
Shadow Author

Being the author of a world-famous novel series called Eminence the boy wanted the world to know about him due to his co-author taking all the fame. Unfortunately, disaster struck before he could get his recognition. Upon realizing that he died the boy woke up in the world that he created, Eminence. However, instead of transmigrating into the body of the main character or even a side character, the boy became an extra called Lucas. Shortly thereafter he gets a notification on his smartwatch that tells him to make Lucas an important part of the novel no matter what and by any means necessary. Follow Lucas’s journey as he befriends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has at his disposal being the author. -Not my Cover Art -No Harem -Detailed and slow character development -between 1000 and 1350 words on average -100+ free chapters (135000+ words)

Zach_Lecher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs

26. Angel

"I'm surprised."

Those simple two words echoed throughout the empty void and rang in my ears as a language I had heard in a long time resonated with me.

"You've successfully defeated that trial I set forth to test one's willpower. Therefore I will grant you the ability to wield my full power and I will free all those who came before you."

Once the voice finished speaking the abyss began to crumble anyway and light filled the darkness for the first time.

While the world was deteriorating my soul began to merge back with my body as my senses slowly returned.

Eventually, the world of black became that of glorious white and I knew I would awaken at any second.

During this time I regained near complete control of my body. So I decided to take charge and bend the rules in my favor.


My voice which I had long forgotten existed reverberated through the white lands.

As soon as I spoke up the fading realm halted in place. It was only a second away from disappearing into true nothingness as there would never be another trial yet I forced it to stop.

Aether and mana weaved around my body and spread outward to create a small pocket where the world could keep existing.

Meanwhile all around the small space, everything turned white.

It was then that I finally got some recognition from the being that put me through such a tasteless tribute.

"What do you think you are doing?!"

For the first time since I met the voice, it finally exclaimed with some emotion behind its words.

I smiled brightly to match the outside glow while I began to move about in the pocket still in a different world.

My body felt extremely weird as I hadn't had one for so long and the fact that I wasn't back in the real world caused some delay and sluggishness in my actions.

"We haven't had a proper conversation yet. Did you think that after I completed what you wanted of me I wouldn't ask for something in return?"

Although I clearly stated my purpose for prolonging my stay the voice seemed far more concerned with me returning as soon as possible.

"How can you do such a thing? Creating a new world within my world is impossible! This is my domain, you need to leave!"

I didn't have time for someone or something that couldn't keep up.

"Impossibilities serve to be broken."



Cutting the voice back from arguing I released all the Aether I could, to break away at the white nothingness that swallowed the black.

While the Aether crept into the white I pulled on my power to find the mastermind.

Doing this didn't take long as the moment 'it' felt something off 'it' went to investigate and that's the moment I took action.


As soon as 'it' arrived before the wisp of Aether I released, I had the Aether take form as a second bubble.

This other bubble captured 'it' within the Aether which served as a prison where if 'it' tried to escape by making contact with the Aether 'it' would be gravely wounded.

Once I knew I had it locked away I pulled back the trace of Aether from within the white back into the small space I created.

After the bubble entered my space I had the Aether fade away to expose the mastermind behind the trial.

This caused the bubble to completely vanish and what stood before me was nothing like I could have ever predicted.

Laying on the ground was a beautiful girl, one that I couldn't even begin to describe with words.

She had long, flowing hair the color of white to match the outside realm and purple eyes that sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

Her skin looked as smooth as silk and seemed to glow with an inner light.

She was tall and slender, with curves in all the right places, and a perfect representative of a goddess.

Her sheer presence was both mesmerizing and enchanting enough to completely break my train of thought.

She was truly the envy of models everywhere and incomparable to any person who I'd once thought to be flawless.

But what truly set her apart were the black angel wings that adorned her back. They were black in color to contrast her snow-white hair.

The wings were feathered as they exponentially added to her overall perfection.

Yet that wasn't enough as if trying to eternally captivate my heart the girl was… naked.

Fortunately or unfortunately her most precious parts were censored in my eyes.

I didn't know if I would be able to recover or ever look at another female the same if I could see her entirely so I was thankful that not everything was revealed.

Though it worried me that something was strong enough to resist Aether and manipulate my vision.

However, I saw more than enough for my imagination to fill in the blanks and end any chance of me having a real relationship as the goddess was the only thing I could think about.

Protecting myself from the chance of being bewitched I turned myself around and closed my eyes.

Yet even then I couldn't get her figure out of my mind and behind my closed eyelids I could still see her image as if it was engraved into me.

I had accounted for many things during my time alone but one thing I didn't take into consideration was the embodiment of perfection appearing.

But I wouldn't lose so easily therefore I calmed my rapidly beating heart, thought sad thoughts, and attempted to numb my body of emotion before turning back around to face 'it.'

Looking at the angel on the ground which had yet to try to free itself my mind wavered but I held strong and started asking some of the questions I'd been preparing.

"Are you… Nightfall?"

Hearing its name mentioned, the being raised its head to look directly into my eyes.

At that moment I practically lost all hope when looking into its eyes. I became hypnotized as the two of us searched for deeper meaning.

Behind her clear beautiful sparkling eyes, I couldn't sense any emotion. It was as if I was looking at a doll.

Wanting to understand more I held myself together and continued making eye contact searching for any proof that the creature wasn't beyond repair.

Finally, deeply hidden in the depths of her locked-away feelings I could see a slight spark.

I had no idea what it meant or represented but being that there was still something remaining of its soul I knew I could figure it out.

Then as if we both found the secrets that we were so desperately trying to hide, the two of us broke contact at the same time.

Then 'it' spoke:

"I am."

As another part of the girl was revealed to me its sweet melodious voice threatened to break down all the walls I set up.

I shiver ran down my back from the sweet, pure, soothing, peaceful, and angelic voice.

I could only nod in response as I didn't trust myself to be able to talk back without choking over my words.

The girl who was still laying on the floor raised herself up showing even more of her body which had been previously covered by her silver hair.


My mind was truly scrambled.

"Why haven't you left?"

The voice I once thought to be unholy in nature and empty in meaning was now crisp, clear, and without harshness in tone.

It was a complete change that I also wasn't prepared for. I expected some monstrosity abomination to be the owner, not some delicate broken girl.

Clearing my throat I whispered:

"I had some questions."

The girl tilted her head.

"Then ask them and please leave once I've satisfied your curiosity."

Understanding that she didn't want me to stay and also realizing that I was quickly running out of Aether to supply the safe space I crouched down to her level and began asking away.