
Shadow Crimson

Zen was born as a normal human, not knowing that he had a great power inside him. He wants to follow his father's footsteps and become an Imperial knight. He left his home after his 15th birthday. While she, the vampire princess awaits his arrival for her and her clan's rescue. On the other hand, a man plans how to destroy the whole empire. He wants to own the Empire himself. He drowns the empire into the abyss of darkness. Will they be able to save the empire?

Khadiza_Jahan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Awakening Of Lucas

Lucas:- Should we go look at that? It's unusual. I heard that this village is quite lively but it's so quiet right now. Something seems fishy. 

Nora:- Let's go look at that. This village is quite opposite how I heard it to be. I also doubt there is something wrong here. (She said while gripping her sword tightly.)

They walked toward the direction where the roar came from. As they got close to there, they saw a man who fell on the ground. There were some weird looking creatures surrounding him. He was shivering in fear. Those creatures were about to kill him, so Lucas, Nora and Zen threw their backpack on the side and went to save him without thinking. 

They draw their swords at those monsters. They start to fight with their full power. Those creatures were too weird looking. They had the body of a lion but it was 2 times bigger than an actual lion. It has two goat horns and a big tail. They thought that these monsters would be the same as those which were in the clover forest. But to their surprise, they were something more powerful and scary.

They miscalculated those creatures' power. Those creatures attacked right back at them with more power. They tried to hold their grounds but they were over- powered by them. All of them fell on the ground and their swords fell from their hands. Zen and Nora were injured from falling too hard and their swords were quite far away from them. They couldn't make it back to their sword in time. So the monsters charged at them. Lucas was a little far away from them, so the monsters would attack Zen and Nora first. Lucas became desperate as Nora and Zen's life was at stake. 

Lucas:- Zen! Nora!!.. (He shouted)

Lucas POV:- I must do something. But what? These monsters are way too strong. I don't know what to do. No! There is no time to waste thinking about it. They both saved my life without thinking about anything. I must do something. 

He quickly gathered himself and picked up his double sword. He charged toward the monsters who were about to attack Zen and Nora. He knew he had no chance but he still did it. His eyes were closed when his sword got in touch with them. Suddenly his sword glowed a green light and those monsters fell aside. His sword changed on its own, a green design appeared in the middle of his sword and on his wrist. He awakened his spiritual power. His spiritual power is of nature. Before he could understand what happened, those monsters once again attacked. So he just swung his sword. His sword created some green blows and it made them afraid, so they backed off. Those monsters ran off. As they ran off, Lucas quickly went over to Nora and Zen. He helps them to stand up. 

Lucas:- Nova! Zen! Are you guys ok? Are you guys hurt anywhere? Let me see! (He nervously tried to check on them.)

Zen:- I'm fine. Just some scratches. I will be fine after first aid. (He assured him with a soothing smile, then Lucas turned his head toward Nora.)

Nora:- Me too. What about you Lucas? 

Zen:- Yeah. Are you ok? What was that green light?

Lucas:- I.. I don't know. As those monsters were about to attack you guys, I became desperate. I couldn't think straight. I just randomly swing my sword toward them. I don't know anymore. Those things just happened automatically. It felt like some shock ran through my veins and someone was controlling me. (He said while looking at his swords in his hands.) 

Nora:- What is that glowing thing on your wrist, Lucas? Can I hold your wrist to see that?

Lucas:- Huh? Oh yeah. Sure. (He moved his hand forward to her.)

Nora:- (She took his hand and looked over the tattoo-like thing which was glowing on his wrist. It was glowing a green light from that tattoo.) It's.. It looks like a spiritual tattoo. I saw this type of thing in a book. When did you get it? I have never seen it on your wrist before. 

Zen:- That's true. I also didn't notice a tattoo on you. 

Lucas:- How would you notice when I didn't have any? It just appeared when that green light glowed. And not just here. Look!. They appeared on my swords too. (He showed his swords to them)

Nora:- It's the proof that you are chosen as a spiritual warrior. Based on its colour, I think you got the nature spirit power. Congratulations! 

Zen:- Congratulations Lucas! (He congratulated him with a bright smile hanging in his face.)

Lucas:- Wohh.. I can't believe it. Thanks guys. (He said while staring at his sword with awe) 

Zen:- By the ocean, What is this spiritual power.. Tattoo.. Bla bla? (Lucas and Nova made a fed up look when Zen said that) 

Lucas:- You don't know what it is?

Zen:- Umm.. No? (He spoke while smiling sheepishly.)

Nora:- Then why did you congratulate him?

Zen:- Cause you did. It must be something great since you congratulated him. So I just copied you. Hehe. (He laughed shamelessly while scratching behind his head.)

Nora:- Sigh!!. Spiritual power is the energetic force within you that drives you to be yourself and be faithful to your beliefs. It's your inner strength. Spiritual power is like magical power. Only chosen people can use it. All chosen peoples get a symbol on their body and on their weapon after having their awakening. 

Zen:- What is awakening? And how do you get it?

Nora:- Awakening isn't something that you can get if you wish. It's a moment that appears itself when a chosen person gets too desperate over something for losing or trying to save. People call it the moment when a person learns about his spiritual power. Every chosen person can use one type of spiritual power. 

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**