
Shades of the New World

.. "Strive for eternity or strive for true death, lest your broken existence returns to haunt you once more..." A higher power gave Evin, a lingering spirit who wandered Earth for three centuries, the chance to reincarnate in the realm of the Final Empress, reminding him that the solitary existence he just went through might come back to haunt him again. Follow the spirit, as he lives through his second life inside a broken Empire, one ruled by an indifferent Goddess, trying his hand at the Worlds of magic, the only clue he knew about eternity. What choices will he make in his second chance at life? Will he reach his desired immortality, or will he only be able to achieve a questionable alternative? --------------------------------- Cover credits go to Bactewia. Here's a link to her Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNPrJRJF_16/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

NakedApron · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
288 Chs


"Alright," Evin said.

"Portals can be generally divided into three types: combat portals, material portals and energy portals. Combat portals are self-explanatory, material portals are for teleporting physical objects and also people, and energy portals are mostly used to transport energy. An example would be engravings that transport mana to your Mana Complex. I won't teach you all of them at the same time so you'll have to spend some time learning one of them before I decide whether to teach you one of the other two. We'll start with combat and work our way up since those are the easiest." 

"Okay," Evin replied simply.

"Let's see… As you've seen before, combat portals are the main method of offense and defense for Cosmics. The portals I used to cut at people and the portal armor that I can create, they're all classified as Combat portals, but let's first start with offensive ones," Rith began.