
Shadow Allies

Existing but not living.... Hugh Mallory is an unfortunate child, a cursed transcendent being and a threat to the heavens. As every other kid, Hugh had always wanted a normal life. Till he got roped into a sadistic ritual that changed his life and that of everyone around him.....

Franktasy · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six The Duel

The news about the horrific death of Johnny Iceman the crazy wannabe villain had left the media and the people with one question.

‹Has the Legion of heroes finally revoked the no kill rule?›.

The last few weeks had been a rough one for the Big six. Apart from all the crazy rumor and questions from the press about a lot of things, Boost had also challenged Metalio to a fight. Something they'd all been trying to avoid, they all knew it was soon going to happen. It was only a matter of time.

It all started after Metalio had brutally killed Johnny Iceman. Everyone in the Big six were either too scared to confront him about it or didn't seem to care. However Boost was the exception. He was not pleased with the way their new leader handled things and so he decided to confront him. But things didn't end well as their argument grew into a heated one.

The two supers almost got into a brawl, but luckily The illusionist intervened. But yet it wasn't enough to ease up the tension and so it was decided, that a duel was the best way to settle things.


Boost looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was filled with so much rage, he'd never felt so angry like he did now. It was only a few minutes before the duel with his new nemesis would begin. He had seen Metalio fight and needed not to be reminded of the formidable being he was up against.

It was rumored that he had once buried an entire enemy military base to the ground by just stomping his foot to the ground. He was also able to intercept a thousand missiles at one stretch. But all these astonishing feats weren't enough to corner him into cowering. Besides he had battled with a lot of powerful opponents and emerged victorious. This was not gonna be any different.

"You'll lose this fight Adams." Whispered The illusionist while calmly standing behind him.

"Better than not to try." He promptly retorted as he walked pass him, roughly bumping his shoulder.

"It'd be a miracle if you make it out with both legs Adams."

"Your imaginations stretch far too wide these days Michaelo. Perhaps you should consider turning yourself in to the S.A.D for some special rehabilitation."

The illusionist could only chuckle inwardly as he watched while the unwavering hero left the room and walked towards the arena. To meet with his supposed doom.


Metalio was seen standing boldly right in the middle of the cavernous arena wondering why he even chose to accept the challenge. As he looked around the technologically advanced arena, his gaze steadily drifted to the Big six.

They were the only present audience, it was a sort of rule that they abided by. But on looking at them he suddenly recalled why he'd agreed to the challenge. It was to remind them of his capabilities and unfortunately the speedster was gonna be his scapegoat.

Just at that same moment Boost emerged into the arena looking confident in his blue and yellow futuristic bodysuit. His entire body seemed to be emitting a few blue sparks. They had never seen him in such mood, even Metalio seemed a bit impressed and perhaps slightly curious.

A humanoid android which served as their referee, approached them and started reciting their agreement. It was a no killing contest but they were free to inflict massive injuries that won't result to any deaths.

"On the count of one. Two. Thre..."

In a flash the android's body split into pieces as a blue streak of lightning whizzed past it and zoomed in on the oblivious Metalio. Time seemed to have frozen, as the android's parts were still floating in the air. Sparks of lightning trailed behind him as he pulled back his arm clenching his fist, he threw it forward with a force that pushed his target backwards and brought the arena back to life.

The floating android parts fell to the ground instantly as Metalio crashed forcefully on the metal floor. Confusion filled the atmosphere as the Big six watched in bewilderment. He felt a sharp pain shoot through his jaw and got a taste of copper lingering in his mouth.

"It seems I underestimated you Boost." He said in a tremulous voice as struggled to get up.

He tried to strike another blow but suddenly he couldn't move his legs. It was almost as if two enormous mountains had been binded to his feet.

"Feel that?. That's times two of what you just punched." Said Metalio as he wiped the trickle of blood on his mouth.

"So you think by immobilizing my legs you've finally gotten me. Tsk well you've got another thing comin' " He snarled angrily.

As he started vibrating his body in an insane manner, causing pure blue lightning to surge through every inch of his body.

"It's no use. You still won't be able to break free."

"We'll see 'bout that!." He roared angrily as every molecule in his body responded well with his emotions and paved way for escape.

In an instant, he ran and grabbed him by the collar and zoomed out of the arena. Running around the city like it was his play park with his rag dolled friend, whom was seemingly unaware of all that was happening. He swiftly slammed him to the branch of a tall building, with his hand tightly clasped around his neck.

The impact shook the wall, but his presence froze time and prevented gravity from taking it's course. As a crater gradually manifested, he landed a thousand punches that seemed to have caused an earthquake. He speedily ran back and gathered some momentum to launch a powerful kick on his victim's chest.

The wall slowly shattered as debris floated in the air while Metalio's body crashed through the building as he slowly dropped to the floor.

He was a bit confused but soon realized what was happening as his former immobilized speedster thurst his hands towards him and discharged an enormous amount of lightning.

The lightning practically collided to his face but proved futile in it's relentless attempts to deal damage. The speedster launched in for a second strike. But was soon incapacitated by a single flicker of his hand. He found himself floating in mid air. Unable to move his body, as he felt like his limps were being far spread apart. While his foe gradually rose up from the dusts, to the face of victory.

"I could give you more pain than you can ever imagine. Your brains will leak out of your ears, and your bowels out of your ass. I can cause that to happen without leaving a mark, and everyone here will swear you died of natural causes".

The building was occupied with a few terrified witnesses whom were too scared to move, yet couldn't get their eyes off the horrible scene. A drop of sweat slowly trailed down his cheek as he gritted his teeth while trying to suppress the building pains that was slowly feasting on his insides.

"Let me go your fuckin' psycho!." He spat out with a much restrained tone.

"Least I do not cower from my weakness, like a wimp. For that's what makes us strong."

"And stupid!."

"No, smart. Sadly the same cannot be said for your kind." He whispered as he casually raised down his hand.

Just like a puppet, he fell down and sprawled to the floor while gasping for air and coughing a mouthful of blood. Finally he could breathe, but it was far from over as a steel like hands grabbed him by the neck and jacked him up. A repeated pattern of punches pounded his face like pestle against mortar. He was being pummeled badly and couldn't save himself as the blows continued to land successfully.

"Don't you for one second think you've got what it takes to defy me!. I make the rules. I call the shots. And I, I alone can make your dreams a torment!."

He continued yelling abuses while also giving it. As the color of his suit slowly became the color of blood.

"No, no no no!!. I won't let..!" The unconscious speedster suddenly blurted out as a spark of lightning consumed the vicinity.

Every voluntary motion froze to a stand still as he accelerated out from the grasps of danger. He continued running and running, till he was one with light itself. He suddenly created a blue space in time, as the earth ripped in half and he fell into an abyss of both forgotten and unforgotten times.

There he saw many cocoons of both the past present and future. Reality was now he's to recreate and he knew exactly what he wanted. Reversing back into few minutes before their fight. He became more collected and smarter with his choices.

As the robot signalled for the fight to begin, he swiftly ran to Metalio with an accelerated fist that found it's way on his jaw, causing what seemed like an electric wave. He quickly encircled him in an electric ring of lightning blue sparks. As he occasionally stopped to deliver a punch or two while also discharging more lighting bolts that discombobulated his opponent.

But suddenly something strange happened as he was about to unleash another set of attack. Metalio's eyeballs slowly trailed to meet with him. Cold sweat ran across his face, as panic surged up in his lungs. He tried retreating, but it was too late as the steel like hands caught hold of his neck once more and slammed him to the hard metal floor. It all felt like a "dejav u" as the similar pattern of punches started raining down on his face. Another enormous discharge of lightning resurfaced in the arena as he broke free from the clutches of his foe and blasted into the realm of time once more.

As he rewinded time once more, in hopes of making his wrongs right. But each trial begot more failure. And after experiencing so many possible futures with no victory. He figured it was a cannon event. So he succumbed to both defeat and failure, just like he'd did with "Samantha".

"Anyone else who wishes to fight can step forward." Metalio muttered challengingly as he walked over the bloodied hero's body.

They all remained silent while he chuckled to himself and casually walked out of the arena. The beaten speedster could only grit his teeth in frustration as he watched while he walked as he passed him.

"You might have stood more of a chance if you aimed to kill. Too bad you don't have the guts to do such. After all that's why you lost your fiancee." He whispered coldly to him before walking away, without looking back.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as flashes of Samantha reoccurred in his mind. Perhaps he was right, what if it was no cannon event, just what if it was only his morals that prevented him from achieving his goals and saving the love of his life. But with no morals, would he ever have found love with her?.

Rate my fight sequence guys. lemme know what you think.

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