
Shadow Monarch In Fate Grand Order

this is about a boy reincarnated as Ritsuka fujimaru into Fgo and started a journey to save the world with both Fgo heroes and shadow monarch powers. He had full control of Shadow Monarch powers and his soldiers. And he becomes last master. this is a Harem story Solo leveling x fate grand order #Fate #Fgo

LoneWolfAuthor · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

ch 9. New servants

(In A Dream)

(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself in a place entirely unfamiliar. As I blinked away the remnants of sleep, confusion set in.

'Where was I?'

The last thing I remembered was drifting off to sleep in my own room, but now I found myself in an entirely different environment.

Then I saw a beautiful ocean stretches out, the majestic ocean sprawls out, its azure waters shimmering under the radiant sun. The soft sand, like powdered gold, stretches as far as the eye can see, forming the perfect canvas for nature's masterpiece. Above, the boundless blue sky stretches out, its clear expanse uninterrupted by even the slightest wisp of cloud, painting a picture of pure serenity. Nestled along the shoreline, a rustic wooden table and two chairs stand poised, their arrangement suggesting an invitation to pause and savor the beauty of the moment, to bask in the harmonious symphony of sea, sand, and sky. It's a scene that captures the essence of tranquility, a sanctuary where time slows down and every sense is awakened by the captivating allure of the natural world.

I don't know what's going on, but I went and sat on the chair.

I felt different than before; it's like I can think without the influence of my Teenage Brain.

I see, then this is a dream or illusion casted by a powerful caster.

"Why don't you come out and introduce yourself," I said with no emotions or feelings in my tone.

"Fufu, you don't have any patience, do you? I'm just observing you, Ruler of darkness," I heard a voice from behind, resembling that of a woman in her mid-30s.

She came and sat on another seat.

For some reason, I couldn't see her face or her soul. It was as if she was in front of me, yet at the same time, she wasn't.

'Is she speaking to me from another dimension?' I thought.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, nice to meet you. I'm called by many names, but I go by Alaya," she said, and two tea cups appeared out of nowhere. I took a sip of the tea. It tasted normal, like a fake product.

She was powerful but couldn't make a decent cup of tea with magic. Atleast I can do that.

Not only her tea is fake, even her expressions in her voice is FAKE, It was as if she was mimicking human emotions.

"I see, Alaya. Is that the Alaya from the Alaya and Gaia story?" I asked, recalling something I had seen in Olga's memories.

"Fufufu, interesting indeed," she replied. "You know of me, but I must clarify that while I may represent Alaya, I am not Alaya herself. I am merely a messenger."

"Why should I believe you?" I challenged. "Perhaps you are an enemy. If not, then let us make an Oath of Faith. Neither of us can lie to each other," I proposed, aiming to extract information from her while ensuring she couldn't deceive me. And I can also alter truth about me to her.

Suddenly, a screen appeared before her.

{King of Death, Shadow Monarch, used the Oath of Faith.

If you accept the Path of Faith, then neither the Caster nor the acceptor can lie to each other.


I didn't give her a chance to disagree with me.

She appeared shocked but eventually accepted after a few minutes.

{Oath of Faith is accepted.

The Caster and acceptor cannot lie to each other unless both parties agree to annul the oath.}

"Are you on the side of humanity or not?" She asked me.

"I and my family are living human lives in this world. So I'm sure I'm on the side of humans," I said.

"Now it's my turn, I want to know the reason behind all this mess. It's not normal for all humans to disappear. I have a feeling that something big is happening," I added.

"It was because of the Alien God, who is your enemy. Beast 1 tried to save humanity with his goal," I was shocked to hear.

Alien God? Is he behind everything in this mess?

"Who is the Alien God?" I asked.

She stayed silent.

I gave her a cold look. Fine, I'll find this information on my own in the future.

"Are you saying that even after saving the world by defeating Beast 1, I'm going to fight gods from a foreign world to save my world?" I said.

I mean, I knew that once I got involved in this mess, I couldn't go back to a normal life, but my fears have become true. Screw this normal life.

"Yes, to save your world and your human history, you need to face them. But right now, you are weak than them," she said.

Wait! She used 'Your world', 'Your Human History', 'Them' words.

Why is she implying 'Your world'? Are there other worlds? That wouldn't be possible, would it?

So, the Alien God, or THEM, are enemies to my Human History. They are going to do something to alter or harm my Human History. Therefore, I need to prepare to face a group or perhaps many enemies in the future who are stronger than me.

So, Beast 1 is not the real enemy, but rather trying to save the world in his own way.

"But I will try my best to support you as long as you won't become a threat to the world," she added.

She is hiding something. What does she mean?

"Let me ask this, how does Alaya view me?" I inquired.

"Alaya sees you as hu...* M.e,,n..ii," she tried to lie to me.

"Well, I guess I can't lie," she admitted.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, Alaya sees you as a Monster. If we have a reason, then we will try to kill you no matter what. But if you prove yourself and show that you are not a threat to the world, then we won't stop you. We'll even support you. But remember, every action of yours has consequences. You have same Aura just like SEFAR who killed 80% of life forms including Gods. SEFAR is White Death and you are Black Death.

You are too powerful for your Present world, and you will become even stronger in the future. I don't see any difference between you and the matter of human disappearance or Sefar who became threat to the world in olden days.

So, I always watch your actions in this world.

Right now, I am weak due to Beast 1's plans being implemented, and he succeeded in making me weak. You are the only God and human who I can help and support to help me," she revealed her true intentions.

Who is Sefar? Why she calling SEFAR has white death and me as black death? Well I'm shadow monarch so I can understand. So Sefar destroyed 80% of life forms including Gods. No wonder Alaya sees me as monster. but I don't have anything to do with Sefar. But....

Is Sefar and Ashborn have connection? I don't know.

Is Ashborn hiding something in the memories I got ? Are those memories true or false?

And I saw a WORLD TREE in those memories. And most my soldiers are from the tree.

There too many questions and mysteries.

One thing is certain, Alaya is angry with me. But why?

Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that she is a potential enemy to me. Is it possible to kill her? I need to find out.

"So, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a god with a human heart. I'm your ally for now," she said.

So, she revealed her true intentions. We are nothing but coexisting members who help each other for now.

I always prioritize my family over the world. But right now, only the world is in danger. Who knows what will happen in the future.

"I understand what you are saying but..." I gave her a cold look and continued.

"If you turely want to help me, it would be easier for you to just become one of my Shadow Soldiers? " Then, without my knowledge, Ashborn's aura emanated from me.

For a moment, Alaya messenger felt chills running down her body. She sensed Ashborn's presence within Ritsuka, but she had no knowledge of who Ashborn was.

'Alaya, or whatever you are, I don't trust you. You're hiding something, you bitch' I thought

"You can't turn me into your shadow soldier because I possess an astral body. I am the collective unconsciousness of mankind and the drive for its survival as a whole. Our roles and natures are fundamentally incompatible, and we won't get along with each other," she explained.

I realized that she possessed an astral body, akin to Absolute Beings, Rulers, and Monarchs. This meant that killing her in the future might permanently eliminate her, a revelation that could prove to be valuable information.

"I see. Then what about Gaia? Is she not going to help me?" I inquired, surprised that Alaya hadn't mentioned Gaia's involvement.

"Fufu, let me clarify this. Gaia doesn't give a damn about humanity or the human race. She only cares about life forms. You won't receive any help from Gaia," Alaya explained, shattering my preconceived notions about Gaia's benevolence. It was a stark realization, as in my past life, I had heard countless stories praising Gaia's compassion. Yet, in this world, she appeared to be indifferent at best and hostile at worst.

"We far better than Gaia for humanity" she said

As the surroundings began to collapse, Alaya thought about my true nature hidden beneath my facade.

'so this is his true self under the native shell boy' Alaya thought

"Okay, thanks, I guess. I'll do my best to save the world, lady," I said before waking up from the dream.


(Ritsuka Room)

I wake up in my room.

"Damn it," I exclaimed, frustration evident in my tone.

As I pondered the revelations from the dream, a sense of seriousness washed over me. So much information had been revealed about the future and the challenges ahead.

"Greed," I called out, summoning him to my side.

"Greetings, my Liege," he responded respectfully, emerging from my shadow.

"At my current level, can I defeat Beast 1 without using my trump card?" I asked, my voice tinged with determination.

"My Liege, to be honest, Beast 1 is too arrogant and will underestimate you. But he is stronger than you for now. He has too many Hax abilities. I cannot say if you can win. He possesses an immortal ability which is formidable. Unless you remove it, you can't kill him. But I believe in you, my Liege. If you become stronger than you are now, with your trump card, you can defeat him," Greed explained, his voice filled with conviction.

Beast 1's strength and his arsenal of Hax abilities presented a formidable challenge. It was clear that there were many adversaries who surpassed me in power.

"Hax abilities... I should focus on countering them," I murmured

It's a big world after all. There will be plenty people who stronger than me.

Perhaps with Alaya's assistance, in one form or another, I could overcome him. However, I refuse to merely scrape by or rely on luck. My goal is to utterly annihilate him with my own strength. I want my enemies to fully comprehend my power level and feel fear at the mere mention of the Shadow Monarch's name. It's time to assert my dominance and reveal to the world who the true Shadow Monarch is.

My growth is limitless. As long as I grow I can become strong than before.

"Now my goal is to become Strong. Then I should level up." I affirmed to myself.

I made a conscious decision not to rely on my trump card. Instead, I went into my shadow world to hone and refine my powers through rigorous practice. It was time to push my limits and ascend to new heights of strength.

I took my demon king sword. Lighting coming from it. It has control over Lighting. . Drawing from my vast knowledge as a reader of countless light novels and manga, I delved deeper into its power.As I experimented, I discovered that I could control various variants of lightning, each with its own unique properties and effects. I unlocked it's true potential. With further study and practice, I knew I could ascend to even greater heights in mastering this magic.

* Darkness Sword Art

I started to practice my powers and Swordsmanship. This technique is combination of Darkness and sword. To use this the user must have Darkness. This technique have 4 formations and one of them is counter attack. I also shared my knowledge with my shadow soldiers. They used this concept and as a base and they created their own techniques. Only Bellion and Igris are able to use this Technique.

By using this allowed one to train sword skills and meditate at the same time, also providing rapid and stable energy circulation of Dark energy and Dark matter.

Even both Dark energy and Dark matter came from Darkness they both are opposite of each other. DE has negative gravity and DM has positive gravity. Control them at same time is only possible with my Darkness sword art.

My Demon sword truned into dark black. It took the from of darkness. And black lightning coming from it.

But With Perfect Sword which can withstand Darkness, i can reach beyond my level.

Haha I was so happy. But no one is there to see this. How sad.

HEY!!!!! I just realised something. Without the right material, even the most skilled swordsmith won't be able to craft the sword I need.

"Damn it! I'll have to search for a powerful material capable of withstanding darkness and suitable for forging a sword," I grumbled, frustrated by the challenge ahead.


(Chaldea cafeteria)

After freshening up, I headed to the cafeteria.

"My Liege, everyone has already eaten," Beru informed me with a serious tone, clearly displeased that I was the last to eat.

"It's okay. From now on, you can let me know the meal times in advance," I replied, acknowledging his concern.

Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of Beru's stifled sobs.

Tears welled up in Beru's eyes as he struggled to express his emotions.

"Leave it to me, my Liege. You're so kind and gr—"

"Stop it," I interrupted sharply, not wanting to indulge in his emotional display.

"Here, take the food," my mom said as she approached, placing the breakfast in front of me.

"Mom, I'm going to my room," I replied, hastily digging into the meal.

"Ritsuka, is something bothering you? I know you better than anyone. You always rush through meals when something's on your mind," she said, taking a seat beside me.

'where do I start ' i thought.

"I might be facing some life-threatening situations in the future due to powerful enemies," I blurted out, but quickly caught myself

"NO, I MEAN I WON'T DIE, IT WILL BE LITTLE DANGEROUS IN FUTURE , EVEN IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME I WILL CAME BACK ALIVE " i said with dumb face hoping to reassure her and ease her worry.

My face turned into serious again and my blue eyes glowing in purple.

"Anyway, I'm grateful for not stopping me. I will make it alive i promise mom. So even In future I will come back alive. " I said to my mom.

Mom grabs my hand and said.

"Ritsuka, my dear, I believe in you," Mom said, gently squeezing my hand. "You've always had a strong spirit, and I know you'll overcome whatever challenges come your way. Just promise me one thing: promise me that you'll take care of yourself, no matter what. Your safety is what matters most to me."

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes as she spoke. "You are everything to me. I never wanted to see you face battles, but I understand the gravity of the situation. Children grow up, and they must face the world. I won't hold you back, but promise me you'll return. Promise me you won't leave your mom alone in this world." Despite her tears, my mother remained strong, a testament to the hardships she had endured.

"Once all of this is over, we should return to our house, Ritsuka. I miss that place and the comfort it brings," my mother said with a longing in her voice. I understood why. Our house held memories of my father, and being there made her feel close to him again.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mom. I miss it too. We'll go back once everything settles down." Deep down, I knew that even after we resolved the current crisis, there would always be new challenges and enemies to face. But for now, I held onto the hope of returning to our home, if only for a little while.

"I will try my best, Mom," I replied, hoping to reassure her.

Romani and Da Vinci, who had overheard our conversation from behind the door, entered the cafeteria. They felt happy.

"Hey, Ritsuka Fujimaru, we were searching for you everywhere," Da Vinci said.

"Sorry for the disturbance, guys," Romani added.

"It's alright, Romani, Da Vinci," I replied, trying to put on a smile for them. "I was just having a chat with my mom."

My mother nodded in greeting to Romani and Da Vinci, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears.

"We understand, Ritsuka. Family comes first," Romani said, offering a reassuring smile.

"Indeed," Da Vinci agreed. "But if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're all in this together."

"Thanks Guys, Anyway. Good morning," I greeted them.

"Good morning. You have manners, and I like that, fufu," Da Vinci replied.

"Ritsuka, I want to introduce Chaldea's treasure," Romani said.

"Stop it, doctor," a voice interrupted from behind him. I turned to see a cute girl with light purple hair, one side covered by her hair. She wore glasses and was carrying Fou in her arms.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Mashu Kyrielight, Senpai. Thank you for saving me," she said.

""It's okay, but Beru is the one who healed you," I explained, gesturing to Beru who stood beside me.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Beru," Mashu said gratefully.

"Kekekeke, yes, it's okay. Only my king's praise is enough for me," Beru chuckled.

Then my mom approached and hugged Mashu affectionately.

"Isn't she cute, Ritsuka? I always wanted a daughter as lovely as her. She's so pure that I considered adopting her," my mom remarked. Romani felt proud because he had a hand in raising her.

"Ma'am, I'm not used to hugging," Mashu said hesitantly.

"And the person who raised her is a dumb idiot. Mashu doesn't even know most common things a normal girl should know. From now on, call me mother and let's go to my room. I'll explain everything," my mom said, leading Mashu away.

"Like mother, like son," Romani commented with a wry smile, though he felt a pang in his heart when Ritsuka's mother referred to him as a dumb idiot.

"What?" I questioned.

"It's nothing," he replied with a forced smile, only to receive a hit from Fou on his face.

"Leave it. Ritsuka Fujimaru, as I mentioned earlier, we're ready to start summoning servants. Everything is prepared; you just have to come and perform the summoning. Once done, we can begin clearing the 7 Singularities. Director Olga has already made all the necessary arrangements for you," Da Vinci explained as I finished my breakfast.

"Then let's go," I replied, and we made our way to the Chaldea Summoning room.

As we walked, I made the decision to keep the encounter with Alaya and the details of the dream to myself. One problem was enough for everyone to handle.

"So, how's the situation with the world and the Singularities?" I inquired as we made our way to the summoning room.

"It seems as though what Lev said was true, we can't contact anyone outside of Chaldea and the staff who left haven't returned." Romani sighed rather heavily "It seems Chaldea is the only place left. "

While going to Chaldea Summoning room we went to Chaldea monitor hall.

"Here, First I want you to take a look at this." he gestured "We tried scanning the Earth with the Resurrected SHEBA. It's the Earth of the past, not the Future. Thanks to you, the Fuyuki Singularity was destroyed." He sighed "But we hypothesised that the future remained unchanged due to another cause. The result being…"

The Doctor pointed to the contraption with glowing core in the Rayshift Chamber "This world map, showcasing a new anomaly which Fuyuki pales in comparison to."

"These are turning points in History. Destroying them is like attacking the foundation of human history. That's what these singularities are. As long as they remain active what Lev says is correct. Humanity will be extinct by 2019." Da Vinci said.

"Then we should hurry to clear them" i said

With last look at it, we went to Summoning Chamber.

"Ritsuka, we only have 10 Saint Quartz, so let's try them," Romani said.

"Wait, Doctor," I interrupted, focusing my mana.

"What's he doing?" Romani questioned, puzzled.

"Is it what I think it is?" Da Vinci speculated, catching on to my intentions.

In the next moment, over 200 Saint Quartz appeared.

"I created Saint Quartz, Doctor. Now we can summon as many times as we need, and I can create as many as necessary," I explained confidently.

"Oh god, I'm done with this shit. He can basically do everything, and I forgot he's a god. I went through so much trouble to create 10 Saint Quartz, and here he creates them like it's nothing," Romani grumbled, feeling overwhelmed.

"Let's begin the summoning," I agreed, starting the ritual to summon heroes.

Suddenly light flashed and then 3 people appeared from the light.

Everyone was shocked to see them.

"...I have come in response to your summon.

Are you the one who is my Master?" A familiar face said to me and that servant is Artoria Alter who i fought back in Singularity-F few days back.

"I came from the Land of Shadow.

My name is Scáthach. I guess I should call you, Master? I never thought I would meet god of death in present world. Master" said a beautiful lady.

"Aśvatthāman, Archer. So You are my master. Hmm Are you a god? Whatever. You are strong that's all i needed. Let's have a spar, Master" said a red hair guy.


Volume 1 is completed.

Oh God, it's over. Next, I have to start the Singularities stories. The main character's mind is influenced by his teenage mind. I crafted him this way after finding inspiration from Madara in "The Beginning After The End" fanfiction novel. However, as the story progresses, he will undergo a complete transformation and become more like Sung Jin Woo. Additionally, Mashu is not the heroine or a part of the harem. She is not a servant in the first place, and this story does not revolve around her. Perhaps she may become a servant in the far future, but not now.

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