
Chapter 1: A new life.

"Ah, today is a good day."

I stretched and looked at the midday sun streaming through the window with a smile on my face.

I then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

While sleepily going about my morning activity, I noticed something strange.

In the mirror, an unfamiliar Asian male face was watching me.


After finishing dropping everything, I pulled up my pants and subsequently washed my hands.

Without further delay, I moved my face closer to the mirror.

I touched, stretched, and varied my expressions.

Something seemed to churn in my stomach.

My heart beat faster and faster.

"Is this a dream…?" I said in dismay.

If that were the case, I had to check it out.

I pinched my arm with determination to the point where my skin turned red, not far from creating a bruise.

It didn't work.

Everything stayed the same.

Same room, same bathroom, same body.

I think I can understand it a little.

I had transmigrated.

I was not a regular reader of web novels, but I had some experience in that culture.

A random guy wakes up in a foreign body and gets a golden finger.

Starting from there, a journey to the top of life.

Or something like that.

To add, he may have murdered this person by taking his body.

"... I want to go home."

I felt tears about to well up in my eyes.

"No, wait!"

I was taking too many steps forward, taking certain assumptions as truth.

Whereupon, I searched the room and found a somewhat old desktop computer.

I didn't recognize the brand name, which evoked a certain ominous feeling in me.

By the way, can I understand Japanese?

Because my head was full of questions and wonderings, I didn't notice it.

Well, that was not important now.

I turned on the computer.

I searched Google, Facebook, Twitter and so on.

But those web pages seemed to have disappeared altogether.

Eventually, I used pages that looked alike, trying to find my loved ones and me.

But it only ended in disappointment.

I could no longer contain myself.

I cried.

Tears ran down my face.

"Damn it!"

I complained about everything I could.

Starting from God, the universe, or whatever brought this on.

I clenched my fists tightly.

My previous life went down the drain.

I remembered my parents, friends, people I got along with, and people I didn't get along with.

I realized that you wouldn't appreciate things until you actually lost them.

I judged myself for being so oblivious.

However, I had to calm down.

I looked for solutions, even if they are absurd.

In desperate situations, desperate measures.

"System, wake up!"

"I summon you Exodia!"


After a long while, I finished.

How embarrassing.

I felt my face burn.

I tried everything, but nothing seemed to work.

Except suicide, of course.

I don't remember dying, and I was a completely healthy person.

So I ruled that option out from the start.

I couldn't help but give a middle finger to life as I resigned myself to my fate.

I looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer.

10:00 am on Saturday.

I could relax and think a little, I guess.

I wore a white T-shirt, black pants and tennis shoes.

I let out an involuntary sigh.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs of the two-story house.

I looked around, but no one seemed to live here besides me.

How convenient, I should say.

If I had to act like someone else without particularly knowing anything about this one, it would inevitably be awkward and annoying.

I was grateful, but one thing doesn't take away from the other.

This continued to suck.

I rummaged around for a while and found the house keys.

There was no need to look for the wallet. It was on the desk next to the computer.

As I stepped outside, the sun hit me full-on.

It was comfortable.

But remembering everything that had happened, my mood soured.

I walked on the well-paved streets with no trash in sight for a while.

From time to time, people in casual clothes and suits passed me.

The stores were varied, piquing my curiosity.

But I was attracted to the drinks from a vending machine; because of the thirst. So I went to one of them first.

I checked my wallet and took some yen.

When I inserted them and selected the drink, it fell off the shelf, so I could pick it up.

I opened it and there was a sound of gas being released.

I drank a few sips.

"Not bad," I said refreshed.

Whereupon, I walked to a restaurant.

By this time, I hadn't had breakfast.

I lacked any kind of culinary skills, so spending money was inevitable.

Also, in the fridge, there wasn't much to work with.

Eat bread with mustard? No, thanks.

I should learn to cook, I decided.

Besides, I wonder what it would be like to get a job in this place.

Apparently, I was a freshman at an academy.

Should I keep going?

Considering that this was a second chance objectively speaking, albeit an unwanted one, I should.

The study may not ensure anything, but without it, everything would certainly be more difficult; causing several cumbersome restrictions and inconveniences.

I understood that very well from my past experiences.

Unfortunately, I was in Japan.

Difficult is a good word to describe this country.

I was not a diligent student in my previous life, in fact, I was lousy.

I became discouraged.

Letting out my second sigh of the day, I entered the store.

The sound of a bell announced my arrival.

I looked around.

It was a fairly normal store, with menus on the tables.

I walked over and sat down on one of them.

"Welcome. Would you like to order something?"

Suddenly, a voice greeted me.

I looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a slight smile plastered on his face.

He seemed to be a nice person.

"Yes, thank you," I said and pointed to a dish on the menu. "Miso soup, please."

"Very good choice. It won't be long."

The man complimented and departed in the direction of the kitchen.

I nodded and looked at the man's back for a brief moment and then focused my gaze on the streets.

I had more or less decided what I would do.

Go to the academy and study hard.

In that, find a part-time job.

That should be enough for now.

"Here it is. Enjoy it."

A few minutes later, food was served at my table.

Then, I remembered something.

"Hmm... Excuse me," I called out to the man.


"Good. I don't mean to intrude, but is there a bacchante?" I asked.

The man's eyes lit up, which I valued as an affirmation.

"As a matter of fact, there is an opening. A waiter position for the afternoon shift."

"Really? If it's possible, I'd like to apply."

"No problem."

Things from there went smoothly, and I ended up becoming a waiter at the restaurant.

I couldn't help but deny that I was lucky.

There were a number of coincidences in the schedule of myself and the owner, Kuta.

Besides, it was a matter of urgency.

And I was the first to arrive.

I left Yonezakura satisfied after saying goodbye to boss Kuta.

With my hands in my pockets and considering it was Saturday, I decided to take a walk.

I went a little deeper into the city.

Temples, dojos, and more.

In my previous life, it hurts every time I think of it that way. I would never have thought of traveling to Japan.

Which I regret.

However, knowing how Japanese society worked, it would only be as a tourist.

Before I knew it, dusk was approaching.

I stretched and yawned.

I should go back, take a shower to wash off the accumulated sweat, and sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

I would start my job as a waiter.

The good thing was that I didn't wander too far, so it wasn't hard for me to remember where I lived.

I retraced my steps.

Next chapter