
Shadow And Silver

"Justice? Humanity? what a mockery If this is humanity I want no part of it, I reject my humanity!” ** Zellrid grew up without a normal childhood, thanks to his peculiar family. Even the least villainous member of his family is known as a war criminal. Despite this, Zellrid became a skilled monster hunter. Making a vow to find a cure for the affliction that had plagued his ancestors, he walked the path of hunting down monsters and delving into the secrets of the curse. While he struggled to resist succumbing to his own dark impulses and falling prey to the same fate as his family. So What do you think is the best way to kill a monster stranger? With a sword, a gun, silver battle axe or why not take the obvious and easy road and be a monster yourself?

Todo_Aio · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The old god has been reborn

Thorgar stood in the doorway, observing her face for a moment. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a pale glow over her delicate features.

Softly, almost tenderly, he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. His touch was light, but his intentions were as dark as the night outside.

He leaned closer, his breath mingling with hers, and whispered, "Waky waky, my dear time for fun."

Startled, Madeline's eyes fluttered open. Confusion clouded her expression as she tried to make sense of the figure looming over her. "Who... what are you doing?" she stammered.

Thorgar smiled, a chilling grin that didn't reach his eyes. "Oh, so let me clue you in, either we do this the easy way," he said smoothly. "or we do it the hard way, your choice."

"Stop right there! Don't touch me!" The frantic cries reverberated through the room, intensifying as the door shut firmly behind them.

"Wake up, brother, can't you hear it? I feel bad for the guests," Zellrid tried to wake his sleeping sibling.

"What the fuck are we going to do, anyway?" came a groggy voice from under the covers. "There's nothing we can do to them without risking punishment from mom and dad."

Zellrid slammed his fist against the table, causing a loud thud to echo through the room. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned to face Zolarice. "We can't keep going like this," he said, his voice strained with guilt.

"I refuse to be involved in whatever scheme you have planned, even if it leads to your downfall. It's your funeral and your decision, but I will not aid you." Zolarice rolled his eyes and looked away, shutting them tightly. 

Zellrid glaced at his brother, his jaw clenched in anger. "Fine," he spat. "If you won't help me, then I'll do it alone."

Quietly, he tiptoed down the corridor and stopped at Madeline's door. He pressed his ear against the wood, straining to hear any sounds from inside. There were faint noises of crying and sobbing, but they were muffled by the thick door.

Zellrid burst into the room, yelling for his father to stop.

As he opened the door, a heartbreaking sight greeted his eyes: Madeline with torn clothes, her body bearing the marks of Thorgar's savagery.

Seeing Thorgar momentarily stunned by confusion, she took advantage and struck him in the head before running as fast as she could out of the room and outside of the house.

Moments later, Mia emerged from the room behind her, a twisted grin spread across her face. "Well done, Thorgar," she said with a chuckle. "You always were quite good at fucking up things."

Thorgar's gaze burned into Mia, his eyes flashing with rage. "I'll deal with you later," he snarled, redirecting his focus to Zellrid.

"What have you done, you worthless scoundrel? I raised you to be my most trusted ally, not to bring about my downfall. Are you trying to sabotage me?"

He shut his eyes and his grin grew wider. "Mia, my dear, are you still feeling hungry?"

Mia's face twisted into a sneer. "Just like always, Thorgar."

Thorgar chuckled and gestured towards Zellrid. "Well then, I have just the perfect Larian flesh for you to taste. I can't have any failures in my household."

Zellrid stood frozen, his eyes locked onto Thorgar's cold, calculating stare.

"mom, please no."

Mia stalked towards Zellrid, her eyes filled with eager excitement. She pushed him roughly to the side and lunged at him, biting into his exposed leg.

As she tore into him, Thorgar watched dispassionately from the doorway.

"Please, Mom, no more. I swear I'll behave... Why are you hurting me..I am your son."

Thorgar's eyes remained cold, devoid of any emotion that hinted at his relationship with Zellrid. "You're not her son anymore, you're a traitor and a failure. I have no use for either."

Zellrid screamed as Mia's teeth sank deeper into his arm, blood spraying out in a crimson arc.

He fought against her grip, but she held him tightly, her strength overpowering him.

"Mom, please..." Tears streamed down his face as he hugged her, begging for her to stop. But she didn't relent as she tore off his left arm toe, causing him even more pain.

"Your eyes are stunning, my dear," she said with a mouth full of her son's blood, which dripped onto the floor. "They look just like your father's...I want to taste them."

With that, she clasped her hands around Zellrid's head and began to squeeze his skull under her inhuman strength.

Zellrid's vision blurred as darkness crept in from the edges.

A sharp, throbbing sensation pulsed through his head, followed by a sickening crunch. His body suddenly went limp, and his left eye seemed to pop out of its socket.

"Can you all keep the noise level down? I can't sleep." Zolarice entered the room, holding a cup of water. "I have a lot of tasks to do tomorrow, so please try to work quietly."

"zola..rice he-help me brother."

Zellrid's voice, barely audible, reached Zolarice's ears.

Zolarice sighed and turned away, leaving behind the echoing sounds of his parents' boisterous laughter.

Each step he took up the staircase was accompanied by tears that fell unabashedly, cascading down his cheeks like a relentless downpour. In a voice barely above a whisper, he uttered a single word, "Sorry."

In the quiet room, Zellrid's tears mingled with the blood from his injured eye as he whispered his brother's name.

His mother held him tightly, her grip on his hair adding to his pain. Outside, the rain poured down heavily, and dark clouds filled the sky, accompanied by booming thunder and flashes of lightning.

As Thorgar looked out the window, his smirk turned to confusion as he muttered, "Strange for it to be storming in the summer."

"I'm not sorry," Zellrid said, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm not sorry at all." He closed his eye, and his jaw tightened.

"I'm not sorry that I saved her life. I'm not sorry that I stood up to you. And I'm not sorry that I'm going to kill you, I will kill you all, I will destroy you."

The lightning outside intensified, casting stark shadows across the landscape.

While thunder roared louder, shaking the earth.

Zellrid's left eye began to shimmer with a crackling lightning hue, mirroring the storm's power.

Thorgar's thoughts raced as he glared at Zellrid, his voice a low murmur in the room, "The essence of my father's power resides within this brat. How could such a bug be bestowed with such a divine gift?"


In an instant, Zellrid's teeth sank into his mother's eye, ripping it out in a blur of motion. Simultaneously, he delivered a swift punch that propelled her out of the room. With the lightning crackling overhead, he disappeared in sync with its sudden descent. 

this so far was the worst thing i did

Todo_Aiocreators' thoughts