
Shadow Bound

Bowdey and Makenna have been hunting each other longer than he can remember. She's always managed to escape him; until one chance encounter leaves them bound together in more ways than just one. Bowdey’s mom was killed when he was little. He’s raised to be a half breed Hunter. He and his father are the best in his family, and have an uncanny ability to always find his target, no matter the species. Makenna is half immortal. She’s a half vampire, a mutation to the immortals, but they are the one’s ensuring he doesn’t get her. She’s been his target longer than any other immortal; but somehow they manage to escape each other. Now they are bound. Forced together in the same place, while they learn all they can about the effects of the bond. As time goes by, they begin to grow closer, going from enemies to lovers. Can they survive long enough to find a way to break the bond, or will they find out more about themselves than they thought and ultimately choose each other? And what happens when his entire life turns out to be a complete lie?

Hayllie_Hedrick · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Eight

Makenna stood in the shadows, just beyond the house of the Silver Wolves. It was what they considered their "hideout". It was easy to get to, but nobody dared bother them anyway. She wasn't here for them though, she was here for Bowdey. Makenna could feel him inside. He wasn't as weak as before; but she figured he wouldn't be up to fighting her off. Still she knew he wasn't alone. "A house full." She told herself. She loved a good challenge. Quietly she started towards the door.

"I can try and see if I can lessen it; but that's probably not going to work. Like I said, I don't see her doing this. So either someone else is at play here..." Tate explained shortly, gently taking Bowdey's shoulder. "I don't understand why....."Deacon started. "Wait...." Bowdey said slowly. The scent hitting him then. He instantly recognized it, as he stood to his feet. "She's here. It's Makenna." Deacon and Tate looked down at him surprised. "Bring her inside. Unharmed!" Tate demanded.

She lept from the treeline just as a wolf lunged at her. "You'll have to be faster than that boys!" She laughed. Another wolf jumped at her; but again she dodged him, landing a hard blow to the wolf's side. The wolf cried out. When she turned back to the wolf, now a young boy back in his human form, groaning and tossing around in pain. She dodged again and again. If she could get inside to Bowdey, she would be gone with him before they even knew he was gone. Makenna couldn't kill him here, being protected by the wolves. He would have to die somewhere else, if this stupid bond didn't kill her to.

She dodged one last time and took the chance to get inside. The coast was clear. They had left him alone just long enough for her to get inside. She slammed the door shut behind her, scanning the room. She didn't understand. She had felt it. He was still partially weak, so where was he now? Makenna took another step closer into the room as she was grabbed from behind.

Bowdey wrapped his arms around her chest, holding her tight. She pushed herself backwards, slamming him into the door. "Ugh!" He grunted as he grabbed her again, this time turning and pinning her against the wall. "What did you do!? Undo it! Now!!" He yelled in her ear. "What?! I didn't make this stupid bond!" She yelled back, fighting to get out from his grip. Bowdey had clearly got the superb hunting and fighting skills. She had to figure out a way to get him out of here before they got back inside. Makenna threw her head back suddenly, hitting him dead center of his nose. He let go and landed on the floor painfully.

Makenna turned around with a smirk as blood dripped from her own nose. She swung her leg landing a solid blow to his side. Instantly the pain he felt hit her to. They both groaned as he struggled to his feet. He grabbed her wrist suddenly. "Stop! Clearly fighting each other isn't an advantage to anybody" She made a face, turning her hand over, now grabbing his arm and leading him towards the back door. "I'm not going with you!" He spit. "You're coming with me or I swear I will stab you in the fucking neck....." He suddenly grabbed her neck, pinning her against the door again. "Whatever happens to me, will happen to you to remember?" Bowdey said in her ear. His body only inches from hers. "Maybe; but I can heal myself. You can't so let's go." She demanded, hitting his wrist, as he lost his grip on her. He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes, weighing his options. Finally he groaned loudly and followed her.

Deacon had left him for just a split second and it had cost him. Makenna had come in right under their noses and took off with him. What had he been thinking? "Where did she go?!" He yelled. Tate stood opposite him, breathing heavy as his pack slowly shifted back to their human form following them inside. "I don't know; but I can't help you." "What?!" Now Deacon was pissed. "Look "Hunter"....I told you I would try and help him; but I will not put any more of my pack in harm's way. I am already down a wolf thanks to her." Tate sighed, motioning to the young boy lying injured on the couch. Deacon looked at him then back at Tate. "Look I understand; but if you're right....if she's more than just a half breed, then we are all in danger. She won't stop after Bowdey or my family. She'll be the end to all of us. I mean look, she just got through an entire pack of Silver Wolves to get to him." Tate thought about that.

"I also said "Hunter" that your son could very well be more than human as well; but reguardless....you need to try and figure out what they both are before start trying to find them. Better be prepared for anything before you get into a fight you don't know how to win."