
Shadow Lord in the dxd verse

Before you read any further know this Book is devided into two parts One is the ( mad titan in dxd) While the other is the ( shadow Lord in dxd) So if you are confused over it Just know I wrote a completely different story but was lazy to post another book So here are the synopsis Story 1 - a teen is transmigrated into the body of a Rick kid two years before the plot Does some shit becomes powerful And has a harem ( gets infinity gauntlet) I don't own hsdxd or marvel property it's a fan fic don't sue me Story 2 - A 18 year old kid gets reincarnated as a member of the sitri family one year younger then sona Every despises him due to his half human nature ( no lemons) ( incest is wincest) OK so the story might be a little dark and will have a selfish mc that will kill This is a complete rewrite of the original one ' a mad titan in the multiverse' but with a different plot So I don't own hsdxd or the cover it's from solo leveling Note that my story is like a play ( meaning it's dialogues) but lacks emotions sometimes

Live_wire · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Parent teacher meet {old}

( so I skipped the confessions chap)

{Drake's house}

Rias: akeno you look very happy today what's going on

Akeno: well I and mother became the mistress

Rias shot a glare at Drake who was eating a bowl of no dressing salad (keep your self healthy folks)

Drake: I said it before, I will say it again Asuna doesn't mind it

Rias: fine but I want compensation

Drake: Saturday next week Comicon, let's go on a date

Rias: apology accepte-, wait aren't you supposed to apologize to me,

Drake: that's my apology if you don't Wana come I will go alon-

Rias: I'll come

Drake: good

Akeno: I also want a date

Shuri: me too

Drake: wait for your turns, after rias it's Asia

Asia became cheerful after hearing that

Drake: Asuna is my tux ready

Asuna: yes master

Drake: Well let's go shopping next week u want to get you a dress

Asuna: OK Drake

Rias: that's the first time I am hearing her say your name without initials

Drake: that's because she went in housewife mode, also I want the other maids to come as well

Grayfia: I will inform them, master,

Drake: well Asuna, tomorrow is the meet remember to be there

Asuna: yes Drake

{next day - class room}

The teacher gave us blocks of clay and one hour to sculpt something out of it

While the other students were trying to make some abstract thing I completed a doom guy figure using the meathook on a cacodemon

Issei: Woah dude your skills are amazing

Drake: Thanks, man

{ later in the hall way}

Drake was walking with Asuna a sight which didn't go unnoticed by others

Drake was walking in the direction of a certain redhead

Drake: well well, if it isn't brother in law

As sirzechs looked back he almost pissed himself

Sirzechs: ah, what are you doing here Drake san

Drake: well that's a stupid question

Zeoticus: haha, sorry about that Drake he is very scared from your skirmish (he is a good guy and no I won't cuck him, maybe Lord Phenix but not him)

Drake: well that's to be expected, I clearly told him not to go against me but, well let's keep that aside mother wanted to meet me last time after the whole thing but I wasn't able to see her due to reasons

Zeoticus: oh don't worry about that you can come with rias during summer vacation

Drake: if I am not wrong then, there will be a youth meeting right

Zeoticus: yes, are you going to be participating

Drake: I won't be going myself but I will let my team go I want to give them a brief experience of the power levels they need to be while in matches

Zeoticus: from what I heard from rias it seems that you have a very strong team

Drake: most of them are peak ultimate class while the other few are mid-class so I want them to Learn teamwork and especially Asuna here who has never experienced much combat other than her training

Zeoticus: well I will look forward to that then

Drake: please come over to our place for today we can chat there

Zeoticus: we will be sure to come by

Drake: I'll leave then


Drake: what's with all the commotion

Issei: it's someone cosplaying as a magical girl

Saji : *yelling * leave all of you

All the students leave with annoyed expressions

Drake: yo Saji what's going on

Saji: nothing much just handling some discipline

Saji then looks at the girl

Saji: and you are not supposed to be dressed like this in the school

Drake: Woah there party pooper do you even know who that is

Saji: no

Drake: that's your master's elder sister serafall leviathan

Serafall: oh yeah your the one who defeated sirzechs Chan's entire preeage

Drake: ah yes that be me

Serafall: I fell really jealous of Sona tan and rias tan for getting such a powerful boyfriend

Drake : * head patts * you don't have to Serafall san

As serafall was enjoying his headpatts Sona walks on

Drake: ah speak of the devil, no pun intended

Sona: what are you doing Drake

Drake: consoling your sister

Sona then looks and sees her elder sister getting head patts from Drake

Sona: what are you doing here sera onee san

Serafall: see Drake San she hates me *winks at drake* *starts crying *

Drake : *nods* *hugs her* why are you crying Sera Chan, hey Sona what are you doing apologise to her

Sona: why should I,

Serafall : *sob * first you don't invite me now you tell me to go *sob * see she hates me Drake Chan

Serafall hugs Drake back enjoying his comfortable embrace

Serafall: 'I can get addicted to this'

Drake: don't worry Sera Chan she doesn't hate you she doesn't want any boy to peek on you right Sona

Sona: yes yes I don't want anyone to see you in a shameful position

Serafall:*sobs* really

Sona nods

Serafall then pulls Sona into a group hug with Drake

Drake: Woah there, well you sisters enjoy and if possible come over to my house I will be treating you to lunch

Sona: thank you, Drake,

Serafall: thank you, Drake Chan,

Drake: bye then