
Show Them Who’s Boss

The heir placed a hand on his waist with the other on the cell glass before them. 


"You should have been a great mentor and father to your child. But you chose to be a terrible father. Why would you teach your child to be as bad as you?"


"You're one to talk. Have your own children someday and you'll learn that the world is a world-eat, world-take kind of place."


The bell rang which signified that it was time for the heir to leave.


"I'll see you in court whenever that is."


He walked out and headed for Sinclair's room.


The guard opened it and he found Sinclair sitting on bed with his hands over his head.


He was deep in thoughts, thinking about his actions and how he was going to fix everything.


He saw Greg and immediately wiped his tears, standing to his feet with clenched fists.


"I see you're regretting what you did."