
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

It is a hard living in the new age of the modern world, on Earth. Especially if you did not have any Abilities; it was the case for Quinn. His parents were ambassadors, and secretly, Assassins working for the 'greater good'. Wars were quite a frequent occurance on Earth, leaving only ravaged remains of the once beautiful planet. Although, the once frequent wars had stopped and the world finally entered a fleeting age of peace, the larger powers were in a deadlock and in high geopolitical tension. The majority of the interstellar planets and bases were owned by Capitalist powerhouses that held only base value in high regards and sought after strong trans-humans: an evolved species of Humans that were compatible with Ability Dews that were found on alien planets and could extract and use different types of supernatural Abilities themselves. Quinn's parents were sent on an obvious su**ide-mission on the battlefront of some planet by the Governance of Earth, to 'fight and serve' their home-planet by fighting off the opposition consisting of a terrorist group called the "Elementals", and secretly, a whole another unknown enemy... Receiving their last, parting gift, Quinn got his hands on something that was completely out of scope for normal Humans, or any other intelligent race that could possibly or ever will exsist. It was of unknown origins when his parents found it, and only he would be the one to discover its true functioning and creator. He would become something that was nothing like a Human... he would forsake his life and living, only to find the truth about the artefact and why it chose him. He would fight enemies of the peaceful inhabitants of Earth in hopes to protect those that he once loved, when he was still Human. Furthermore, he would fight other beings in the shadows of different realms; discover secrets of the Universe and the one above it all. No, not God; nor the Great Old Ones. Nay, not even the Outer Gods. But, the one and only... above creation itself: a dream that birthed it; the Absolute Being. Existing in the Real World, out of this wretched Dream of his. Only by meeting his real origins and awakening, would Quinn be able to escape this accursed cycle that only he knew the truth of; alone, would he protect the mortals... in hopes of protecting only those that he loved.

MarKD · Fantasy
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69 Chs


['Darkened hand' skill leveled up to lvl 2]

[Darkened hand] Lvl 2

This skill will surround one of the users arm of choice in darkness and will enhance the strength of it and skills used by the arm with double the effect and strength, the arm will also have sharp claws. But when the skill is deactivated the users arm will feel much pain.

Cost- 70 mana

'The skill still hasn't ended...I need to search the beasts body' Quinn thought as he let go of the rockworms flesh.

"Hooh~ you're pretty strong huh?" Carl said as he put his pair of tonfas on his waist. "Forget that, can you help me search the insides of this beast?" Quinn asked.

"Sure but... why do you think she's still alive?"

"Why do you think she's dead?"

"And, didn't I already tell you back then?" he was getting more pissed off by the second but didn't show any change on his face.

"Yeah sure her ability allows her to become immune to damage but what about her mana? She only has a limited amount of it" Carl said as he moved towards the corpse.

"That's why I'm asking you to help me" Quinn as he ripped out more flesh, "not much time has passed..."

"Fine I'll help you, either way I can't let a student die that easily" Carl said as his hands got covered in green energy just like the tonfas did back when he fought against the rockworm.


"Where's Quinn?" Petra asked as she woke up at the military camp surrounded by walls.

"He already left after dropping you off here" Carl said not taking his eyes off of the book he was reading, Or pretending to.

"He didn't seem like the type to waste time on something that isn't worth it" he said knowing full well how this could affect Petra. Seeing how she has been so quiet, he decided that he'd take as step down.

"I'm just shitting with you"


"With the killer rabbit corpses I made about 900 credits... desert wolf corpses I made 700 and the rock worm sold for quite a lot... almost a thousand, huh?" Quinn said as he played with his dagger while walking towards where Luna was.

'Of course I made sure to not sell the magic crystals... I'll find a use for them soon enough'.

As he was walking towards the others who were quite close now, he thought:

'I wonder if there are others with a system like mine'.

Just as he thought that, Quinn suddenly stopped moving.

'I can't completely feel Luna's presence.... why?!' he panicked as he dashed towards her at full speed.

'Swift dash'

[-1 mana]

'Is she dying?!'

[-1 mana]

'I need to hurry...!'

[-1 mana]

'Can I make it in time?!'

[-1 mana]

'Sen is with her...!'

[-1 mana]

'She should be alright!'

[-1 mana]



"He should be here by now... shouldn't he? Luna~" a person spoke from the shadows. "Did he think I wouldn't notice the skill he used on her?".

"Zayne...! Why the hell are you doing this?!" Sen shouted as he created metal swords from blood which was dripping from a wound on Luna. "Why... you ask? Even if I explained everything in detail, you still wouldn't get it" Zayne replied.

"I mean...none of us get it either"

'What... is this guy crazy?' Sen thought. "There's no way you'd do this without a reason...! Tell me and we can just talk this out".

"Talk this out? You don't get what I'm after... I'm not interested in you lot" Zayne said he he walked towards Sen. "Fine, I'll let you in on something".

"Do you believe in 'Deities'?" he asked something completely unrelated.

"Hah? What kind of stupid question is that" Sen was starting to believe that Zayne was crazy even more. "Just answer me"

"Nowadays who doesn't believe in deities? A completely normal world that just completely changed one day... portals to other planets, other dimensions, monsters, supernatural abilities... what crazy thing awaits next?" Sen sighed.

"So that means you also believe in them?"

"Yes, I believe that they exist".

"Then... what do you think they do? Just sit around and bring destruction to worlds?"

"... I don't know"

"They need some form of entertainment don't they? So that's why they play with humans and other races"

'Other races?! Then why haven't we met them till now'

"Even those high and mighty Elves got forced into signing the contract" Zayne said. "Oh... I forgot that I was going to tell you what I'm after".

"But... it seems like we can't continue"

"Why? Are you going back on your word?"

"No, you're friend's here"

'Is he talking about Quinn...? No way... how did he find us' Sen thought as he backed up a little from Zayne. "Don't come any closer....!"

"Forget that...shouldn't you treat that girl first? Or she will die from blood loss... kuhuhuhu!" Zayne let out laugh. "And....it seemed that she was quite close to him too"

'Bastard...! Even if I shoot all my swords at him, he'll either use his ability to just erase my swords or he can just dodge them with how fast he is....' Sen was struggling to make a decision on what to do. 'Its almost like....he has two abilities!'

"Oh! It seems like you're here"

"Zayne?! What're you doing...?" Quinn asked as he tried to calm himself down. "Sen! Are you alright?! and what about Lu....na..."

As soon as he turned his head towards where Sen was, he had already seen the horrible state that she was in.

"Quinn look out!" Sen warned Quinn as Zayne was already behind him.

"KUHAHAHAHAHA!" Zayne laughed like a maniac, "I WONDER WHAT LEVEL YOU ARE!"