
Shadow's Dawn

An anomaly wandering in a new world

WoodPlease · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New Identity

The creature arrived at the deserted park, its eyes scanning the area for any signs of life. The park was filled with overgrown grass, and the rusted playground equipment was barely visible. The creature continued its search, eventually finding the isolated restroom. As it entered the building, it couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over it. This was a perfect hiding spot.

The isolated restroom was a small, run-down building with a rusted sign that read "Out of Order." The walls were covered in peeling paint, and the floor was littered with broken tiles. The windows were boarded up, letting in only a sliver of light from the lamp posts outside that illuminated the dirty sink and toilet. The space that had seen better days. The walls were covered in graffiti and peeling paint. The sink was rusted and the tap dripped slowly, creating an eerie rhythm in the silence. Above the sink, an old and partly broken mirror hung, reflecting the creature's distorted image.

It took a step closer, studying its reflection with a hint of dissatisfaction. Its transformation wasn't as perfect as it had hoped. Some of the details on its body were incomplete, giving it a sort of fake appearance. Its skin was too smooth on some areas and its hair was too stiff.

The creature carefully readjusted its transformation, correcting the inconsistencies in its appearance. It browsed through the man's memories, searching for any information that could help it blend in better. The memories of the man with the opposite gender caught its attention, and the creature delved deeper, studying every detail. It used this newfound knowledge to adjust its transformation, smoothing out the rough edges and making its features look more natural. After a few minutes of meticulous work, the creature was satisfied with its new appearance.

The creature's transformation was now complete, and it stood 5 feet 8 inches tall with waist-length red hair and bangs framing its cute nose. Its lips were now a shade of pinkish-red, adding a touch of natural beauty to its face. The creature's transformation had included medium-sized breasts that blended seamlessly with the rest of its feminine figure. The creature had used memories from the man's mind to fill in the gaps and create a more natural appearance. Overall, the creature looked like a human woman with a strikingly beautiful appearance.

The creature stood in front of the mirror, muttering to itself. "Beatrice Lockwell. Beatrice Lockwell. I am Beatrice Lockwell." It practiced walking, swaying its hips in a feminine manner. "I must walk like a human female," it said to itself. "It must look natural." It then spoke again, "I am human. She is human. Beatrice Lockwell is a human woman." Suddenly, it heard a noise outside the restroom and quickly stopped practicing. "Someone is coming," it whispered to itself.

Suddenly, the beam of a flashlight shone through the boarded-up windows of the restroom. "Hello?" a voice called out. "Is anyone there?" Beatrice held her breath and dimmed her golden eyes, blending into the shadows almost turning ethereal in it.

After a few moments, the person with the flashlight walked away, and Beatrice let out a small sigh of relief. She stepped out of the shadows and leaned against the wall, taking a moment to collect herself. As she stood there, she thought about what her next move should be. She needed to find a way to blend in and survive in this world, but she had no money, no home, and no identity.

Beatrice began to search through the man's memories, trying to find any useful information. She learned about cash and how it was used to buy things in this world. She saw images of people exchanging pieces of paper and metal coins for goods and services. Beatrice realized that she needed to find a way to get her hands on some of this cash if she wanted to survive. She made a mental note to keep an eye out for any opportunity to earn some money, and she began to plan her next steps.

Beatrice delved deeper into the man's memories.

"Come on, come on, there must be something here," she muttered impatiently.

The memories she saw were a mix of mundane and strange, but nothing that seemed particularly helpful.

As she searched further, she noticed that the man had not been very good with money. He had spent his earnings recklessly on trivial things, like gambling and expensive meals. "You idiot," Beatrice muttered under her breath, shaking her head in disbelief. She continued tapping her foot on the ground as she tried to come up with a plan.

Beatrice's frustration mounted as she realized that she had no proper clothes to begin with. Without them, she wouldn't be able to move around properly and would stand out like a sore thumb. Grinding her teeth in frustration, she began to pace back and forth in the isolated restroom, trying to come up with a solution. Suddenly, she lifted her hand and slowly began using her magic. Tendrils of smoke-like shadow appeared around her hand, twisting and swirling.

"Darkness is my friend," Beatrice muttered to herself as she closed her eyes and focused on the shadows around her. She allowed them to envelop her, becoming one with the night. As she blended into the darkness, memories of the man taking other people's things flooded her mind. It might be a good idea, she thought to herself, to take what she needed. The shadows would provide her with the perfect cover, allowing her to move quickly and undetected. With newfound confidence, Beatrice set off into the night, her form obscured by the tendrils of smoke-like shadow that swirled around her.

Beatrice stalked through the night, her form becoming one with the shadows as she moved silently through the town. She sorted through the man's memories, searching for any information on where the best loot could be found. As she searched, she began to realize that the man was completely lacking in anything useful. She needed more memories, and fast.

She glanced around, her golden eyes scanning the empty streets. She needed to find someone else, someone with better memories. Someone who could help her get what she needed. She moved through the darkness like a ghost, her tendrils of shadow stretching out around her as she searched for her next target.

As Beatrice was stalking through the night, she spotted a teenage boy slowly cycling along an empty street. She immediately dispelled her shadows as she hid in a nearby alley, observing him. After a few moments, Beatrice slowly walked out of the alley with a feminine gait, just like one of the women she saw in the man's memories.

Beatrice couldn't help but smile inwardly as she saw the boy's starstruck expression. She had been practicing her feminine demeanor and it seemed to be working, at least on teenage boys. As the boy cycled towards a pothole, his eyes still locked on Beatrice, he fell off his bike and hit his head on the ground, passing out.

"Well, that worked out one way or another."

As Beatrice rummaged through the boy's memories, her eyes widened as she found information about a wealthy neighborhood nearby. She could almost see the grand mansions with their fancy cars and wide gardens in her mind's eye. She grinned to herself. It was time to make her move.