
Shadow Author

Being the author of a world-famous novel series called Eminence the boy wanted the world to know about him due to his co-author taking all the fame. Unfortunately, disaster struck before he could get his recognition. Upon realizing that he died the boy woke up in the world that he created, Eminence. However, instead of transmigrating into the body of the main character or even a side character, the boy became an extra called Lucas. Shortly thereafter he gets a notification on his smartwatch that tells him to make Lucas an important part of the novel no matter what and by any means necessary. Follow Lucas’s journey as he befriends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has at his disposal being the author. -Not my Cover Art -No Harem -Detailed and slow character development -between 1000 and 1350 words on average -100+ free chapters (135000+ words)

Zach_Lecher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs

67. To the Top (3)

Holding strong I took each hit without much care. I knew there would be no escape but taking down a few birds with me wouldn't be terrible.

Thinking about it, dying to a dinosaur-like creature wouldn't be such a bad way of going out.

After all, it's much more badass saying that I was eaten alive rather than being flattened into a pancake.

As the screeching of another bird disrupted my thought process I infused more mana into Nightfall.

Keeping the rune active for a prolonged period of time ate away at my mana reserves.

Thankfully I had mana breath which refilled a small portion of it every minute.

But after three refills and over a hundred kills on my end I was out of Aether and my mana was quickly following behind.

Once the last bit of Aether dissipated things became much worse much faster.

The cuts and scrapes added up with the bites and tears of the monsters were weakening my body.

It was so bad that I began having trouble holding up the blade but I knew it was my only retort to the event so I didn't dare to drop it.

Blood was flowing constantly and the once green brush looked as if a truckload of red paint had dyed it.

It got to the point that I couldn't discern whose blood was whose. In the end mine and the bird's blood became one as it puddled around me.

When the fourth refill came things turned from worse to terrible as the birds finally considered me a threat.

Many other monsters were being attacked by the majority of the swarm but with each death more and more were coming after me.

When the swarm passed by me and I was engulfed in the middle of it rather than splitting the swarm in half like I had been doing, the monsters changed their approach.

My method of splitting through them like the Red Sea fell apart the moment I felt a sharp pain in my back.

Unable to look back due to having to concentrate on what was happening in front of me. I could only conclude that they would now be attacking from behind me.

This was extremely problematic as my sole chance of survival was nullified and I had to now find some way of defending myself from all sides.

Launching myself out of the bush I rolled on my back and crashed into the ground as the pain doubled.

But thankfully the added weight was gone meaning that I managed to knock the assassin bird off but not without sustaining an injury.

As soon as I was out in the open the tide shifted from being in the bird's favor to overwhelming being in their favor.

Instantly I was attacked from all sides and angles as birds swooped down from the air, from the right and left, and even from the ground as some crawled on the floor trying to bite at my heels.

Knowing there was no way out due to my mana being completely empty and Aether long used up I got ready to accept my death by closing my eyes.

'I'll do better next time.'

Then the monstrous birds crashed into me swallowing me up ready to devour me down to my bones.

Yet just as the foremost bird was about to chop off my face with its mouth wide open showing off its dangerous teeth something unique happened.

"It's done."

What I thought was an angel speaking out stuck with me as those two words reverberated within my mind.

Being taken away from the present world I was welcomed back into the realm of Nightfall's.

Looking over at the beautiful girl I couldn't help but show a grand smile.

Yet the girl only stared back emotionless as the next second the white world was enveloped in a glorious red hue as I was hurled out back to reality.

Understanding that my contingency plan had succeeded my heart thumped with excitement and I opened my eyes ready to unleash the new power.


"Damn it."

Miss Smith cursed as she rushed down the mountain dodging all the brush.

'Hold on just a bit longer.'

Moving as fast as she could Miss Smith made full use of her reacquired power.

Being an A-ranker once again was huge for her as she finally got back the abilities that had been locked away by the curse.

She was incredibly thankful that Lucas managed to conquer the trial and claim ownership of Nightfall because it meant the curse placed on her would weaken.

Eventually, it would completely fade away but she was so excited with the idea of getting her power back that Miss Smith forcefully broke the connection.

She knew that there would be a few repercussions however the aspect of regaining what was sealed away was far too tempting.

The problem though was that she was currently suffering from some of the side effects as although she had the power of an A-ranker her body had yet to catch up.

That meant if she wasn't careful she could overexert herself to the point she would destroy her own body.

In any other situation going through such a procedure wouldn't be a problem because Miss Smith was a teacher and a highly prominent school. There wouldn't be many chances where she would have to go all out and it would be extremely rare for something to threaten her.

That's why she decided to go through with it and break through.

Yet as she looked over her shoulder and saw a terrifying wave of monsters running after her she began cursing her bad luck.

Worst of all though was what was behind the horde. A swarm of Terror Raptors.

Alone they were nothing but an annoyance but when in a pack their numbers could threaten the lives of multiple A-rankers.

When too many Terror Raptors formed together there were a few instances when S-rankers had to be deployed to thin down their numbers.

Miss Smith knew firsthand how horrible they were which was why she started running the moment she understood what was happening.

'Please don't die on me!'

Although the brat she had been teaching got all her nerves at times she was still partnered with him and if the higher-ups learned of his death she knew it would fall under her responsibility.

That's why she moved towards their only way of surviving the ordeal, her car.

In the trunk, she kept many enchanted weapons to deal with all kinds of problems. Never had she thought she would need to use one so soon though.

If she could just make it to the car in time she could save their lives but her legs were burning with each step she took.

Plus it didn't help that she was more than aware that Lucas would be in a tough position.

That's why she prayed she could make it in time.

But just as she got to the base of the mountain a foreboding feeling sent shivers down her spine.

Stopping for a second she looked back up at the top of the mountain and frowned.

"Just what on earth is that kid?!"