
Warlock of the Magus World : Shadow Knight Path

What if Leylin was not the only person who reincarnated in the Magus world? What would this additional variable change in the story? A/N: Story will be completely different from the original. Cover Art does not belong to me ;)

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Dire Wolf Pack (1)

The next few days were quiet.

George gathered the 13 members of his [Furze Alliance] in order to speak about formations and plans on a daily basis. During breaks, they would sharpen their swords, gather medicinal herbs from the wild, and train together.

After his display of strength, no one dared to question his leadership. George had been thoroughly acknowledged as the leader of this alliance. They all knew that this alliance had another purpose besides protecting them: it was built in order to form connections. They would all be going into magical academies, and rather than being isolated in a foreign place, it was better to move in groups.

A sense of unity, of belonging to a group, had already been created in this short period of time. After the duel, the youths had a banquet. Although there were no longer supplies since the [Great Plains of Deaths] was devoid of human cities, some of them had managed to get their hands on wine and other alcohol. The festive ambiance had allowed them to speak about their families, become friends and truly form bonds.

During the night, the three girls also sewed crests of the [Furze Alliance], which was an azure Lion Head representing the Lionheart territory.

"The four carriages are being occupied by factions", Marvin Meister spoke.

As the son of a Viscount, he too had been trained well. Educated with severity, he wanted to make himself useful, and decided to investigate on other carriages.

He thus revealed the result of his investigation to the group: "We are currently in the third carriage, and our faction is probably the strongest. Each carriage is protected by 5 black-robed knights. As for the white-robed magi, they don't look like they are going to involve themselves in battles. The first carriage belongs to the [United Alliance], while the second and fourth carriage belong to the [Yale Alliance]. However, the [Yale Alliance] accepted everyone, causing them to be much weaker and heterogenous"

George nodded.

On the carriage, there were three iron crossbows and enough ammunition to shoot for hours. He had prepared them in order to make the 3 boys who had not yet reached the preparatory knight realm useful. As for the others, they would fight on the frontline. Injured would retreat back to the carriage in order to treat their wounds.

At least, this was the plan he had made with the other youths. The formation was simple and consisted in two lines of 5 and 4 warriors, allowing them to shift during extended battles, so that the tired could retreat and recover their stamina, while allowing those who had already rested to continue fighting.

George hadn't come up with this plan alone, but rather, suggested the idea of formations. Long debates and careful deliberation allowed them to choose this particular formation.

The group was not even surprised when they heard the sounds of giant bells reverberating in the air.



It was a familiar sound, saying that all were to retreat to the carriages. Often, the threat was minimal, consisting of a handful of bandits or desperate wild beasts.

This time, however, George could identify the accurate numbers of wild beasts, their respective strengths and location. His biochip didn't have better than him. However, it could analyse images he saw with his own eyes better than anyone. His field of vision thus was similar to radar, and his biochip could convert it all in a minimap, allowing him to monitor the battlefield with ease.


[Warning! Warning! Dangerous creatures are approaching!]

[338 [Dire Wolves] have been identified. Estimated attributes: Strength between 1 and 3, Dexterity between 2 and 3, Vitality between 1 and 4]

Each [Dire Wolf] possessed physical attributes no inferior to that of soldiers. The strongest dire wolves, known as [Beta Dire Wolves] due to their authority in the pack, possessed attributes on par with knights.

The girls in the carriage gasped, and some of the boys could feel truly intimidated by the number of beasts charging towards them.

George, who could feel their fear, smiled: "Don't worry, my friends. I swear to you that we will survive this predicament as long as you follow my lead! Don't forget the plan, and do not leave your position unless I say so!"

His words were comforting, as he was a man of his words.

Unsheating his sword, George smiled.

He, too, could feel fear. In fact, he was terrifyingly afraid of the monstrous wolves coming towards him. A month and a half ago, he was still in a modern society, with little risks of dying. Now, he was armoured and about to fight dozens of gigantic monsters.

However, he no longer was the nerd locked to his room, playing computer games and reading books. He was the leader of the [Furze Alliance], a preparatory knight who had reached the [Sword Expert] realm, who had mastered his family's knight killing technique [Lion Beheading] and the first heir of the Lionheart Count Household.