
Shadow Fight :The Demons hunt

Panos_Boukas · War
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11 Chs

( Chapter - 5 ) : Round One

- ( Shadow ) : Did you slept well?

- ( Iron ) : We are ready Shadow .

- ( MadMan ) : I didn't sleep much , because i was anxious about the round one .

- ( Shadow ) : Why Mat ?

- ( MadMan ) : I don't know , but i feel like i will lose .

- ( Iron ) : Don't worry Mat , everything will be fine .

- ( MadMan ) : Hey Shadow are you worried that will lose .

- ( Shadow ) : I believe in faith and the Gods but i am not so sure .

- ( Speaker ) : All round 1 challengers come to entrance now .

- ( Bodyguard ) : Your stadium is number 3 . Only one from each team could fight .

- ( Iron ) : Okey , who will start .

- ( MadMan ) : I'm ready

- ( Speaker ) : Attention from the one corner the MadMan and his various swords , on the other corner

Velvet and her Sais .

- ( MadMan ) : I can do this ! I believe it !

- ( Velvet ) : Only in your dreams you could win.

- ( Shadow ) : And an epic fight started , swords and Sais crushing . It was a tough battle until , MadMan was unarmed , Velvet was able to break his sword in two pieces , he had one sword but . . .

- ( Iron ) : Mat ! ! ! !

- ( Speaker ) : Wow that was a hard fight . both of our challengers look tired ! One is already knocked out .

It was an OHKO ( One Hit Knock Out ) !

Velvet Wins !

- ( Iron ) : Is he gonna be okay Doctor ?

- ( Doctor ) : I'm not so sure , he will be fine , he has to rest for some days

- ( Iron ) : You're next Shadow .

- ( Shadow ) : I will not disappoint you Mat !

- ( MadMan ) : I know that you won't let me down buddy !

- ( Speaker ) : We came back after a break , now we are already to go to the next round .

Shadow vs The incredible and furious warrior Irbis

- ( Shadow ) : I never heard about him .

- ( Iron ) : Good luck !

- ( Shadow ) : Form the beginning i expected to be a serious battle .

- ( Irbis ) : I'm gonna break you .

- ( Shadow ) : Not so fast Irbis .

- ( Shadow ) : His bat was so heavy , i crept dodging

his attacks until he gets tired .

- ( Irbis ) : I've got bored , lets have some fun .

- ( Shadow ) : He grabbed a hammer from his teammate .

- ( Iron ) : Hey that's not fair .

- ( Irbis ) : In this tournament , rules don't exist .

- ( Shadow ) : I couldn't dodge his attacks forever

Suddenly i felt down the corner .

- ( Irbis ) : Time to finish this off .

- ( Shadow ) : But then . . .

- ( Iron ) : As you said Irbis they are no rules .

- ( Speaker ) : Wow ! This ring turned into a double battle .

- ( Unknown ) : Fine i will join too .

- ( Speaker ) : I cant believe it . A unknown warrior joins the battle .

- ( Iron ) : You take the mysterious ninja , i will deal with Irbis .

- ( Shadow ) : it was a hard battle with the unknown warrior .

- ( Speaker ) : Incredible Iron lost by the Irbis .

The battle is over ! Team Ghost wins !

( Later After the Tournament )

- ( Shadow ) : Don't worry Iron you fought very well ,

as an actual beast .

- ( Iron ) : Thank you Shadow , but its over we lost .

Look at Mat he is in very bad condition .

- ( Shadow ) : I thought our adventure is over . . .

- ( Unknown ) : Hey you !

- ( Shadow ) : Huh ?

- ( Iron ) : Huh ?

- ( Unknown ) : You show me that they very impressive opponents in this stupid life .

- ( Iron ) : Thank you Mr . . ?

- ( Ghost ) : My name is Ghost by the way .

Take the stupid money , we don't want them . We Just needed some tough warriors , i think we found what we needed .

- ( Iron ) : Looks like we have the money we wanted ?

- ( Shadow ) : This Ghost was very suspicious.

- ( Iron ) : Me too

- Meanwhile in somewhere else .

- ( Ghost ) : My master , my followers and I we found the perfect warrior . I think he fits in the description you said .

- ( Master ) : Excellent . . . Sigh . . . Bring him to me !

- ( Ghost ) : As you wish Master . . .