
Shadow Beyond

In this riveting tale, delve into the compelling narrative of a brooding hero on a relentless quest to unravel the mysteries of his ancestry. As shadows of the past loom large, our protagonist navigates a treacherous path, confronting not only external adversaries but also the haunting secrets buried within his bloodline. With every step, the line between heroism and darkness blurs, creating a gripping narrative that explores the complexities of identity, destiny, and the indomitable spirit that drives one man to confront his enigmatic heritage.

KujoJin · Eastern
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26 Chs


The chamber fell into a stunned silence once more. The unexpected turn of events left the disciples in shock, their cries of warning still echoing in the air. Xia, with a somber expression, stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the dark puddle that once was Brother Meng.

From the viscous darkness, a malevolent force emerged, soaring a few meters above the ground. Its form morphed into a grotesque, cow-like face, looming over the remaining cultivators with an ominous presence. A sinister laughter echoed through the chamber, as the demonic entity addressed them, "Hahaha, worms! You will become my nourishment!" The taunt sent shivers down the spines of everyone.

A sudden revelation struck one of the cultivators, his eyes widening with terror. "We are doomed! I know what that is!" His words cut through the uneasy air, drawing the attention of the angered disciples from the same group.

"Talk!" they shouted in frustration, demanding an explanation.

Panic gripped the terrified cultivator as he stammered, "It's not possible! How can this thing be here?" The gravity of the situation intensified, and desperation crept into his voice.

His elder brother, a pillar of strength in the group, reacted swiftly. A resounding slap across the panicked cultivator's face snapped him back to reality. "Get a grip!" The elder brother's stern command sought to restore order amid the chaos.

The shaken cultivator lowered his gaze, whispering with a heavy heart, "I let you down, elder brother." He cast a fearful glance at the demonic head and revealed, "This is one of the four demon generals, the slaughtering fury - Cysio."

"The legendary demonic warrior Cysio?" erupted from the lips of the cultivators in unison.

In the midst of panic, Xia emerged from the shadows, dark tendrils dancing around her. With a sinister smile, she declared, "Glory to humankind! Today, we have a chance to avenge the many lives taken by this monstrosity! Brothers and sisters, listen! There are dozens of us, and he stands alone, a mere whisper of his former self! Do not let him terrorise you! We are stronger!"

"Muahahaha, silly worms! Even my shadow is enough to wipe the floor with your wretched bodies," Cysio retorted.

Xia joined her hands, initiating a mysterious technique. "Dark Prison!" she chanted, pointing two fingers at the demon. In an instant, a dark globe enveloped a perimeter of 50 meters around him.

"You dare trap me inside such a petty technique! I will drink from your skulls!" the enraged cow shouted.

The demonic minotaur, Cysio, unleashed a grotesque symphony of carnage as he swung his blood-soaked horns and razor-sharp claws through the charging cultivators. His movements were a dance of brutality, a macabre ballet of death that left a trail of severed limbs and spattered blood in its wake.

With a sweeping motion, Cysio decapitated a cultivator, their lifeless body collapsing to the ground. The air echoed with desperate cries as he effortlessly tore through the ranks, his eyes glowing with malevolent delight.

A cultivator, armed with a bow, tried to retreat, but Cysio seized him by the throat, crushing the life out of him. Another, wielding a dagger, attempted a stealthy approach, only to meet a swift end as Cysio's tail whipped around, impaling him through the heart.

The ground became a canvas of horror, stained with the crimson testimony of the cultivators' futile resistance. Cysio revealed in the chaos, relishing the screams and pleas that fell on deaf ears. Limbs were severed, bodies cleaved in half, and the air thickened with the metallic scent of death.

As the slaughter continued, Xia's stoic form remained unwavering, the Dark Prison holding its oppressive grip on Cysio. The juxtaposition of her calm demeanour against the backdrop of unbridled brutality intensified the horror, leaving an indelible mark on the survivors who could only watch helplessly as their comrades fell to the demonic onslaught.

Cysio raised his axe and roared, "Condense!" In a grotesque display, all the fallen bodies and spilled blood on the chamber's tiles swirled toward the minotaur, assimilated into him.

"Fresh blood!" he exclaimed happily. The macabre scene unfolded as the remnants of the fallen cultivators became a grotesque part of the demonic entity. Now, only a handful of cultivators remained, all below rank 20, standing no chance against a monster easily ranking 30. Cysio effortlessly unleashed magic techniques one after another, the vast power discrepancy turning the remaining battle into a grim spectacle of desperation.

Cysio charged toward Xia and the remnants of the other cultivators when he suddenly stopped. He grabbed his head as if suffering unbearable pain, "Arghhh, master! Forgive this lowly servant! I did not know." He fell onto the ground, sweating, and looked at Xia in terror before quickly running towards a wall. With a powerful charge, he crashed through it and disappeared into the darkness.

Xia stood there in confusion with the others. "Are we safe?" one of them asked. "It would seem so," another replied. "I don't know what scared him, but I'm not staying here any longer." The survivors, shaken by the sudden turn of events, wasted no time and hastily made their way out of the chamber, leaving behind the eerie silence that followed Cysio's mysterious retreat.