
Shadow Monarch: Ruler of Darkness

Daniel, a man who lost the love of his life to disease along with his parents was very devastated and felt like the world fell apart on him, in the end he died and thought that he would finally meet his love. But found something bigger and found that his love was still alive in another world so he decided to go that world to find her. Follow his journey that will he filled with adventures and dangers yet very exciting, I guess.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 8

Back at the mansion–In the living room.

A dark purple circle appeared on the floor before two people came out from it.

They were Shuri who was holding her daughter, Akeno, in her arms and the Shadow Monarch.

Shuri had a great mental pressure due to what happened some time go making her feel weak to the point of collapsing but she held it as she wanted to know what she would do from now on.

Will she try and search for a new place for her and her daughter? Or stay here with this young man who saved her until she find a good place?

She wouldn't know unless she asked the young man which she would do.

Looking at him after she moved away from his embrace that made her feel warm and safe, although reluctantly with a blush and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Then looked back with now calm expression.

"First, thank you for saving me and my daughter, I appreciate your help,"

"Sigh, I said before that you don't need to, right?"

"Indeed you said that but I want to say it again," She said with a thankful smile.

"Very well, I accept your appreciation. Now, what will be your next course of action?" He said calmly before offering her to sit down on the couch to rest which she appreciated and accepted his offer and sat beside him.

Akeno was in a deep sleep because of his spell that beside making her relax, showed her happy dreams.

"I don't know, maybe I will try to leave this town and go anywhere else, like Kyoto for example. It's a calm and safe place ruled by the Yokais."

The man nodded but suddenly remembered that there were plots involving that place making him reluctant to let her go there.

Although like that, but he was a caring person who would help those who 'deserve' to be helped.

And those who deserve to be helped are according to his standards.

So with that in mind, he decided to help her, beside, he had another intention for doing that.

In the original, she died because she was weak and her husband wasn't there to help her, although he didn't remember the reason why he wasn't there for her, he didn't care.

Here he was just a bastard who liked to play with women and watch his wife before surrounded by enemies who were wanting to kill her and her daughter for their relationship with him.

At least be responsible if you are a bastard.

Anyway, Shuri had a potential and if honed carefully she would be so strong that she could kill strong enemies like Baraqiel or stronger than him with ease.

And a potential without honing is just a trash.

So with that thought in mind.

"Then, how about living here, this place is safe even safer than Kyoto and you could raise your daughter comfortably beside teaching her and training her as she grows up. And if you are reluctant to live here without anything in return, you could just do the chores or something as a payment. How about this?"

Once she heard this, her eyes widened in surprise while looking at him. Indeed the offer was good and suited her perfectly considering the immense power she felt from him that she couldn't see the bottom.

Besides raising Akeno, she could train and hone her skills to be stronger, after all she witnessed what power could do.

With power you could rule, with power you could protect those who are dear to you (in this case her daughter), and with power your word will be the law and nothing or no one could oppose you.

She learned many things today and didn't want to stay weak all the time, she wanted to be strong, so strong. Her greed and desire for power were increasing which was a good sign and was noticed by the Monarch who was sitting beside her, but too much greed isn't good and she will learn that slowly.

So regarding this offer, she is willing to accept it, after all she won't live here for free which made her sigh in relief.

Then with a smile she said "Then I accept your offer and thank you for letting me live here."

"No need,"

Then she looked at him with confusion making the man tilt his head slightly which she found cute.


"Ahem, what can I call you from now on?"

When asked this question he remembered his past life and the name that his wife used to call him with. The memories of the past made him smile warmly and gently making Shuri who was looking at him be in a daze and found the most beautiful thing in life in her eyes which was the smile of the man in front of her.

'So beautiful, it's the first time I see him smiling like this since we met.' She felt her heart beating loudly while a strong blush spread across her face.

"You can call me...Daniel or Dan for short. And you?" He said looking at the dazed woman. He knew this woman but decided to ask so to not look suspicious.

Shuri when heard him became like a boiled lobster from embarrassment.

'Haaaa how can I look at a man who I just met some time ago like a maiden in love? I'm a ma– well, let's forget about it, I don't want to remember this piece of shit again.' she was about to say 'Married' in her mind but stopped when she remembered Baraqiel, and a look of hate spread across her face and her eyes darkened before calming herself again.

Daniel noticed this and didn't look confused as he knew that she remembered something hatful made her like that, maybe her ex-husband?

"My name is Shuri Himejima, nice to meet you Daniel-san." She said with a very gentle smile.

"Just Dan or Daniel is enough, I don't like honorifics that much."

"Then Daniel is good."

At first when Shuri heard his name, she immediately thought he was a foreign which wasn't far from the truth if we considered his previous life and his current appearance. Anyway, with that being taken care off, Shuri felt like a huge burned was being taken off of her shoulders, giving her time to breath.

She suddenly felt tired and couldn't take it anymore, so she leaned on Daniel's shoulders as she closed her eyes. She had a happy smile on her face while sleeping, throwing her life in the hands of a person she had just met some time ago.

It was strange how she could feel safe beside him as if he was the most trusted person in the world.

Daniel smiled warmly when he saw that and decided to take her to the bedroom to rest along with her daughter, so he took Akeno from her arms and summoned Beru again and made him hold Akeno and follow him to the bedroom.

Beru complied and held Akeno gently as to not wake her up before following his King to the bedroom in the second floor. There were many empty bedrooms, so he could make Shuri occupy anyone of them.

Once he put her in the bed and Akeno beside her, he covered them with a blanket as the weather was cold at night.

Beru got into his shadow after bowing to him, then he went out of the bedroom and closed the door behind.

Although it was night, he felt refreshed and had the desire to cook something, so he decided to cook the dinner before Akeno woke up.


In the heavens, at the seventh heaven.

In a certain bedroom, there was a woman with voluptuous body and unimaginable beauty.

Her golden hair cascaded on her shoulders increasing her beauty even more, and her attire that couldn't hide her sexy hot figure that could arouse men.

She was considered the most beautiful woman in heaven and the most powerful one as well.

And now this powerful figure was sitting on the bed with a longing look on her face while tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

Seems remembering something.

'I don't know what I'm doing here or why am I here? It's so confusing and strange, although I know what this world is it but I'm slightly worried. My dear, are you out there, are you still waiting for me?'

'I miss you so much my dear, although she told me that you would be here, but I can't wait to see you and hug you. I love you.'



"Y-Yes?" She said as she snapped out of her memory while wiping her face and eyes as tears were sliding staining them.

She flicked her fingers and she was clean.

"Lady Gabriel, Michael-Sama asked for your audience."

"I'm coming in a minute, tell him that."

"As you wish, Lady."

Then, Gabriel sat on the bed and sighed tiredly.

"Couldn't they give me some break? I was working so hard in the past years."

Then with a sigh again, she stood up and walked toward the door and before she opened it, she looked behind and smiled.

"Don't worry my dear, I will make sure to find you and at that time, I won't leave you again like before."

She said while looking at framed picture of a woman and a man hugging each other while smiling.

Then with that done, she opened the door and went out.


(Daniel's Pov)

I was in the kitchen cooking when suddenly I felt my heart race, it felt like the first time I met Lily which made me think of something made me smile.

"Oni-chan is so handsome!"

Hearing the voice of a little girl, I snapped out of my state and looked at the source to find a little girl with long black hair and violet eyes which were sparkling while looking at me.

She resembled very much her mother, Shuri.

She was Akeno.

"Hey little Akeno, did you sleep well?" I said with a smile.

The girl blushed and said with a smile "I-I slept well, thanks to Oni-chan."

She was looking down on floor while circling her fingers around each other.

It was confusing tho, how such a little girl be like that.

She was cute~.


Hearing that sound, I chuckled softly making her embarrassed.

"Come on, the dinner is ready. I know you are hungry, so come and help me put the dishes on the table.

The dinning room was beside the kitchen which made it easy to move the dishes to the table.

After preparing the table, I decided to go and wake Shuri up so she could come and eat as she didn't eat anything since the beginning.

But before I could go, I noticed her coming to the dinning room while rubbing her eyes slightly.

"Hey, I know that you hadn't had enough sleep, but come and eat. You didn't eat anything today after all and it's a good chance to tell you about this mansion and everything in it so you could started your work tomorrow."

"Um." She replied with a warm smile before coming and sitting beside her daughter, while I sat opposite to them.

Then with that, we started to eat together while chatting along the way.

It was a good relaxing time by the way that I couldn't help but remember my parents.

Such a happy times.


[Maybe there is someone is looking for you out there and you just don't know it didn't search] – Vee