men,' she derisively told herself, reaching between her legs to the throbbing heat below.


"Call me May… just for today." She told him in a whisper, so soft, The Duke felt his heart quicken, and his cock throb

"... Gado… My brother..."

"Isn't here," she told him, taking hold of his large callus palm. They were the hands of a soldier. Of one who'd seen war. Her gaze locked over his as she moved his hand further down towards the forbidden fruit belonging to his brother. "He's never here… Never."

Maylar sucked in a deep sinking breath, speaking through lies and truth, quivering as her cheeks grew flushed. "Your… already making me wet. What's wrong, my Duke… Am I too much for you?"

The Duke growled, rising from his seat with a burning heat tightening against his trousers. "Don't play with me, May."

"Then fuck me!" She told him, jerking him by the tie with a sense of authority."That's what you want, right? Do it. I'd heard you Aros men are a great fuck. But your brother was nothing but a disappointment. Will you disappoint me too? Tear this goddamn dress off me. And fuck me. Or are you not man enough?"

Flushed rage caught the Duke's eyes as he fell into a sea of Jasmine and Rose.