
Shadow Caster

Ren was strange and peculiar even as a child, it may be because his father Ashura and his mother Koto experimented on him as a child to make what they called the perfect human which backfired on them. It could because be the devil himself made him this way who knows. All I know is that wherever the kid goes everything goes pitch black and whenever he's in danger his attackers always disappear. One day when he was walking home from school he was held at gunpoint for money and when he refused and the gun almost hit his face.... Pitch black not just in the area but around the world. Just then Ren hears something talking to him a small voice from behind or as he knows it his shadow. It explains that because of what has Happened many people will be coming to kill him and try to make the world normal again. Though Ren asks the shadows name says he has lost his memories and has only just been awakened. Now the quest of Ren surviving this new hellscape  and finding out what's up with his shadow begins. Will he be able to survive or will he die by the hands of others like him

Tempest_Akunin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 2: Another Shadow Caster?

We continue where we left off with Ren on his path to his parents house while walking through the hellscape the world had now become he thought of taking to his shadow. 

"So Sen, do you know anything about the world as it is now and what type of people are coming after me?" Ren continued walking waiting from an answer from his now seemingly alive shadow

Sen took a long pause before finally replying to Rens question. "While I cannot say much about the current state of the world I can say this. You are not the only person who has control over your shadow and manipulation abilities. Those Similar to you will hunt you down and.....almost all of them are stronger than you. That is all I can remember at the moment everything el-"The shadow would be cut off by someone who also had control over shadow but something was off about her.. Her name was Seryu mokobami. Ren of course was very surprised at the sudden intrusion of another shadow manipulator.

Ren looked up at the person who had interrupted Sen, she seemed to be someone like him. The woman looked down at him with a demented smile clearly being insane. "So your the one we've been looking for, I'm so glad that I can be the one to kill you." The woman chuckled a bit. "Hey who the hell are you and what do you want with me?" Seryu responded that it wasn't important since her and poyo were going to murder him.

Rens face went pale white at the statement but then he noticed the shadow beside her it was in the shape of a small puppy standing on two legs with a big smile. He felt an ounce of relief but then he saw the puppy begin to transform, it grew taller now standing on all fours,it had 6 eyes,spikes, a giant mouth and steam coming out of it. Ren froze up thinking he was going to die before Poyo lunged at him attempting to bite him in half. He narrowly dodged and hid behind a nearby house while Seryu and Poyo were still looking for him.

"Sen what the hell do we do, that thing is way stronger than us and it was able to nearly bite us in half." Sen paused for a moment thousands of thoughts racing through the shadows head before finally coming to an answer. "Alright so me and you can control shadows and make them do our bidding, I think we can do the same to that giant shadow dog but we would need to get really close to it." Ren thought for a moment than ran somewhere where Seryu and Poyo would be able to notice him.

"Hey shitheads if you want me come get me I'm right here!" Poyo and Sery hearing Ren dashing towards him. Ren looked up at Poyo who was now in front of him he was sweating bullets but thought his plan was good and stupid enough to work. Poyo looked down at him before trying to bite him in half Ren dodging again but before he could even hit the ground poyo was under him and opened his jaw. Once Ren was close enough Poyo close his jaw biting into the lower half of Ren causing him to cough up blood. Though he was in massive amounts of pain, he decided to try the plan right now. 

He yelled out. "Sen control Poyo now!!" Sen went onto Poyo beginning to control it making it drop Ren before making it run over to Seryu and bite her in half.  As this happened Sen and Ren yelled out in unison "Shadoukyasutā shūryō" Poyo started to disappear since its master was now deceased. but before it did a piece of it went onto Sen healing Rens wounds and giving him the ability to shapeshift to Ren delight. Ren slowly back up and once again started walking towards his parents house thinking they would find answers about what the hell was going on.