
❤️Chapter 10: One Horny Demoness!❤️

Fun Fact: Valentino's name is Italian meaning Strength and Health, But did you know? The name Valentina means the same.


[2018 January 1, Pride Ring, Pentagram City, Middle Of The Road, Limo, Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Universe]


[??? Pov]

We start of this Chapter zooming into a Fancy Brightly colored Limo where we see 1 Sexy Slender Lavender Skinned Moth Demoness between a Sexy Succubi and a Sexy Cat Demoness in her Hellphone.

The Moth Demoness has a Lavender Hair Color and Short Hair and her Hair going left almost covering her Red Left Eye she also wears a Gold-Rimmed Heart-Shaped Sunglasses with Cerise-Pink Lenses.

(Harvey: Is it just me or is it hot here?)

The Moth Demoness is tall standing in 9ft, The Demoness wears a Floor Length Vivid-Red Coat, Which features a White Fur Trim at the Wrists, As well as Black and White Striped Fur Trim down the Coat Center-Front to the Bottom Hem, With her Black Bra expose to the world to see.

(Harvey: Damn i'm gonna lose tons of Blood if i continue further, But i must continue my journey for my fellow Brother's and Sister's!)

A large fluffy White 'Collar' decorated with small Red Love-Hearts is wrapped around her Neck - this plumes up from her Coat's Break-Line, Her Coat is pinned with a Gold Chain and Gold Love-Heart Shaped Broach near her Exposed Black Bra.

(Harvey: RUNNN!!!)

The Demoness Accessories with a Matching Vivid-Red Top Hat, That has a Wide, Asymmetrical Zebra-Print Hat-Band. Two appendages sprout from the Band of the Hat: on her Left, One Black Spiked Antennae, And on her Right, What appears to be a Large Black and White Striped Feather.

The Moth Demoness is looking down on her Hellphone she seems to be texting her friends.

[💜The Three V's💜]


[@voxtagram_8k: "Dear please stop speaking in caps, But yes i did saw the News."]

[@radvelvetcakes: "Sorry Ma."]

[@voxtagram_8k: "It's alright."]

[@moth_pimp: "What are you girls talking about?"]

[@voxtagram_8k: "None of you're business."]

[@radvelvetcakes: LOOK AT THE NEWS ASAP!]

Before The Demoness could chat back she saw a Black Pillar of Flames appear out of the ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio.

<Moth Demoness: Hmm? I wonder who broke in MY STUDIO!>

Sexy Succubi: "Wooh!"

Sexy Cat Demoness: "Isn't that you're ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio? Mistress?"

The Moth Demoness just nodded her Head and ordered her Driver to drive faster to the ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio, She is also curious who dares broke in her ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio.

The Moth Demoness just smiled grimly thinking of a torture to give to the sucker who broke in her ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio.

The Sexy Demoness Driver saw her Bosses expression in her Rear View Mirror and she instantly know what's going to happend if her boss catches the sucker who broke in her boss ᴘᴏʀɴ Studio.

<Sexy Demoness Driver: Poor soul.>


[2018 January 1, Pride Ring, Pentagram City, Middle Of The Road, Limo, Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Universe]


[Kaiser Pov]

We then zoomed in into Kaiser's Group with Cane on the lead rushing to leave the building.

Cane: "We need to get out of here ASAP!"

Kaiser: "Why do we need to rush? This place is fun anyways i even saw a Stripper Pole earlier."

Kaiser said while playing with Loki and Achlys.

While Olivia is playing with Loki.

Cane: "Enough with you're childishness my Lord, Quickly go turn those Corpse into Shadow!"

Cane then opened the Entrance Door using his head and rushing Kaiser.

Kaiser: "Fine, Fine."

Kaiser then gave Loki to Olivia and warned Olivia not to leave the building.

Kaiser: "You stay here, Always stay near Cane alright?"

Olivia: "Fine~"

Kaiser then looked at Diana.

Kaiser: "Diana dear would you kindly guard Olivia?"

Diana just nodded.

Kaiser: "Perfect!"

After confirming that his Daughter would be safe, Kaiser then walked outside the Building

Instantly when Kaiser got outside he saw... a Pile of Corpse and Angel-Exorcist Corpse... Screw the Pile of Corpse it's a Mountain of Corpse.

The Shadow's notice Kaiser and instantly kneeled.

Funnily a Gecko Sinner Shadow didn't notice and kept stabbing the Demon Corpse under him the other kneeling Shadow tap his shoulder but he didn't paid attention to it, His Shadow friend tap him again this time stopping him from his task he then looked at his friend annoyed and realised his Boss is there so he instantly kneeled, Funny thing this is the one Kaiser accidentally killed the one hiding in the Trash Can.

<Kaiser: Interesting, They can think for their selves, That's kinda funny actually.>

Kaiser was about to order his Shadow's to hide in his Silhouette but before he could tell them, The Shadow's is 1 step ahead of Kaiser and hide in his Silhouette.

(Harvey: *Trows Cellphone* ꜰᴜᴄᴋ it i give up!)

Kaiser just stand there confuse about what the ꜰᴜᴄᴋ is going on but still continued walking.

Kaiser then finally reached the Mountain of Corpse, And said the Magic Word.

Kaiser: "ᴀʀɪꜱᴇ."

Thousand of Different Hand's with Flaming Effect with different Color with different Length appeared out of each Sinner's, Demon's and Angel-Exorcist Corpses.

Finally A Minute later the new Shadow's organised themselves and kneeled infront of Kaiser, It seems some Shadow's are confused and doesn't know what's going on and took long to adjust to their new Life.

Kaiser then remembered what happend earlier and tried doing it again.

<Kaiser: Go into my Silhouette.>

Instantly without a beat all the new Shadow's went to Kaiser's Silhouette.

Kaiser: "Damn!"

(Harvey: DANIEL!)



???: "Well hello there Big Boy~"

(Harvey: To whoever understood that Reference gets a Cookie.)

A Clap and Seductive Voice resound behind Kaiser, So Kaiser naturally turn around with a venom in his voice.

Kaiser: "Who the ꜰᴜᴄ-"

What's infront of Kaiser is a Sexy Moth Demoness wearing mostly Red while her top Bra is expose for thr world to see, Without a beat Kaiser's mood change from Aggressive to Flirty.

Kaiser: "Well hello there~ Beautiful what is a fine Lady like you're self doing here in this evening~?"

Kaiser said trying to Seduce the Sexy Demoness.

The Sexy Demoness just walk to Kaiser seductively, While She is walking to Kaiser.

Kaiser noticed that their is 2 Sexy Demoness in the Limo behind her both waved at Kaiser, Anyways the Sexy Demoness touched Kaiser's Chin and making Kaiser look up at her in the process

(Harvey: God i wanna write a Lemon so much.)

The scene is kinda funny because Valentina is 9'3 while Kaiser is standing in 7'3, Guest someone is going to get peg Tonight? Today? I don't really know man it looks like it's always Night in Hell and i'm not getting paid to read this ꜱʜɪᴛ.

Anyways enough with my internal crisis let's go back to the story.

The 2 stare at each others Eyes, Ironically both of their Eye color contradict each others.

But Before Valentina could kiss Kaiser, Kaiser interrupted her.

Kaiser: "Wait... Who the ꜰᴜᴄᴋ are you?"

(Harvey: *Punches Cellphone* GOT DANG IT!)

Valentina: "You really wanna know~? Anyways let's get away from this Prying Eyes first Handsome~"

Kaiser then looked around and noticed that their is indeed tons of Demon's looking at them 1 even is even holding a News Camera?



Valentina was about to lead Kaiser to her Limo, But was interrupted by Cane.


Kaiser and Valentina Glare at Cane, But Cane didn't cared and continued.

Cane: "Perhaps you should take care of this Corpses, If i were you i would do that."

Cane then pointed his head to the Mountain of Corpse where some Demon's were trying to steal some Angel-Exorcist Weapon.


Kaiser: "Alright let's get this Finish."

Kaiser then created spike's under the Demon's which impaled the Demon's trying to steal from him, Killing them in the process, That made Valentina want him more.

(Harvey: Oh no She's Horny!)

[❤️To Be Continued❤️]

* I wanna write some Lemon's got damn it! Well whatever i already have the Plot for that in my Head and who it's gonna be.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* Hey don't stop telling me i'm wrong! ꜰᴜᴄᴋ the Canon this is my FanFic you can't expect everything to be the same in Canon, What's the reason why i wrote this FanFic if everything stay in Canon then? The reason why i write FanFic is for me to mess up the Canon Timeline. So some thing's won't happend here.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* Kaiser's Demon Type Shadow can be killed by Angel-Exorcist Weapon but Angel-Exorcist Type Shadow can't be killed by Angel-Exorcist Weapon. But Every Shadow can be killed by strong Demon's or Angel's like Overlord's for example.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* This one's rush sorry.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* Dang it i just wanted to write a Harem Lemon FanFic where Most of the Male are Genderbend and here i am writing an complicated story ꜰᴜᴄᴋ!

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* I'm gonna try update 1 Chapter each Day but what FanFic? Well it's random.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)

* Valentino is 10ft in Canon, And i actually forgot Kaiser's legit Heigh but remembered his 7ft something.

-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)


Words: 1516 Words

Writen: March 7 2022

Posted: March 7 2022