
Shadow Lord in the dxd verse

Before you read any further know this Book is devided into two parts One is the ( mad titan in dxd) While the other is the ( shadow Lord in dxd) So if you are confused over it Just know I wrote a completely different story but was lazy to post another book So here are the synopsis Story 1 - a teen is transmigrated into the body of a Rick kid two years before the plot Does some shit becomes powerful And has a harem ( gets infinity gauntlet) I don't own hsdxd or marvel property it's a fan fic don't sue me Story 2 - A 18 year old kid gets reincarnated as a member of the sitri family one year younger then sona Every despises him due to his half human nature ( no lemons) ( incest is wincest) OK so the story might be a little dark and will have a selfish mc that will kill This is a complete rewrite of the original one ' a mad titan in the multiverse' but with a different plot So I don't own hsdxd or the cover it's from solo leveling Note that my story is like a play ( meaning it's dialogues) but lacks emotions sometimes

Live_wire · Anime & Comics
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The nun ( not the Nun)


So you are sticking around to read this OK then

before the chapter starts I want to get something out of the way my novels are more like plays instead of actual novels and are mostly character lines ( I am a noob who has only started this two months ago so don't judge me on that my lines aren't great and I am not Shakespeare or Dan Brown or JK Rowling so don't judge me I am writing this for fun) well why because I feel comfortable with that style there are many mistakes in my novel and that's because I am learning as I go on and please remember I am only writing this for fun as I have a platform to express stories from my side with all that said if you think of leaving the novel it's your choice or else deal with it 😎

And to those who like my stuff thanks for the 2000 collections, I am thankful for this

Now on to the story}

Drake was currently on his way back home where he saw isami interacting with a blond-haired girl

Drake: hey Isami what's happening

Both of them looked at him

Isami: oh drake san what are you doing here

Drake: just strolling after school

Asia: etto isami san do you know him

Isami: ah Asia meet Drake he is my classmate

Drake: nice to meet you Asia san

Asia: nice to meet you to

Drake: mind if I accompany you

Isami: oh not at all

As all of us reached the church I sensed something

Drake: Asia I have a few questions

Asia: what is it Drake San

Drake: firstly where are you from

Asia: Vatican

Drake: next how did you travel here

Asia: boat

Drake: did you have a ticket

Asia: I was in the cargo area

Drake waited for a minute

Both Asia and isami started to feel a little uncomfortable

Drake: Lastly do you have a sacred Gear

Asia was shocked when she heard what he said and noded

Drake: isami inform rias we are getting her out of here

??? : we can't let you do that

A man with a brown Cape walked out

Dohnaseek: you know too much

Drake: isami protect her and make sure nothing happens to her, here this circle will take you to the club room

As isami quickly grabbed Asia and teleported towards the club room Drake enveloped the entire area in a barricade

Dohnaseek: you just trapped your self

Drake: Nah I did not

As soon as Drake said that Dohnaseek felt something all over his body as he looked down he saw multiple daggers all around his body, he bent Down and coughed a lot of blood as the daggers disappeared so did his life


Block Jitsu


Cliffhanger Jitsu


Well select one fallen angel to be saved




Or an Oc

The poll is on next chapter comes the day after tomorrow got some work to take care of so bye