
Shadow's Retribution

In a Nation ravaged by corruption and oppression, a young boy named Ethan and his sister, Elizabeth witnesses the brutal murder of their family at a very young age, and also the destruction of his town at the hands of a nefarious group of nobles. Abandoned by his relatives but saved by an old man, the two siblings grew up together. Until tragedy strikes again years later, when some group of power holding men broke into their quiet life, taking the life of the generous old man and left Ethan for Dead. But when his life teeters on the edge of oblivion a surge of ancient energy awakens within him, granting him unimaginable powers in a mordern world. With a burning desire for revenge, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to hone his newfound abilities and bring justice to those who shattered his world. With his level of smartness and Understanding of the whole setting and also driven by his insatiable thirst for retribution, Ethan infiltrates the high society of the nobles, his true identity concealed by a mask of cunning and deception. Drawing upon his unparalleled strength and formidable powers, he strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. One by one, he kills them without leaving a trail behind. However, as his path to revenge unfolds, Ethan is confronted with moral dilemmas and discovers a conflict within himself. Not just that, he soon realizes there was a mastermind behind and worse would be happening to the world.

Roth_Raven · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Ethan gazed up at the sky as the sound of the passing train caught his attention. The dusk was settling in, adding a touch of melancholy to the moment. He found it hard to believe that they had reached this town in just four months, traversing the distance on foot. 

Walking through the streets, Ethan kept his head down, shouldering the weight of his sister who was growing weaker by the day. More three months ago, they had left their previous town, and also bidding farewell to the memories of the young boy named Christopher whom Ethan had met. Since then, they had been making their way to their Aunt's place, their hopes dwindling.

Glancing over his shoulder, he checked on his sister, noticing her labored breathing. With a weak smile, he reassured her, "We'll be there soon. Just hold on." Though his own strength had waned, he persisted in carrying his sister. Due to her weight loss, it wasn't as challenging as it could have been.

As they passed by pedestrians, Ethan overheard snippets of their conversations. "Oh my God! He's so thin," one person remarked. Another questioned, "Who would abandon these poor children?."

"So frail! Unbelievable!" gasped a woman passing by in her car. It was true, Ethan's body was mere skin and bones, and his determination was the only thing propelling him forward.

"Brother," Elizabeth weakly called out, breaking his thoughts.

"Yes?" he responded.

"I'm hungry... really hungry," she coughed, mingling blood with her words.

Ethan's heart sank. "There's no food anywhere, Elizabeth! I'll try to beg for some bread," he reassured her.

"Be careful," she interjected, her voice fragile.

"I will," he promised.

Scanning his surroundings, Ethan discovered a narrow passage filled with trash, sandwiched between a florist and a bakery. He guided his sister to the far end of the passage, where he gently laid her down. Her once-beautiful face, praised by their mother, now appeared gaunt and lifeless. The only defense against the dirt was her yellow floral gown, now stained and worn. She resembled a frail skeleton, the female embodiment of Stickman.

"I'll be back," Ethan assured her, and she weakly nodded. As he walked away, she whispered, "Be careful."

Stepping out into the town, Ethan couldn't help but notice how much larger it was compared to his hometown. Shops lined the streets, houses stood opposite each other, and a central sculpture dominated the center. Laughter echoed from healthy children, their smiles piercing Ethan's heart. It reminded him of Becky, and tears streamed uncontrollably down his face. "Becky!" he cried out, consumed by the pain of losing someone dear.

Clutching the necklace his sister had given him as a birthday present, Ethan pressed forward. Memories flooded his mind, particularly the time when he and Elizabeth had pleaded with their uncles, especially Uncle John, whose reaction left them shocked and bewildered.

Closing his eyes, Ethan vividly recalled the stormy night when he and his sister had knocked on Uncle John's door, seeking refuge…


Five months ago:

The heavy rain poured down, but it couldn't cleanse the pain weighing on their hearts. Ethan clung tightly to his sister as they stood outside their uncle John's house. The security guard recognized them and led them through the gate, although he couldn't help but wonder why they had arrived in the rain without an umbrella or a car. However, he remained silent as he saw the sorrow etched on their faces.

Uncle John's house wasn't grand, but it contained about eight rooms, including the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Ethan was the one to knock on the door, and he could hear his aunt Melissa cautiously inquire, "Who might that be?"

Knowing she was walking towards the door, Ethan's moodiness reflected in his response, "Good evening, Aunt Melissa." 

"Evening!" replied the caring woman. "Come in. You shouldn't stay out in the rain."

"Who is at the door?" John's voice interrupted, stirring a glimmer of hope in Ethan's heart. Though he knew his uncle's kind facade was deceptive.

"It's Ethan and Elizabeth," Melissa informed her husband. Then, turning to Ethan and Elizabeth, she urged, "Do come in."

"What do you two want?" John positioned himself in front of his wife, pushing her aside.

Frowning, Melissa spoke up, "It's raining. Let them come in--"

"Quiet!" John shouted at her before turning his disgusted gaze on Ethan. "So, What?"

Ethan furrowed his brow, taken aback by his uncle's reaction. It was clear that his uncle had no intention of helping them, even though they were standing out in the rain.

Nonetheless, Ethan decided to give it a shot. "Good..."

"Skip the pleasantries," his uncle interrupted, causing Ethan's frown to deepen.

The light from the front yard illuminated his Uncle's disgusted expression. Ethan's eyes scanned over his uncle's appearance, from his dirty blonde hair to his button nose and wide lips, down to the blue suit and black slippers. His round stomach matched his chubby body, and his greedy expression completed the picture.

"Could you please..." Ethan began, but he was interrupted again.

"So now that your father is dead, you want to beg me?" his uncle callously blurted out.

"No! I want to find somewhere for my sister to stay warm. She could die..." Ethan's voice trailed off.

"And how does that affect me?" his uncle retorted.

Elizabeth and Ethan couldn't believe what they were hearing from their beloved uncle.

"... You came here to beg me for something? Why don't you ask your dead father to pay his debt so I can help?" his uncle continued, eliciting tears from Ethan.

"Please," Ethan pleaded, desperation evident in his voice. "Even if it's just a small place... please..."

"Leave!" his uncle abruptly demanded.

Ethan's eyes widened in shock. "What?" he exclaimed.

His uncle raised an eyebrow, smirking at Ethan's reaction. "Surprised that I can say 'leave'? You little thieves. I've already told you, go ask someone else for help, not me. And while you're at it, go tell your dead father to pay me back all the money he owes me before I'll consider helping you."

Tears streamed down Ethan's face, hurt and betrayed by the man they once held dear. Through his tears, Ethan found his voice again. "Remember this day. The day my sister and I asked for warmth, and you turned us away. The night we came to you, hoping you would help us, but you refused. You will pay for this. Either karma will teach you a lesson, or I will make you a miserable person."

The man gritted his teeth, angered by Ethan's words, while Ethan and Elizabeth walked away under the rain. The security guard watched in shock at what had unfolded.

As Ethan and Elizabeth left, Melissa, their uncle's wife, unleashed a torrent of insults at him. She was furious to discover that the man she married could behave so heartlessly. If it weren't for their children, she would have filed for divorce that very night.


Ethan and Elizabeth made their way to the house of their Uncle Mike and Lucas. Although the two men had their differences, they were always there for each other.

In the rain-soaked streets, they flagged down a truck whose driver happened to be a kind farmer. The farmer generously gave them a free ride to their destination.

Grateful, Ethan thanked the farmer and looked ahead with hope as they approached the grand mansion. It was a jackpot—a chance at finding warmth.

"Jackpot!" he exclaimed, his smile growing as he and Elizabeth walked through the doors of the mansion. The security guard, taken aback by the sight of two drenched children in the night, let them in without question.

As Ethan knocked on the door, a familiar, welcoming face appeared. "Ethan! Elizabeth... come in... don't stay out in the rain!"

"Uncle Mike!" Ethan's heart warmed as he and his sister walked inside. The house was spacious and impeccably clean, without a speck of dust.

"I heard about your father, my brother. Are you okay?" Uncle Mike asked sympathetically.

Ethan shook his head. "My sister needs..."

"Say no more, I know she's allergic to the cold," Uncle Mike interrupted, his smile slightly suspicious.

"Oh!" Ethan clutched his sister tightly, not wanting to be separated from her. "Thank you..."

"Let me make some tea. I'm sure you both would like something warm after spending so long in the rain."


"And come meet the others. Lucas and Robert are still around," Uncle Mike said warmly.

"Really?" Ethan asked, surprised by the offer.

"Thank you," Elizabeth and Ethan expressed their gratitude in unison.

"I'm glad Mike let you both in. And I'm truly sorry for your loss," Uncle Lucas added, offering a sympathetic smile. 

Mike and Lucas were twins who always stuck together. The only noticeable difference between them was their eye color, with Mike having blue eyes and Lucas having brown. Standing at 6'1" tall, they seemed to embody their mother's saying, "Their height speaks volumes about their foolishness."

"... Thank you," Ethan murmured, his eyes reflecting sadness.

"Uncle Mike," Elizabeth called out.

"Yes?" he replied.

"Could I please have a hot bath?"

"Why even ask? Go ahead," he responded.

Without warning, Ethan chimed in, "So, can I use the bathroom? I've been holding it in for a long time."

"Sure! Go ahead, both of you!" Mike smiled.

As they rushed upstairs and disappeared from sight, the smiles on their uncles' faces vanished, replaced by anger and disgust.

"I can't believe we had to put on those fake smiles," Uncle Lucas fumed.

"Couldn't agree more!" complained Robert. "It's beyond annoying!"

Uncle Mike walked in with a smile and remarked, "Looks like our niece and nephew will have some company soon!"

Just as he finished speaking, a group of men in black burst into the room.

The man with a scar, seemingly their leader, demanded, "Where are they?"

"Upstairs. The girl is taking a bath and the boy is in the bathroom," Mike informed them.

"Alright," he smiled. Turning to his men, he instructed, "Go capture both of them."

In a rush, the men stormed upstairs. The leader then turned back to the three uncles and said, "You will be paid. And I'm confident they will fetch a good price, whether as slaves or whatever else. It's not every day we come across new children."

Moments later, one of the men in black returned downstairs, shaking his head. "They're not there!"

"What?" The leader and the three uncles gasped.

"The bathroom window was open, and on the wall, there was a message written in blood. It said, 'Fuck You Mike, Lucas, and Robert! Do you think your smiles can deceive us? May you all burn in Hell after facing the consequences of my wrath.' And that's all," he reported.

"Those children!" Uncle Mike exclaimed in frustration.

"They slipped away during this storm. Impressive, they are truly something else," the leader smiled to himself.

Meanwhile, as he continued in his thoughts and the three uncles continued to curse, Ethan and Elizabeth had long since left, far away from the house and the town. It was then that they realized the world they lived in was a wicked place.


In the present time, Ethan slowly made his way towards a fruit store. Hunger had consumed him to the point where he was unrecognizable. Even his own mother wouldn't be able to recognize him if she were there. Standing beside the store, he contemplated the perfect moment to grab an apple, a pineapple, or maybe even a grape.

As he observed the people bustling around, engaged in buying and selling, he couldn't help but recall the time when his Aunt Roseline had ordered the guards not to let them in when they had come begging for her help. Even when they called out to her while she was outside, she purposefully ignored them, causing the guards to take pity on them.

Shaking his head, Ethan tried to push that painful memory aside. It hurt him more than when Uncle Mike, Lucas, and Robert attempted to sell them. Taking a deep breath, Ethan uttered, "The karma that will befall those men who killed my family and those useless uncles and aunt who abandoned us will be brought by me!"

Instantly, anger welled up within him, and the sounds around him faded away, leaving him in a void. A red flame suddenly materialized in the midst of the void, beckoning Ethan towards it. The intensity of his anger fueled the flame, causing it to transform into a creature from the depths, resembling a demon from hell.

"What?" He exclaimed in confusion and shock, observing the creature with a wide, maniacal smile as it drew closer to him.

"What...?" Fear gripped him as the creature approached, causing Ethan to tremble. "What... are... you?"

With a chilling response, the creature finally spoke, "I am you. Your anger. Your grudge. Your sadness. Your tears. I am a reflection of you."