
Shades of the New World

.. "Strive for eternity or strive for true death, lest your broken existence returns to haunt you once more..." A higher power gave Evin, a lingering spirit who wandered Earth for three centuries, the chance to reincarnate in the realm of the Final Empress, reminding him that the solitary existence he just went through might come back to haunt him again. Follow the spirit, as he lives through his second life inside a broken Empire, one ruled by an indifferent Goddess, trying his hand at the Worlds of magic, the only clue he knew about eternity. What choices will he make in his second chance at life? Will he reach his desired immortality, or will he only be able to achieve a questionable alternative? --------------------------------- Cover credits go to Bactewia. Here's a link to her Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNPrJRJF_16/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

NakedApron · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
288 Chs

The body of the woman

His curiousity began to spike to very dangerous levels.

"How does this involve the Empress?" Evin continued his questions but an annoyed-psycho-glare from Four shut him up.

"You know what? Don't fucking worry about it, alright? Just learn well under me, burn that fucking giant tree down to the ground and you can fucking leave," Four suddenly burst out at Evin. 

The boy tactfully shut his mouth. 

'Why do you speak without pausing when you're swearing at someone?' Evin complained in his head. 

Four walked back and forth in an annoyed way, her eyes darting about, until she finally stopped and stood in front of the silent Evin. She stared at Evin for a few seconds, her mouth twitching itself into a smile.

'What does she want? Is she trying to kill me?'