
Shadow Lord in the dxd verse

Before you read any further know this Book is devided into two parts One is the ( mad titan in dxd) While the other is the ( shadow Lord in dxd) So if you are confused over it Just know I wrote a completely different story but was lazy to post another book So here are the synopsis Story 1 - a teen is transmigrated into the body of a Rick kid two years before the plot Does some shit becomes powerful And has a harem ( gets infinity gauntlet) I don't own hsdxd or marvel property it's a fan fic don't sue me Story 2 - A 18 year old kid gets reincarnated as a member of the sitri family one year younger then sona Every despises him due to his half human nature ( no lemons) ( incest is wincest) OK so the story might be a little dark and will have a selfish mc that will kill This is a complete rewrite of the original one ' a mad titan in the multiverse' but with a different plot So I don't own hsdxd or the cover it's from solo leveling Note that my story is like a play ( meaning it's dialogues) but lacks emotions sometimes

Live_wire · Anime & Comics
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Fighting a god is no easy task

Hel: don't fight here I have an arena near the castle

Odin: it's been a while since I have visited the castle and sister I want the strong souls to be transferred to Valhalla

Hel: I can only give you one-third of the spirits the rest are still not eligible enough

Odin: fine

Drake: hel from what I know about Baldr he isn't really strong in the field of magic

Baldr: are you mocking me

Drake: no offence but I want to strengthen my magic as well, and you being a god of strength is only for physical strength

Odin : *thinks for a moment * rossweisse you are hereby assigned as his personal maid

Rossweisse: huh, Lord Odin are you sure

Odin: yes sometimes some sacrifices are needed for the greater good

Hel: Drake do you have your pieces

Drake: I received them but I don't have any servants yet

Hel: make her your queen

Drake: Are you fine with it

Hel: yes

Drake: how about you Rossweisse

Ross: what do I get other than being your maid and teacher

Odin: I want to see what the pieces do on a demigod I have seen it boost surtr become even more powerful when he was made a rook

Drake unconsciously starts to release an aura that starts to suppress Baldr and Odin by a little amount

Hel: Drake calm down

Darke snaps out

Drake: sorry about that, mentions of that idiot brings some bad memories

Odin: you have anything against surtr

Drake: no I don't have anything against him just a grudge against his master

Odin knew something was off since all devil's really respected the power and the person that sirzechs was but this one seemed to hate him

Ross seemed to be thinking something

Ross: Drake San I wanted to ask what benefits does the queen piece give me

Drake: well a normal queen piece is supposed to give you a boost all-over but 8f you are talking about a special type then the knight gives you speed, the bishop gives you a boost in magic and the rook gives you a boost in strength

Ross: then I think it would be much better if you revived me as a Bishop since I mainly focus on magic

Odin: I am wondering you said that a normal piece will give the boost are your pieces special

Drake: you will. Know once I revive her

Hel: I recommend you do it later first you should face Baldr in the arena

{royal arena - hel's Castle}

Hel: the condition for Drake to win is last ten minutes

Drake: I won't be using the blades yet, I want to test my strength

Drake was at the centre of the arena along with Baldr facing against him

Baldr: kid go all out I won't be holding back

Drake: ok

Hel: begin

As the match began both of them charged at each other and their fist collided causing Shockwave across the arena

Baldr had a smile running across his face

Baldr: I underestimated you

Baldr hit Drake in his abdomen launching him a bit but Drake put stopped most of the impact as his legs sank into the ground

Drake then ran over towards Baldr and gave him an uppercut making him jump back and cough a little amount of blood which he wiped

Baldr: I felt that

{meanwhile at the audience}

Ross: did Lord Baldr cough blood

Odin: he opened the gate didn't he

Hel: yes that too in three months

Odin: no wonder he can fight with Baldr like that

Ross: What is happening Lord Odin

Odin: the gate of Helheim ( OK I spelt it wrong in the two chaps) cannot be opened by anyone who isn't strong while the spirits open it in their minds to stop their thoughts from getting over them opening the gate physically is near to impossible not even Baldr has the ability to open it fully

Ross: does that mean he is stronger than Lord Baldr

Hel: no he might have the strength but he doesn't have enough experience to have a fistfight like that

{ 10 minutes later}

Both Baldr and Drake can bee is seen with blood on their bodies

Hel: times up

Baldr : *pant * that was one of the best * pant* fights I have had

Drake : *pant * I am honoured *pant*

Drake then falls onto the ground unconscious

Ross: I can't believe that he was able to fight with Lord Baldr like that even though he lost

Odin: I won't be so sure

As Ross looked over she saw that Baldr had also succumbed to the fatigue and had fainted

Odin: I think I know why you chose him, sister

Hel: yeah he can become even stronger than me


Guys sorry for the rushed chap I have a headache that has been bothering me and I didn't catch a good sleep