
Chapter 1

hat a day is happening I'm always this busy I just graduated the university and my parents want me to marry already Why is this happening then what is it uuuh do I like this life it's not my fault I got pregnant at a very young age 17 years old to be exact but finding a job My baby Ebola is turning five and still he dosent have any father hymen ran away from his responsibilities it was my first sex and yet I got pregnant because of him I mean it is our fault we did not use any protection but nothing could ever change it then it's the past I have to admit becoming pregnant at a very young age is definitely the worst thing could ever happen not only that I brought shame to my family at school people tried to avoid me at any cause but why me I have become the most popular girl in high school because of my green eyes long brown hair in other words the ideal woman did I deserve this But why tell me why I am I in a room with no light handcuff near the bed cannot move cannot call anyone for help trying to make me feel better is this the end I'm I never gonna see ebola again My boyfriend kidnapped me why would he do this the night before *Emesis was walking down a dark alley alone * phalange came ooh look who do we have here emesis *Emesis* No no that is my ex Please don't hurt me *Phalange* oh no I won't do anything to you I would just enjoy my self till you beg me to *Emesis* No no shouting for help but no one heard it Phalange grab Emesis arm covered her mouth Emesis felt helpless moments later she was in the house of Phalange she was been beaten  already been punish handcuff her hand Anesthesia daddy who is she as she came in the room phalangue your new mom anesthesia ooh hi What's your name I love your green eyes Emesis it's Emesis anesthetia ooh ok but what can I get foryou palangue get out of here anesthetia Emesis *something is wrong with anesthetia she acts different like other Five years old* *Palengue* So are you ready Emesis why are you walking alone at night weren't you suppose to take care of your son Emesis* Don't you dare do anything to him Ebola is my son don't you hurt him Phalange don't worry I won't do anything it's just your to perfect Grab Emesis through the arm whisper in the ear who are you why are you so pretty than anyone who is gonna be my daughter mother did you know that anesthetia I just got from the orfan also she is a very good girl if you don't mind me making you my wife Emesis why would I such a psychopath no I won't Phalangue then I would hurt you more Emesis *uhh* really