
Shadow Creator

Sung-Ji-Ah was an E-Rank hunter.. until one day they entered on the mysterious dungeon all of the hunters went back but he got lost... while he was walking he saw some goblins he quickly killed it and then got his skill Necromancer! (SSS) This is where his life changes.. Author - Semaj

Semajj · Fantasy
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Ch. 2: Quest

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Finally outside huh"


Quest: Clear a D-Rank Dungeon

Reward: Skill (A) 3X + Level up 20X

Difficulty: (D)

Time: 24 Hours

Penalty: Death


"Sung-Ji-Ah: Quest!? Clear a D-Rank Dungeon that should be easy but i only have 24 hours! And the penalty is death!? Oh please im so tired but I've got to move!"

"Sung-Ji-Ah: There must be a D-Rank Dungeon nearby"


"Sung-Ji-Ah: Oh there is it, Mr. May i have the permission to enter the dungeon?"

"Guard: Its too dangerous inside. Unfortunately we cant allow you to go in"

"Sung-Ji-Ah: This is an order from the association they said to let me go there!"

"Guard: Fine we are not responsible if you come back dead alright? Please sign this contract"

(Signs the contract)

[You have entered a dungeon.]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: So this is an D-Rank dungeon huh i got to finish this quickly!"

(2 hours later)

•Slash• •Slash• •Slash•


(4 hours later)

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Finally in the boss room! I'll end this quickly."


"Sung-Ji-Ah: With the help of my shadows this should be easy."


"Sung-Ji-Ah: Hows that huh!"

•Slash• •Slash•

["You have killed the boss (Hydra) would you like to extract its shadows?"]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Arise"

["Shadow Extraction: Complete!, Hydra is now one of your shadows stats and level are increasing..."]

["You are now level 67!"]

["You have completed the quest"]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Oh yeah i had a quest lol"

["You are now level 87!"]

["Skill Acquired: Shadow Eater (A): Description: You can eat your shadows and increase your stats even more."]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: WHAT!? I CAN DO THAT!?, No frickin way this is awesome"

[Skill Acquired: Shadow Eyes (S+): Description: You can easily take a peek on your opponent's stats and you can manipulate the objects around by looking on it."]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Thats so freaking OP!?"

[Skill Acquired: Fear (A): Description: You can use this only use this on humans. If you use this on them their stats will decrease by 50% however if the human level are higher than yours it will not work."]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: With this power i can become an S-Rank Hunter or even World-Rank Hunter!"

[Would you like to return outside?]

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Yes."

[Returning Complete!]

"Guard: Did you just clear it!?"

"Sung-Ji-Ah: Yeah..."

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


This book will have 3 or more chapters every week!

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