
High Parties

Greg nodded when she was done. He could see how stressful this was going to be but he knew if he wanted to make a statement then he had to listen to what she had said.


"So… what kind of parties do we have?" he asked slowly not knowing what she would reply to him.


"Oh it's not that complicated. There are more than ten types of parties. Of course I only know the unofficial names but I'm sure you'll get what I'm trying to say."


"Ten parties?!" gasped Greg as Kieran laughed. "That's like saying there are ten kinds of underwear for men that are different from the string pants and the briefs."


"Oh there are different kinds of male underwear," she smiled. "You just haven't researched well enough yet."


The man widened his eyes in shock as he had not been expecting that comeback. That was when he knew he had to put up his efforts or he would end up losing to everyone in the party.