
Shadow Crimson

Zen was born as a normal human, not knowing that he had a great power inside him. He wants to follow his father's footsteps and become an Imperial knight. He left his home after his 15th birthday. While she, the vampire princess awaits his arrival for her and her clan's rescue. On the other hand, a man plans how to destroy the whole empire. He wants to own the Empire himself. He drowns the empire into the abyss of darkness. Will they be able to save the empire?

Khadiza_Jahan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Getting Along

Unknown Boy:- Well then should we leave for the clover forest since he is also awake?

Unknown Girl:- Yeah. Because if we leave in the morning then after entering the forest the night will come soon. And it's dangerous going with an injured person at night. If we leave now then we can make it in the morning to reach the forest entry side. I'm not willing to take any risks for a reckless boy.

Zen:- Oh so you two are going together? Thanks for all of your help. 

Unknown boy:- Hehh. You are coming with us too.

Zen:- Huhh! Why?? (Explains Everything that happened while he was unconscious.)

Zen:- Ohh.

Lucas:- Anyways, we didn't exchange our name. I'm Lucas Averill and you two?

Zen:- I'm Zen Paxton. (He replied with a smile.)

Nora:- I'm Nora Floid. (She replied slowly keeping her straight face intact.)

After Half an hour everyone gets ready with their own belongings to set off. 

Lucas:- Everyone ready?

Zen,Nora:- Yes 

Lucas:- Then let's go!

Nora:- Can you even walk in this state? Or we have to carry you? Then, I'm sorry but I'm outta of this.

Zen:- No, Thanks. I can endure this little pain. You don't need to worry about me!

Lucas:- Okay, okay. Calm down both of you. Then let's take a ride to the forest.

After 3 hours they reached the forest entrance part. 

Lucas:- We have reached the forest entryside.

Zen:- Yeah, let's start walking.

Nora:- perfect timing. Sun is about to rise. (Her expression was somewhat pleasing.)

It's been 4 hours since they started walking. Yet they still didn't reach their destination.

Lucas:- Hey, how long are we gonna walk? I'm hungry.

Zen:- Oh, It's already breakfast time. Let's eat. 

Nora:- Hmm, Ok

After they finished eating they started to walk again. Many wild animals attacked them on the way. But Nora and Lucas successfully defeated them. It's been 4 hours and 30mins since back then. 

Zen:- I didn't know you were that strong Lucas. You have some nice skills.

Lucas:- Hehehe. (He smiled shyly.)

Zen:- When you are that strong then why didn't you fight back at that time? 

Lucas:- Oh? Well, I didn't want to make a fuss about that little thing.. But now that I think about it, I didn't get the chance to fight back. 

Nora:- What an excuse! You were just sitting on the ground helplessly. 

Lucas:- At that time Zen was stabbed. How could I leave an injured person on the ground and fight? 

Nora:- Whatever!

Zen:- Well, well. Don't fight. It's lunch time now. Let's eat first.

Lucas,Nora:- Ok 

[Sugarcubes:- Oh My!! We don't know our Lucas appearance yet. Dear Author, when they are eating please tell us our Lucas's appearance 

Author:- Opps. My Mistake. Sorry.]

Lucas had silky white hair with an ocean like blue eyes. He was wearing full black pants matched with a white and purple shade shirt. He folded his sleeves up to his elbow like Zen. He had a sword around his waist attached with a belt. He had white skin gloves on.

Lucas:- I'm finished with eating. So should we start over? 

Zen:- Yeah we finished our food too. 

Lucas:- Hey Zen, Are you ok? Aren't your wounds hurting? (He checked Zen if he was uncomfortable or not.)

Zen:- Umm.. It's stinging a bit… But I'm ok. 

Nora:- We have to hurry.. The sun will set in 2 hours. We just passed half of the forest. 

After 30 minutes of walking,

Lucas:- Why I'm feeling restless. I'm having goosebumps. Look, the hairs on my arms are also standing up. (He said while brushing his hands up and down on his arms.)

Nora:- It feels like something's coming. Something creepy. (She replied while looking at the surroundings.) 

Zen:- Get ready, a monster is coming.

Lucas:- Huhh? A monster? How did you.. Gahhhhh.

Zen:- Nora Watch out!! (a monster appeared from behind her)

Zen pulled Nora toward himself and drew out his sword. Nora's heart skipped a beat from this sudden move. Then they started to fight that monster. That was a huge monster, so they had to struggle a bit to kill the monster. But they somehow managed to kill that thing. A bat was sitting on a tree above their head. That bat saw everything and flew away. That bat came flying to an unknown young lady. That bat changed into a man.

Lady:- How is it going? (The lady spoke standing in the shadow with a hood on.)

Bat:- They have already started to grow close and they have encountered a spider monster.

Lady:- Is that a demon?

Bat:- Fortunately, no. But they struggled a bit.

Lady:- Hmm. Don't worry they will grow stronger. (She replied with a grin.)

Zen:- Pheww! That was close. Anyways, are you ok Nora? (He said while moving his sword down. Some sweats were trickling down from his face.) 

Nora:- (She was still dazed from this incident.) 

Zen:- Nora? Nora!! (He raised his voice as she wasn't replying.)

Nora:- Huh? Ah! I'm I'm ok. (Blushing)

Nora:- Anyways, there is no time to waste. Let's go. (She gathered herself and subdued her flustered face soon.)

Zen, Lucas:- Aye aye Mam!! 

After some time suddenly Zen growled in pain and stopped in his tracks.

Zen:- Ahh!! 

Lucas:- ZEN!! (He quickly goes toward him) Are you ok? What happened? 

Nora:- His wound. It's started to spread again. Maybe the work of the medicine is fading. (She replied as she saw his shirt getting drowned in blood.)

Lucas:- It must have opened because of that fight. Then we have to hurry. Zen, Please endure the pain some more time. We are almost at the end of the forest. 

Zen:- Mhmm!

After walking for more time, they at last reached the Lotus pond.

Nora:- At last. We reached the Lotus pond. Now we just have to find the lavender colour lotus. 

Lucas:- But we have to hurry. He is already at his limit. 

Zen:- Grrrrr. (He kept groaning in pain.) 

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**