
Shadow Monarch : Beyond the Journey's End

After witnessing the death of his mother, his sister, his friends, and lastly his beloved wife Cha Hae in. Sung Jinwoo believed that his time on earth is also reaching the end. As the messenger of the ruler said, his existence on earth is going to danger the earth itself as his infinite amount of mana is going to attract dimensional beings into earth itself. The journey of a lonely and undying monarch, the god of death, the monarch of shadow as he trying to find a new place far away from Earth. And as he searching in loneliness through dimensional gap, he met a certain red dragon, and a powerful one at that. Can the Shadow Monarch find the new meaning in his immortality in the world of gods and dragons? Patreon : patreon.com/GrandCaster [ Solo Leveling x Highschool DxD ] Fanfiction

GrandCaster · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

1 : Farewell

" So, how exactly am i able to go to this DxD world? " 

" Dimensional gap, that's the only place that connecting this world to that world. " 

Sung Jinwoo said as he looking at the coast of Jeju island. He is now at the top of bangnokdam, a crater in Jeju island, the same place that introduced the S-rank hunter Sung Jinwoo to the whole world. 

" But you said that it was a completely different universe? "

" Yes, as you probably ever heard, there is something called parallel universe. And in that DxD universe, earth is not this weak. Its actually the pinnacle of existence since there are countless of world destroying mythical beings residing in that earth, their own dimensional space in that earth specifically. "

The messenger then continued.

" And to go that parallel universe, there is a massive, by massive i mean really massive gate somewhere in the dimensional gap that connected this world's dimensional gap to that world dimensional gap. The gate is called the END. "

" Somewhere, you said? " Jinwoo raised his eyebrow.

" Well, since ancient times, nobody is ever know the exact location of the END. In nature, that specific mechanism is there to protect every universe from interacting with each other. The END itself is older than chaos, despite its name the END actually exist before everything. Its trascend the concept of time and space in this dimension, i don't know exactly what is the END but from my perspective it's what you called a five dimensional space. "

" That sounds rather surreal, are we even able to go through that thing? " Jinwoo asked, after hearing that the END is actually sounds dangerous.

" If you talking about your soldiers, i'm afraid that the END could actually exterminate their existence. But you, you are an existence that transcend death itself, you may not be on the level to conceptualize the " End of All Things " but you right now is more than enough to go through END. You may even get a new understanding of your power in your journey there. "

" Hmm... So that's how it is. "

The concept of end. Jinwoo knew that the power to resurrect death is just a tip of iceberg of his power and he always thought that there is something more to a death, and that is the concept of end. 

" Even it's look like i'm downplaying the feat of an existence that could travel through the END, there are actually only a few individual that could safely through that place. And everyone of those existence is far stronger than you are right now, but you have something that most of those people doesn't have. "

Jinwoo just gaze at the scenery thoughtfully.

' It's almost 100 years already since that Jeju raid, and it feels that it just happened yesterday. ' Sung Jinwoo. If it was him 100 years ago, a century would almost feel like his entire life, but now it was nothing. Jinwoo thought that his immortality makes him lost the sense of time.

" Beru. " 

And almost instantly, a menacing looking ant is manifesting from his shadow. It was a huge humanoid shadow ant with a light purple glow, neon eyes, sharp claws, and smoky wings.

" Yes, my liege. " Beru kneeling in the left of his beloved liege.

" Aren't you feel nostalgic? This was the place where you are killed by my hand. " Jinwoo said with a smile.

" That was the happiest day of my ant life, my liege. I couldn't feel happier that i am able to serve you. " 

Jinwoo felt silent for a moment.

" As you probably heard, i will be leaving this world- No, this universe. " Jinwoo said.

" I will always follow you anywhere you go, my liege. " 

" Actually, you will not following me this time. No, it's actually you can't "


As if he just get stabbed by a thousand knife through his chest, Beru's facial expression suddenly shifted from happy to confused real quick.

" Wha-, pardon me my liege! But what is the purpose of my existence if i couldn't be there to protect you!! "

Jinwoo didn't say anything. And after he said the thing, his shadow suddenly covering the whole bangnokdam and manifesting millions of shadow armies including his most powerful one, the marshals, Bellion and Igris.

" My liege, if i could make a suggestion, i advise you that you- " 

Before Igris could finish his words, 

" Stop. " Jinwoo said, and every single one of his shadow armies felt silence. 

" I know, i also don't want to leave you guys here. But this is not just your usual dimensional travel. " Jinwoo then pointing his finger to the man behind him.

" According to this guy right here, all of you would be exterminated from existence if you guys following me through that thing called END. Besides, i am not even leaving this dimension for that long, it's just for a couple years. " Jinwoo said.

Beru crying, it makes Jinwoo feel a little bad this time. But even he know that he won't let his precious soldiers to exterminated pointlessly. 

" Bellion, as the oldest among all of them. I trusted all of them in your hand when i'm leaving. "Jinwoo said with a smile.

" I will, my liege. " Bellion said firmly, he trying to act tough but he couldn't contain his tear. 

" Igris, help Bellion. And also stop Beru if he ever do something dumb. " 

Igris kneeling, he is sad but his liege's word is more than just an order. Jinwoo then looked at Beru with a smile in his face.

" Beru, stop crying. "

" B-but my liege. What am i going to do without your order. " He said.

" Now, now, why don't you go to Suho and help him if he ever needed something. Don't you like him very much? "

" Young monarch doesn't need me... If i am not there with you who is going to protect you from those outer dimensional beings. "

Hearing that, Jinwoo thought.

' Who's protecting who... '

After that he give all of his soldiers his last goodbye before opening a gate to dimensional gap. The entire jeju island filled with sadness of the shadow armies, 50 years is maybe not a long time, but they're never this far away from their Liege in their entire existence as a shadow army.

In the dimensional gap, there are only Sung Jinwoo and the messenger. 

" Why are you looking at me like that? "

" I just didn't expect that you're going to leave them that easily. Considering that they're part of your power. And their disappearance even if not much is going to reduce your power as a whole. And as i said before, there are a couple individuals that could match you in that universe. " The messenger said.

" ... " Jinwoo silence for a moment, he then looked at the messenger with thoughtful eyes. There is a purple glow to those deep darkness eyes. 

" You know what is the difference between me and all of you, the rulers and the monarchs. " 

The messenger didn't say anything. Jinwoo then continued.

" I was a human. I'm not an existence that born with great infinite power that stand in the pinnacle of existence, i'm just a human that happened to posses great power. Even now that i don't even know what to describe my existence, but deep inside me, i am still the same Sung Jinwoo from a hundred years ago. "

The messenger, or actually the ruler fell into deep thought.

" I don't care if there thousand, million, or even all of them to be stronger than me. I could just do it all over again. That's just our way, the human way. " Jinwoo then coldly staring at the ruler, his word is full of tranquility but it makes them shiver like no other way.

' Human, huh... Maybe i am still lack conceivability to understand what it means to be a human. ' The ruler thought.

And after he said that, Jinwoo then closed his eyes before he said...

" Monarch's domain. "


" T-this!? " The messenger startled that he witnessing such feat.

In an instant, Jinwoo is covering the entire dimensional gap with his domain. Even all of the rulers knew that is an impossible feat for them. And as Jinwoo searching through his domain, through every corner of the dimensional gap and after a few minutes.

' Found it! ' 

" Based on your expression, it seems like you have found the END. "

Jinwoo nodded. He then looked back at the messenger. 

" I guess this is a goodbye then, let's meet again and don't forget your promise. "

" I will not. " The messenger nodded.

" Goodbye, Hunter Sung Jinwoo. I hope you find a happiness in your journey. "

And after that, Jinwoo's body is engulfed with darkness before disappeared instantly, leaving the messenger alone in the void of dimensional gap. The golden light in messenger eyes suddenly faded as he asked a question.

" Do you think, he would be able okay in that mess of a world o ruler? "

" You speaking of him as if all the feats he has done not enough prove of his strength. He will okay, no... rather, he would reach a new stage that he couldn't do in this world. "

" Are you speaking about the concept of end? " the messenger asked.

" That's one thing, the other thing is... "

The ruler suddenly felt silent and it makes the messenger tilting his head. But he didn't say anything after that and instant he disappeared from his place.


In the corner of the dimensional gap, a man waering a black coat standing leisurely in front of everlastingly dark massive gate.

' I'm expecting this to be bigger, but it turns out that its just the size of moon. ' Jinwoo thought. 

" So this is the END. "

I know that all of you maybe confused why did i decided to leave all the Shadow Armies behind, because i want to make SJW building his entire army all over again with DxD creatures. And i think that would be more interesting.


Thats all, thankssss. Patreon : patreon.com/GrandCaster

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