
Shadow Game: Spirit Summoner

17-year-old Reyn found himself playing a strange game and would eventually find out that it's even more stranger than he initially thought. It affected reality, and rumors of duels in the real world, started circulating. Unbeknownst to him, the Shadow Game existed long before humans came to the main continent thousands of years ago. It sang of death and sacrifice, all for the glory of the Ultimate Summoner.

Concealed25 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: A Whirl

[Soul subdued! Convert to Spirit?]

"Hey, kid! What are you planning to do? How 'bout we call this quits, ha?!" While Reyn read the notification, Akira struggled in the green chains, obviously looking for a weak link. The soul had fiery eyes compared to the spirits. It was burning like fire.

The more he resisted, the more the chains tightened, almost suffocating him. Without anymore chance of escape, Akira recalled what happened earlier. At this moment, the kid's presence was enormous. How could such a brat sneak up on him? Then he realized, the kid had completely erased his presence when he entered the platform. He might have steeled his heart and cleared his mind to a state that no intentions leaked out from him.

Akira had been on a battlefield for most of his lifetime. Because of numerous life and death situations, no one could sneak up on him with murderous intention without being detected. However, there was once an occasion where he was facing a rival clan when an orphaned child managed to get too close without him noticing. The child had no intention of harm nor violence, thus his senses never warned him. It was the same with this situation.

"I'm adding you to my collection," Reyn answered and waved a hand. "Convert!"

The chain glowed ever greener. It coiled around the soul like a snake. The fiery glow of red in Akira's eyes turned green just like the Devil Shogun behind him. The spirit chain slowly released its hold before piercing Akira's chest, while the rest of its body slithered across the floor and wrapped around Reyn's hand.

[Conversion successful!]

[Binding complete!]

[You have gained a new spirit!

Akira, The Guiltless Assassin]

[Akira is an assassin but can also be considered as a swordsman. He will now enjoy all of your spirit swordsmen's perk!]

[Akira is considered an Awakened Spirit!]

[Akira retained his unique attributes!]

[Akira retained his Infernal Flame!]

[Akira, The Guiltless Assassin:

Power: 12 +11 (×2)

Skill: 17 + 6 (×2)

Quickness: 35 (×2)

Speed 20 +5 (×2)

Combat IQ: 20 (×2)

Intelligence: 23 (×2)


Crippling Shadow (Passive)

Shroud of Evasion (Passive)

Innate Abilities:


'No wonder this idiot is like an overgrown grasshopper!' Reyn thought as he read the description.

"What did you do?!" Akira fell on his knees, the green chain still attached inside his chest, as if holding unto something. Suddenly, it shattered like glass and disappeared, but he can still feel its presence lingering inside him.

"You're my spirit now," The youth said, waving a hand. "I've no time to be playing around at this hour." He pressed above his ear, "Log out!"

In an instant, he was back inside his house, sitting before the table. He saw his phone and checked the time.

[6:03 AM]

'Damn!' Reyn got up and went to his room. He jumped on his bed and fell asleep.


City B, 4th District

Standing on the balcony of a mansion and leaning on the railings, a man casually viewed the greenery below. The garden was a bit too chaotic with all kinds of plants about.

Derick also known as Dduck, wore a solemn smile on his face. The golden hair on his head fluttered as the gentle wind made its way, carrying the cold morning air. His pale skin, almost reflecting the rising sun coupled with his handsome features, depicted a prince of old, a transcended being above the normal folks.

"Such a wonderful morning," He said, deep blue eyes glistening from the sun light. "Yet somehow, something tells me that it's going to be a long day."

The man had been constantly bombarded of questions about the tower. Newbies would find no interest quickly, but the veterans, they are the ones who are annoying. It seemed like they want to relive the moment they lost.

One thing Derrick could tell about the tower is that it was like a bridge to all the planes, from all places of life giving and wickedness. The horror it had shown him still haunted him to this day.

The tower had a mind of its own. If it determined that you're progressing slow, the floors would stack up endlessly. But when it realized you are benefiting too much, then you would eventually find the last floor.

Something vibrated in his pocket. Slowly, he took out his phone and answered.

"It's all over the news. We have many witnesses now." A voice hurriedly said from the other end.

"It's that Ripper guy, yes?" The good mood on Derrick's face took a sudden turn.

"Take care of it! We're still stuck in limbo."

With that, the call ended.

Derrick pocketed his phone, his eyes staring into the distance, yet they were blank.

Last week, a Shadow Gamer disappeared. It was said that he was chatting with another player about a duel. There was a talk that the other player he was meeting was called, Ripper.

Right now, there's news of a murder. He would check it out later, but he was sure it was a Shadow Gamer, and he was also meeting with this Ripper guy.


It was mid afternoon when Reyn woke up. He took a bath before cooking a meal. As he sat and ate, he could smell something. An unfamiliar scent lingering inside the house. He shrugged the thought of someone entering his house and finished his food, but his suspicion remained on the back of his mind.

Pressing above his ear, he browsed through the visor projected on his face. There was a new feature being added and he started reading the tutorial.

[Introduction of Void Cards!

Shadow Duelists are being targeted lately and must defend themselves. Summoned units and spells can be willed into the cards. The cards are basic conduits for magic to appear in the real world.]

Reyn was still contemplating on what use are these Void Cards when he can summon with his will. Just as he was calculating such useless addition, his eyes widened upon reading the last sentence.

'I don't know about this. I should go out and stretch my legs.' Reyn got up and checked the messages on his phone.


Reyn chuckled as he read the message. He went to his room and changed into a dark-green shorts and a white t-shirt. The weather is hot in this time of the year. Thankfully, with the new improvements, the house was still cool even under the scorching sun.

There were some crazy ideas that Reyn made up in his mind. He took all of the credits he saved and went out. He bought a lot of preserved food and some utilities for camping.

'I only got 60 credits left. Still doable to budget for a month.' Reyn thought as he walked back to his house. When he got home, he removed all the things he used for school from his backpack and replaced them with some snacks.

'What am I, a kid?' He chuckled as he carried the bag on his back and pressed above his ear. In an instant, he was back in the platform, but no spirits in sight. He hurriedly checked his back and found that the backpack was there.

"Holyshit!" Reyn exclaimed. Although he was pleased with himself, at the same, he was unnerved. If he was wholly transported there, then that meant that he could also die.

He discarded the thought and exited the portal and directly went up to the next floor. Just as he entered the room, he heard a high pitch laughter.

Standing before the entrance of the stairway leading to the fifth floor, a grotesque creature stood. It was no more than three feet in height, but the horns protruding on its forehead defied the logic that it was harmless.

"Summoner's back," It said as a smile slowly appeared on its face, showing blackened teeth. "Wanna play a game?"


Reyn stared at the notification then back at the creature. He remembered now. This little devil might have been that creature that crept on the walls. "What game are we playing?" He asked.

"Summoner catch imp," It said.

"What would I gain from catching you?"

"Summoner no catch imp!"

The more Reyn looked at the creature, the more disgusted he became. It had parched dark skin, like a scale, as if burned under constant fire. Crude claws and short limbs. Its eyes fiery, like that of Akira when he was still a tormented soul.

Speaking of the spirit, Reyn immediately summoned him and said, "Fine! I'll catch you."

Akira shook in a short laughter, "You shouldn't play with this thing. It's mischievous and brings bad luck. Kill it!"

"Well, I hope you're up to the task." Reyn responded dismissively.

The assassin rolled his eyes at the summoner. In his mind, he wanted to strangle the brat but his body wouldn't obey. With a frustrated grunt, he directed his gaze at the imp and smiled behind his mask.