
Shadow Elite: Rebirth Of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka As Uchiha Sasuke

In a parallel world, Ayanokouji finds himself influenced by a character named Odasaku from the BSD universe, who encourages him to embrace goodness. This bewilders Kiyo, who struggles to comprehend Odasaku's words. Gradually, Kiyo begins to realize that he doesn't deserve the company of such a noble man. Despite retaining his manipulative tendencies, Kiyo surprisingly starts caring for his loved ones in this alternate reality. Initially unaware of his past life, he regains his memories during a tragic event involving the Uchiha clan. As Kiyo begins to build a peaceful life and attain power and achieving something, he discovers that this world is not without its own lurking dangers. Now he must confront these perils while striving to live the ideal life he could never achieve in his previous existence. This parallel world is an alternate realm within a fanfiction crossover where Itachi from Naruto is reincarnated in Cote, a blend of Cote, Naruto, and Bungou Stray Dogs. If interested, you can explore the crossover fanfiction titled "Itachi Of The Elite (COTE X Naruto X Bungou Stray Dogs)" written by my friend in Wattpad. Note :- Here Kiyo or Sasuke will be little good by natute, by it I mean he will care for his loved ones but for the enemies it will be the usual Kiyo. Also he will possess emotions due to being from the Uchiha clan.

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 1 October 10 And The Monstrous Geniusness.

I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming good.

Sasuke's Pov :-

In the midst of my blissful existence, I stumbled upon a valuable piece of information. Overhearing my mother's conversation with her esteemed companions, I gleaned that my birthday was to be celebrated on July 23. Given my parents' status within a prestigious lineage, contentment permeated my being. Despite my tender age, I adamantly resisted consuming milk, much to their dismay, cherishing my bottle. However, my defiance was met with an abundance of toys, carefully selected to captivate and entertain me. These diversions managed to stave off boredom, though I had ascribed my mental age to that of a teenager.

Yet, amidst all the amusement, my heart reveled in the company of my cherished family—my mother, father, and elder brother, Itachi. Although he was merely five or six years my senior, I discerned his exceptional intellect, which rivaled my own, save for a lack of experience. As the days unfolded, I noted peculiarities in this world, distinct from my previous realm. Technological advancements appeared stunted, reminiscent of the year 1990 AD. Moreover, I discovered that my village, known as Konohagakure, was a place for shinobi.

The incredible abilities displayed by these shinobi left me in awe. One day, while engrossed in play with my toys, a fleeting sense of restlessness overcame me, compelling me to engage in an internal monologue. 'Why does this world lack modern appliances? With such conveniences, life would be vastly improved. It almost feels as if I have been transported to a bygone era. However, this notion defies the laws of time. Furthermore, my calculations align this world with the year 1990 AD...' Lost in thought, I absentmindedly pursued a vibrant green dinosaur I affectionately dubbed Meno. At that moment, both my father and mother happened to be home, perhaps with time to spare.

"Look, our dear Sasuke seems to have grown weary of his toy once again. He often yearns for something more captivating, deeply contemplating the mysteries of life," remarked my mother, drawing my attention towards their conversation. Intrigued, I shifted my gaze to them, feigning casual interest. She continued, "Why don't we unveil something truly fascinating, an enthralling spectacle that will capture his imagination? How about a demonstration of Fire Style Ninjutsu?" My curiosity piqued, I speculated on the nature of this Ninjutsu, pondering whether I had unwittingly traversed into the Sengoku period. Yet, this world seemed far too advanced for such antiquity. Nevertheless, I eagerly awaited the revelation.

"Certainly. It would be splendid if our young Sasuke displays an affinity for the Shinobi arts. Allow me to demonstrate the Fire Ball Jutsu," responded my father, sweeping me up into his arms and leading us toward the clan compound. Along the way, we were greeted by a few familiar faces. "Good afternoon, Fugaku-san, Mikoto-san, and young master Sasuke," they greeted respectfully. Enveloped in anticipation, I anticipated witnessing a contraption hidden within my father's attire, a device that would concoct various elements or gases, ultimately producing fire. Yet, what I beheld shattered my preconceived notions, leaving my jaw agape in astonishment.

Executing a series of intricate hand signs with flawless precision, my father uttered the incantation, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." In an instant, an enormous fireball materialized, dwarfing the size of any human. A swirling mass of roaring flames, it radiated intense heat while maintaining its perfect spherical form. The spectacle unfolded before my eyes—an awe-inspiring display of sheer velocity as it streaked through the air, obliterating the colossal boulder in its path. "Well, Sasuke, what did you think of that? I have no doubt that in just a few short years, even you will possess the ability to achieve such a feat. Your chakra reserves far surpass those of an ordinary infant even within the Uchiha clan I can sense it," he proclaimed, beaming with an air of pride.

Within me, a spark of curiosity ignited. Chakra, if my understanding serves me right, refers to the distinct focal points utilized in a diverse range of ancient meditation practices collectively known as Tantra—a convergence of the esoteric and inner traditions found within Hinduism and Buddhism. I surmise that chakras serve as a wellspring of energy, enabling beings to perform extraordinary techniques akin to the one I have just witnessed.

Moreover, he detected my chakra levels to be above average. It makes me ponder whether I could acquire such prowess at the tender age of three or four. Such ruminations are confined to my inner musings, carefully veiled behind a facade of surprise that no one else seemed to notice. Perhaps this habit of mine stems from the realization that no ordinary infant possesses the capabilities I possess—an enigma I strive to conceal.

Days continued to pass until that fateful moment arrived on October 10, unbeknownst to my present self. It dawned as a splendid morning, and I carried on with my customary routine of play, nourishment, and slumber. However, an additional practice had found its way into my daily activities—an endeavor shrouded in secrecy: the unlocking of my chakra. Mindful of the potential repercussions, I ensured its concealment from prying eyes, indulging in this pursuit only during the nocturnal hours when others' perceptions lay dormant. The experience left me awestruck and captivated, an infusion of warmth coursing through my being increasing little by little with each passing day.

On this particular day, my mother approached me in her customary manner, her words echoing through the air, "Sasuke, would you care to accompany me to acquire some fresh produce?" Determined to undertake something extraordinary, a subtle yet resolute "Hn" escaped my lips as I nodded in response. Evidently taken aback, a mixture of surprise and delight washed over my mother's countenance. "Oh, Sasuke, you understood my question? How clever of you, my little one. It seems you're already so observant. Come, then, let us proceed." Lifting me gently, we ventured outdoors to embark upon our grocery expedition, my senses attuned to the world surrounding me.

Soon, we encountered a woman adorned with beautiful red hair, who seemed to be an acquaintance of my mother's. Before exchanging words, my mother respectfully inclined her head toward an elderly lady, initiating a conversation that followed.

The red haired lady gently poked my cheeks, her eyes filled with surprise. "Ara. Wow, was it a girl?" My mother, quick to clarify, chimed in, "It's a boy." The lady's astonishment gave way to a delighted smile. "Oh! So cute. I bet he would be very handsome later on. What's your name?" Her voice carried a hint of childlike innocence. "It's Sasuke," Mom said, while she interjected, "And with Minato's genes, your baby will be attractive too." The red-haired lady laughed and said, "Haha. That's correct. Since you'll be in the same classroom, be friends with Naruto or Naruko, okay?"

In that moment, a sense of nostalgia washed over me, as if I had finally found something I had yearned for all those years—a genuine friend. Yet, the feeling remained somewhat elusive, not as strong as I expected. I made a mental note, considering it a clue in my quest to unravel the mysteries of my past life.

Then, the lady turned her attention to my mother and asked, "By the way, does it hurt?" My mother responded with a chuckle, "Haha, so there is something that scares you too, huh! That's surprising." Exhausted from my chakra training the previous night, I fell into a deep sleep. Time slipped away, silently carrying me closer to the impending tragedy that would befall Konohagakure. It was during the night when an unsettling feeling gripped the air, a chilling sensation that hinted at something ominous. I found myself beside Itachi, who shared my unease.

Suddenly, as the moonlight pierced through the darkness, my mind stirred, and fragments of forgotten memories danced before my eyes. Shadows swirled, teasing me with elusive whispers, leaving behind a haunting sense of familiarity.

"What's this, M*****?" a brown-haired teenager asked an old man, pointing at something. The old man replied, "It's an a**** or manga called Naruto. It seems to be a popular hobby among teenagers nowadays, Kiyotaka. Maybe with this, we..." My thoughts interrupted the conversation abruptly. I had remembered something—Naruto. That was the name the red-haired lady intended to give her child if it were a boy. Perhaps this boy held the key to my answers, to uncovering the truth about my past life. Yet, a fleeting thought of using him unsettled me. I questioned my own thinking, aware that it felt wrong. I truly was a peculiar being.

As I pondered, a loud crash shattered the stillness.

*Boom!* *Crash!*

Startled, I burst into tears, overwhelmed by fear. It was the second time I experienced such emotions, the first being the love bestowed upon me by my family. Itachi comforted me, "There, there Sasuke. Don't cry, your big brother will protect you, that's for sure, no matter what." He scooped me up and hurried away, exposing me to the grim reality of this world. A colossal, fox-like monster with nine tails, akin to the creature of Japanese mythology, ravaged the village, and the valiant efforts of the people proved futile. Buildings and parks crumbled like fragile toys. Eventually, the situation was brought under control, but not without great sacrifice.

Time flowed onward, several years passing by in the blink of an eye. At the tender age of three, I had already mastered the art of walking and speaking. Today marked an auspicious moment—a chance to make my first request to my parents, a desire that went beyond mere cravings for extra tomatoes at dinner. There was a peculiar fondness in my heart for that particular vegetable, though I couldn't fathom why. Today was a remarkable day, as all three of us were gathered in the comfort of our home. Seated together at the table, relishing our meal, I mustered the courage to speak up, "Mom. I have a request." Intrigued, my mother's curiosity sparked as she responded, "Ara, tell Sasuke, what is it?" Despite their concealed curiosity, my family awaited eagerly for my very first appeal.

"I want to go see the outside world." I simply stated. To which my father denied, obviously, "No, you cannot. You must wait until you become more older and matured. Then not only outside, you can go alone outside whole village." To which I replied, "I see. Since, there are bad guys too. But I am strong. And I won't go alone, I will go with big brother." To which he retorted, "Someone like you who can't even use chakra properly or haven't even unlock it can't be strong. And Itachi also won't be free all the time." 'The perfect opportunity.' I thought. "What is chakra?" I asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

To which he complied and answered, "Chakra is the resulting form of energy when two other forms of energy are mixed together. The two energies are referred to as "physical energy" and "spiritual energy". Physical energy is collected from the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness (i.e. the soul) and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. And you will probably unlock it after two or three years or maybe sooner if you are as genius as me and your big brother." But what he would see next would probably shock him. "Oh then, I think I know how to use it." I said as I decided to reveal my biggest secret to him. And he would think I won't have any other secrets.

It's like this. Although Fourth Hokage who was a strong Shinobi, here is my biggest secret, sacrificed himself for the sake of village. In which many small and weak but somewhat capable Shinobis exists. Which shall be my other small secrets. And I will sacrifice my biggest secret akin to the Fourth Hokage's which is I am able to control chakra here for the sake of protecting other small secrets and another big secret. Which is my reincarnation story which shall be my family. With the sacrifice of the fourth Hokage only, me and my family and other's family could survive from the nine tailed beast. To which I have yet to explore the details of it. So basically I am sacrificing my big secret like how the fourth Hokage sacrificed himself to protect my other secret / village.

After finishing my food in a hasty manner I waited for them. Then they took me to the clan compound as per my request. "Okay, let's see what you have in store for us?" Said my dad. While Itachi and mom were confused. Actually dad too. Then I gathered the chakra from the every single part of my body and did the very same hand signs my dad did when performing the fire ball jutsu with the same flawless precision but little less as compared to him but not near my full speed as I said, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." Then a perfectly sphere shaped fire ball came out through my mouth. Which was the size of two meters. Went forward and destroyed the small sized boulder in the mighty flame's way. Actually my full power is three meters currently. But that's not necessary to reveal as of now. Even though they are my family.

"Do you have any other secrets, Sasuke?" Asked my dad. To which I explicitly stated, "No. If I will have it I will tell you."

Fugaku's Pov :-

During breakfast, my younger son surprised us all by asking something entirely unexpected. It wasn't about his usual favorite tomato or his beloved green dinosaur; instead, he expressed a desire to venture out and explore the outside world. Initially, I tried to dissuade him, explaining the risks involved and the fact that Itachi, whom he mentioned as a protector, couldn't be available all the time, since he was just a kid. I pointed out that without the ability to use chakra, which he hadn't yet unlocked, he couldn't embark on such adventures. Despite my efforts, he remained stubborn, displaying an unwavering determination that left me perplexed whether he was stubborn or smart.

Intrigued by his persistence, I decided to test his understanding further. When he asked about chakra, I doubted he would comprehend the concept, but I complied to his request by explaining it. However, his expression revealed a deeper comprehension than I had anticipated. He pondered for a moment and then confidently claimed that he believed he could use chakra. Naturally, I found it hard to believe, but his tone, was almost like he wasn't lying. Amusement mingled with a sense of pride, as I wondered if he possessed the potential for genius, akin to figures like Minato, Shisui, and Itachi.

Curiosity piqued, I challenged him to demonstrate his supposed chakra abilities, and to my astonishment, he flawlessly executed techniques beyond his years. The Fire Ball Jutsu. Even at his age, my own chakra awakening had been a mere fraction of what he had accomplished. It was undeniable—his geniusness is truly extraordinary, akin to the monstrous level.

(AN. I wonder if I did everything right? As I only watched few episodes for dialogues and didn't even bothered to check internet about other things.

But here is chapter 1 "October 10 And The Monstrous Geniusness." If you happen to find any mistake do suggest me as I don't know about thirty percent knowledge of the Naruto series. And let's see, at age of three Sasuke is able to do fire ball jutsu of the size akin to 3 meters. Well that's because of his previous life's feature. Infact if he didn't do that much it won't be logical. That's the genius Ayanokouji is. And I am planning that the next chapter shall be titled "The Three Uchihas.")