
Shadow's Blade

What happens when petty God's toy with your life. Well you get he only demon taht can kill a God

Chamiel_Ahir · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Unknowingly this would be the catalyst for the start of the next Great War. Lira would look at me with shock and confusion. She would stammer. "D-daughter." she would repeat as tears swell up in her eyes. She would rush to me as she buried her head into my chest. Crying what I'd hope at the time being tears of joy. There would be hushed whispers among the crowd as they all whispered "Is she really our great hero's child?"

I would pick her up into my arms as she cried onto my shoulder. I would use a shadow step to teleport everyone back home. Sophie was panicking. And Aria would comfort Lira as she clung to me like a little child not wanting to leave. I would chuckle at this as Aria jabbed me shaking her head. I would comfort Lira as she held on to me. she was scared at first. Now let me introduce myself to my sweet pumpkin. I muttered as I turned to face her.

"I am…." she would cut me off as she gleefully announced you are … My biggest hero. You are thee, Smiling Demon. There's a statue made in your honour. I made drawings and bracelets For this moment. She would rush off to her room as she came back with her drawing a lot of them. And a lot of bracelets. All decorated in beautiful styles and colours. She would be so excited when I saw her drawings. I would marvel at the intricacies of how she made it.

Well the person you described is well me. Now let me show you the real smiling demon your dad. I would caress her cheeks. As I said softly " well I am your daddy and my name is Aiden Ashwood." "Oh…you also have the same last name like my mommies and me?" I chuckled at her naivety as I said yes I do. "Now 2nd, how do you like having two mommies?" I asked in a serious tone she glanced at Aria then at Sophie as a bug smile crept across her cheeks.

"It's the best. Mommy Aria takes me to the park and helps me with homework and mommy Sophie makes the best food ever. And she is very pretty and mommy Aria is so pretty that one day I'll marry them both." I chuckled at her innocent response. I see, do you know that both your mommies are super duper excited to also marry you?

"But only if you're a good girl ok?" Sophie chimed in as she paced around the house. Now can you do me a favour? Can mommy Aria and mommy Sophie talk a little bit? While you do your homework. She would start to gasp and she sighed ok. I would then use a magic trick to pull a chocolate bar out of her ear making her smile as she was stunned looking for more.

This is for you for doing such a brilliant job today at the elvish trials ok kiddo. I watched the whole thing. It was awesome. With a little more practice you could even beat the mighty smiling demon. Lira's eyes would grow big in joy as those words lingered in the air.

She would go to her bag taking out her headphones playing some music. As she did her homework. I looked at Sophie and Aria. As I said with a heavy sigh "ok we might be on the verge of a great war. The things I've been monitoring and the kingdom's I protect all seemed like they were waiting for that one mistake to pull the trigger. " My tone was serious as I continued. "between the demi human kingdom and spider kingdom and elven kingdom. "

"Now with the fact that they may target you as my family. Please keep safe ok im gonna do some stuff to keep you safe in work. As I work from home on meetings with various representatives of the direct kingdoms under my protection." I started as I ate some chocolate. I'll try to keep You in the loop at all times ok.

An idea came to mind: can Lira focus her magic to one point? I asked Sophie as she nodded in pure genuine joy. I would grab a bunch of bracelets that Lira made imbuing it with my mana Signature so that if you were in danger. It would attract me to your location instantly. I gave one to Sophie and to Aria. Then I tapped Lira "honey. Can you promise to always wear this? I asked with a smile."

She would enthusiastically pit it on and now I would all three mana signatures. Now let's relax as I have some time to kill. Aria and Sophie Aria you asked for the special moulding metal. Here you go. Aria took it in enthusiastically and hugged me as my face Went beet red, my heart skipped a Beat. "Sophie this is yours it's a temporal space rift."

"It's for all your gauntlets and weapons and outfits all in one to be stored. And this is for both of you. I made it. It's basically A battle suit that functions With weapons and becomes normal home clothes when you want all with a

command.Now let's see" Sophie would cut me off by kissing me which left me in a blubbering mess like a child that was just kissed by a cute girl.

A few days of radio silence would pass. Between all kingdom's. As the tension could literally be cut with a knife. Then all hell would break loose. Demons would suddenly sprout out like flies drawn to a pile of shit. As demonic rifts opened everywhere. First the dragonite's fell victim then the demi human kingdom. I would be in a stupor as my mana shadows Began disappearing one after the other. I would head to the elven kingdom queen.

My lady, please we need to close down the kingdom till We can secure the other kingdom. The queen looked distracted as she pondered what to do as advisers disagreed with me. Arguing that demons Would never try to attack us with me here. I would chuckle a little as I stated bluntly you can't know that. We need to keep our citizens safe please. I will be at the forefront of heeding the elvish armies along with my wife Sophia and Aria. As for my daughter, she is too young To witness the true horror of war. Like I once did.