
A Shocking Reveal

Greg walked out of the mall with a proud look on his face at how he had totally destroyed the woman. He was elated as he entered the car and he looked through the window to see the woman come out of the mall to stare at the car as it drove away.

This was one of those satisfying moments which would make any human being excited and happy about their wins. There was nothing more exciting than watching someone who treated you like trash get treated the same way.

But this was only the beginning for the family. Greg smiled as he vowed to do more than this.

He was sure Damien had spoken to someone about their encounter yesterday and he was sure Petra had heard about it.

Damien was not one to keep these kinds of things under wraps and not tell anyone about it.

He liked to brag and since he had been a thorn to the heir's flesh, he was sure he had tattled to his sister.

"Where to?" asked Carl looking back to see the man smiling.