
Shadow Crimson

Zen was born as a normal human, not knowing that he had a great power inside him. He wants to follow his father's footsteps and become an Imperial knight. He left his home after his 15th birthday. While she, the vampire princess awaits his arrival for her and her clan's rescue. On the other hand, a man plans how to destroy the whole empire. He wants to own the Empire himself. He drowns the empire into the abyss of darkness. Will they be able to save the empire?

Khadiza_Jahan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A Day Out

Princess:- But be careful, they must top in the ceremony. Do everything you need to make them stronger. 

Caspian:- Sure, your highness. 

Princess:- You can return now. Thank you for your hard work.

Caspian:- Yes, your highness. (He gave a bow and left)

She smirked as he left.

Princess:- Looks like our plan is going smoothly. Isn't it? (She slightly looks behind her. )

Man:- Yeah. It seems so. He really takes good care of them. I hope that Moon Knight grows stronger, after all he has a lot of duties to fulfill. Time is running away so quickly. 

Princess:- Mhm. We need to wrap up this ceremony before "Nocturna Eclipse's" people get to know that we have already got those stones. And he has been waiting for us for quite a long time too. (She looked out of the window while thinking about the person she just mentioned. )

On the other hand, Zen tried to do his move after doing some workout to calm his mind. But he still fails to do the lightning redirection. 

Zen:- Sigh. I'm getting frustrated now. Why? Just why won't it happen? Ugh! (He sat down on the ground in frustration.)

Lucas:- Don't be frustrated, Zen. It might be happening because you are trying too hard these days. How about getting some rest? (He knelt beside him keeping his hand on his shoulder)

Zen:- But we don't have the time to rest. In this way, I won't be able to prepare well. 

Nora:- You are being over-dramatic, you know? When you left your home to join the ceremony, did you have your power? You came here with nothing but only your swordsmanship. So why are you making a fuss over such a thing? You can do this. It's okay. You know the other things. (She said indifferently.) 

Lucas:- That's right. Your swordsmanship is top-notch. So why are you being afraid? Cheer up!

Zen:- But.. still.. Everyone would expect something more from a moon knight than a normal person who wants to be an Imperial knight. His grace showed us his kindness. People must be aware that he provided a trainer for all of us by now. Have you forgotten how people's words flew in the wind? I just don't want to embarrass his grace and sir Aiden. (He gritted his teeth in pure dissatisfaction of his fail)

Aiden:- It's okay Zen. You don't need to pressure yourself like that. (He spoke while approaching them)

Lucas:- Sir Aiden! (All of them looked toward him as he approached them.)

Aiden:- Zen, you're suffering cause you're taking too much pressure. You need to reduce it. You can't focus because of it.

Zen:- I'm trying. But what am I supposed to do? 

Aiden:- How about.. Taking a day off and roam around the duchy? 

Nora:- Roam around the duchy? 

Aiden:- Yeah. Look you guys have been here for like a half a month yet you still didn't explore the duchy. I'm sure it will help you reduce your frustration. I think you all should have a day off. 

Lucas:- That's a great idea. We should try it.

Zen:- But…

Lucas:- No but. Let's chill for today. 

Aiden:- Yes. Also you guys should see the vampire's life here. When you go to the capital, it will come handy.

Zen:- Uh.. um.. Okay. If you all think so.

They went back to their chambers that night and planned to go out the next day. The next day, after having breakfast they set out. They roamed here and there and saw a lot of things. They discovered a lot of humans, vampires and peoples of other races. All of them lived together in harmony. But compared to other days, today is quite bustling. 

Kid 1:- Hey guys! Hurry up. The hunting will soon start. I don't want to miss it.

Kid 2:- Yes. Let's hurry up. My brother is participating too. I want to see.

A bunch of kids were running beside them while shouting with anticipation. Zen, Lucas and Nora were standing in front of a gemstones store. 

Lucas:- Woh, the kids are too excited. I wonder what it is about. (He said quite loudly while turning his face toward them) 

Zen:- Maybe some kind of show? (Zen replied while looking at the medicines in the stall.)

Store-keeper:- You guys look like a foreigner. Are you guys curious about what those children were saying? (He asked with a smile as he saw their confusion)

Lucas:- Oh, yeah. We are foreigners. We are here for the last few days. What's all this about? Today is quite bustful than the other days.

Store-keeper:- Well, a hunt competition is gonna be held soon today. It's a competition to earn money. All kinds of people can join it. Let it be nobles, commoners, all races and also foreigners. So everyone in the duchy enjoys it. This hunt is sponsored by Count Heint's family. 

Nora:- A hunt competition? What kind of hunt is that?

Store-keeper:- This hunt is held in a small forest area to hunt domestic creatures. After hunting, they can sell it to the host and they will process it to sell in the market. The more you hunt the more your money goes up. 

Lucas:- That's interesting.

Store-keeper:- You can participate in the hunt too if you are interested. It doesn't require you to enter your name beforehand and it only takes 6 hours of time to hunt and you can join anytime. It will start at 12 AM. It will be a nice experience here for you guys. It's also quite safe since the hunting area is divided into zones. Small animal zone (green flag area), medium animal zone (Yellow flag area) and big animal zone (red flag area).

Zen:- Where is it held?

Store-keeper:- Not far away from here. Just walk straight down this alley and then turn right. You will find a middle size hunting area. That's where it is held. 

Zen:- Oh. Thank you.

Store-keeper:- No problem. Have fun.

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**

Look out in Rosett in Fb page for spoilers for the next chapters..

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